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Using a combination of the INDEX() and MATCH() functions to dynamically restate the dashboard source information
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Quick reference
Pinpoint Data With INDEX(MATCH())
Leveraging the INDEX() and MATCH() functions together.
When to use
A combination of INDEX() and MATCH() can be used to dynamically restate your data, based upon user inputs. This function combination is essential for creating interactive dashboards.
The INDEX() function syntax
- Excel Syntax: =INDEX(array,row_num,[col_num])
- What it does: allows you to retrieve a data point from a rectangular range based on its x/y coordinates
Basic Example
- Assume a range of B2:B4 that holds “Cat, Dog, Mouse”
- The following formula would return “Dog”: =INDEX(B2:B4,2,1)
- Why: We are returning the second row from the first column of the data set
Why INDEX and MATCH compliment each other
- Since MATCH() returns a value, this function can be used to feed the INDEX() functions coordinates
Example of INDEX and MATCH
- Assume A1 = “Dog”
- Assume A3 = “March”
- Assume a table from B6:F18 that has month names in column B and animal names across row 6
- You need to return value of the intersection between the Dog column and the March row
- =INDEX(B6:F18,MATCH(A3,B6:B18,0),MATCH(A1,B6:F6,0))
- B6:F18 is the range of data that holds the entire table we want to look at
- The 1st MATCH function looks for “March” in B6:B18 and returns the numeric position of that data indicating the row to look across
- The 2nd MATCH function looks for “Dog” in B6:F6 and returns the numeric position of that data indicating the column to look in
Hints & tips
- If copying the INDEX/MATCH combinations to multiple cells, it is a good idea to lock the data tables in using absolute referencing
- To avoid having to use absolute referencing for the tables, point to named ranges or Excel tables
- 00:04 We're now gonna look at another dynamics function which is called index.
- 00:09 And this one's gonna work the opposite way of what we did with match,
- 00:12 although they're very complimentary as you'll see.
- 00:15 I'm going to go and drop into the cell here, category.
- 00:18 I'm going to put in number four.
- 00:20 What if I want to restate this particular cell,
- 00:24 in order to actually pick up the fourth category?
- 00:27 Well, the function for working with this is called equals index.
- 00:31 And what index does, it takes three parameters, potentially.
- 00:34 We're going to work with this top format here.
- 00:37 What it says is what's the array?
- 00:39 Well, the array here for me is gonna be my products list.
- 00:42 And then it says, what row number would you like?
- 00:45 At which point I’m gonna pick up the category number.
- 00:48 I optionally have the column number but there's only one column here.
- 00:51 So I'm just gonna close my parenthesis and hit Enter.
- 00:54 And you'll notice this brings me back to accessories.
- 00:57 If I were to go and change my category to one it will bring me back tents and
- 01:01 two it will bring me back sleeping bags.
- 01:04 So that actually works out quite nicely.
- 01:07 Now what if I wanted to go and
- 01:09 