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About this lesson
Use Copilot to rewrite and edit paragraphs in a document.
Exercise files
Download this lesson’s related exercise files.
4.02 rewrite-and-edit-documents - Exercise.docx5.2 MB 4.02 rewrite-and-edit-documents - Exercise solution.docx
5.3 MB 04-02-Rewrite and Edit Documents-Start.docx
23.8 KB 04-02-Rewrite and Edit Documents-Finish.docx
24.7 KB 4-02-Word Exercise-Start.docx
22 KB 4-02-Word Exercise-Finish.docx
22.9 KB
Quick reference
Rewrite and Edit Documents
Rewrite, visualize information, and edit documents using Copilot.
When to use
We use Copilot to make changes to documents whenever we need a quick way to summarize information, convert text to tables, and reword paragraphs.
Visualize as Table
We can select any text in the document and quickly convert it to a Word table.
- Select the bulleted text.
- Click the Copilot tag.
- Choose Visualize as table.
Copilot will convert the paragraphs to a table. We can use the Table Design ribbon to apply formatting.
Rewrite with Copilot
We can rewrite any paragraph using Copilot.
- Select the paragraph.
- Click the Copilot tag.
- Choose Rewrite with Copilot.
We can regenerate, refine, delete, change the tone, or make a change to the rewrite.
- Change the tone to Imaginative.
- Click Regenerate.
Once we are happy with the rewrite we can insert the new text below the selected paragraph or replace it.
- Click Replace.
Make a Change
We can make further changes to our document using the Copilot pane.
- From the Home tab, click the Copilot button.
- Type the prompt: 'Change the title of the document to bold font'.
If Copilot is unable to make the change, instruction text will show in the Copilot pane.
Copilot Lab
The Copilot Lab contains preset templates for use in our documents. We can look for recipes, write an introduction, write a marketing plan, and much more.
- Choose the Take notes in a class prompt.
Copilot will create a mini-template that we can copy and paste into a document.
Hints & tips
- When we visualize text as a table, the original text will not be deleted by default.
- To save a template in the Copilot Lab, click the bookmark icon in the corner. Templates can be retrieved from the Saved prompts area.
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