Locked lesson.
About this lesson
In this lesson, we examine how to create a chart, chart elements, and format elements.
Quick reference
Charts: Basics
Charts is a great tool that will help to visually represent your data.
When to use
When you prepare reports or create dashboards, using charts is invaluable to visually compare numbers month to month or one item to another. This is a very basic video introducing you to charts and some of the possibilities when using charts.
- Charts resides on the Insert menu, charts grouping
- Recommended charts may be a quick solution to what you are looking for, so don't forget to check it out
- Moving and resizing is as easy as it is to move and resize pictures
- Holding the ALT key when moving help to snap the chart in line with other columns and rows
- To change data included in the chart, right-click in the chart area and click on select data
- Edit, add and delete data series here
- Formatting options:
- Heading / Title
- Change formatting in the task pane to the right of the screen, at the top you can select the element you need to change and then look at the available options
- Chart elements and styles can be adjusted with the two buttons on the top right-hand side, just outside the chart
- Axis can be edited, from number formats to number increments
- Series can be formatted by clicking on the series and making adjustments in the task pane
- Charts can work with filters and also slicers
- 00:04 Charts really need no introduction in Excel.
- 00:07 A chart is data presented in picture format.
- 00:11 To add a chart, click anywhere in your data, click on Insert,
- 00:14 and there's a bunch of buttons with various chart types you can click.
- 00:19 Or click on Recommended Charts and Excel will give you some options,
- 00:22 It's as easy as that.
- 00:25 The option that Excel gives you there's one or two things you should know.
- 00:28 First, you can move this chart wherever you want, just click and drag, but
- 00:32 also you can format the chart Excel gives you so
- 00:35 that it looks the way that you want it to look.
- 00:38 Charts are a great way to visually tell a story with your data.
- 00:42 And if you understand the basics of how charts work in Excel,
- 00:45 you'll be able to draw out those specific details that have the biggest impact.
- 00:50 We can'T add value until you understand the basics.
- 00:53 So let's just look at the basics in this lesson.
- 00:56 I'm going to move this chart.
- 00:58 And if you hold the Alt key while moving it, the chart snaps in line with
- 01:02 the column and row, so that's a nice way to align your chart.
- 01:06 And we can expand the size of the chart horizontally by clicking and
- 01:10 dragging the sizing handle.
- 01:12 You'll see that the chart looks a bit off at the end because it includes the total
- 01:17 column.
- 01:19 But if I click on the chart, it highlights the data that it has selected for
- 01:23 this chart.
- 01:24 And I can just click and drag the data to deselect the total, so
- 01:29 it's not included in the chart.
- 01:33 The main thing that you need to see is this chart plot area.
- 01:37 The plot area is in the middle of the chart, I can right-click and select data.
- 01:44 And this is almost the heart of it, it shows you the data range.
- 01:48 I don't think it needs to select row three here, it only really needs row four.
- 01:53 And that's good enough so we can change that.
- 01:55 And you can see that doesn't make any changes to our chart.
- 01:59 Now, we've got series California, Oregon, and Washington.
- 02:03 If I click on the series and hit Edit, it shows you the label.
- 02:09 It's also the label that you have down here at the bottom,
- 02:15 it shows you the range.
- 02:17 You can remove a series or you can add a series.
- 02:21 If we open up a shop in a different state for example, we can go into the data
- 02:25 source here and click on Add a series, and then tell it where to find the data.
- 02:31 Now, sometimes Excel interprets what you have incorrectly and
- 02:35 it puts data in the horizontal axis that you really don't want there.
- 02:40 And you might want to swap the axis data around.
- 02:43 Well, you can click on the switch row and column button.
- 02:48 Now doing it for this example, it looks pretty bad.
- 02:51 But this is still a nice feature for you to remember when you want to swap
- 02:55 the axis values without having to change your entire data set around.
- 03:01 So that's a nice feature to know.
- 03:03 But everything else is pretty much formatting at this point.
- 03:07 I can make our chart title dynamic.
- 03:10 What you do is click the title, and then type the formula in the formula toolbar,
- 03:15 equals and then click on a cell, that's very nice.
- 03:19 If I change the text in that field, my heading will update.
- 03:23 All right, what else can we format?
- 03:25 I'll click on an element in the chart.
- 03:27 Let's click on the sales axis on the left.
- 03:30 We right-click, Format Axis, and
- 03:32 the format task pane pops up on the right side.
- 03:36 And if you want to, you can close it with an X, but
- 03:39 all the chart elements you can edit are listed in this pull down here at the top.
- 03:44 Click it and you see chart options, text options, or
- 03:47 only chart options depending on which element you've chosen.
- 03:51 In the Text Options, you can choose fancy text or
- 03:55 you can choose the color transparency.
- 03:58 Outline if you want, make it look really nice.
- 04:01 Your chart options vary from this, fill in line, other effects, size, and position.
- 04:08 Let's look at our horizontal axis options we get even more options.
- 04:12 But one thing I see with my vertical axis, all my numbers have two decimals.
- 04:18 It gets it from the table above where I use the accounting format, and
- 04:22 I use two decimals.
- 04:24 So now that access mirrors same thing, but in my access options,
- 04:29 there's an option to change the number format.
- 04:33 I just want to get rid of the decimals here without changing my table.
- 04:36 So we can go in, go down to number, and change decimal places to 0.
- 04:42 And now I have no more decimals, that's much cleaner.
- 04:48 It's at this point I might decide, this line chart is okay, but
- 04:52 I'd rather try a column chart.
- 04:54 Well, we can change my chart type.
- 04:56 Just right-click on the plot area, change chart type, and
- 05:00 I can just click on the type that I want.
- 05:03 So there's column, click OK.
- 05:05 And that's easy enough, ahere's all my data in a column chart.
- 05:10 All the editing that I've done so far is still in place.
- 05:14 We can also format our series.
- 05:17 If we go over to the sidebar, click the pulldown, and
- 05:19 choose a series like California.
- 05:22 One of the things we can mess around with is this series overlap.
- 05:25 I can overlap the bars on the chart.
- 05:28 Let's try, say a 20% overlap.
- 05:33 So the lines kind of fold over one another.
- 05:36 Well, I don't really like that.
- 05:38 Let's try something else.
- 05:40 We can also control the gaps in between the columns.
- 05:44 So let's try something like we can type in 50.
- 05:47 Or we can use the slider and pull it to the left or right.
- 05:51 That closes the gaps up.
- 05:53 Okay.
- 05:56 I can also add chart elements, you can add more than what we already see here,
- 06:00 we can add data labels and it would add the values for each data item.
- 06:05 No, all you have to do to kind of try this out is mouse over the option and
- 06:09 you'll see it on the screen, but looking at it, data labels for
- 06:12 everything would be a bit chaotic.
- 06:15 So I'm not going to add that, but if you want to find those,
- 06:17 just click on your chart.
- 06:19 And then the quick add button is that plus sign on the right hand side.
- 06:24 It also sits under the chart design tab at the top.
- 06:27 And then add chart elements.
- 06:30 You can also quickly apply some alternate chart styles.
- 06:34 Click on the paintbrush to the right of the chart and it's all there for
- 06:37 you to try out.
- 06:40 And one last kind of fun tool is the chart filter.
- 06:44 I have my very fancy chart here.
- 06:46 I don't want to edit it.
- 06:47 But I would love to see just the California data if possible.
- 06:51 Well, of course it's possible, click in the chart filter, and
- 06:56 check off only California.I could also choose specific dates if I wanted to.
- 07:02 But let's go with just California.
- 07:05 Now I've got my very pretty nicely formatted chart only for
- 07:08 the California data.
- 07:09 And that's great.
- 07:11 But if I changed my mind, hey, we go back into the filter options,
- 07:16 Select all that apply, and it's back to normal.
- 07:21 So that's charts in a nutshell.
- 07:23 There are so many options for you to choose from,
- 07:26 to make your charts unique and compelling In fact,
- 07:29 we've got a whole course just on charts, but for now, those are the basics.
- 07:34 So enjoy.
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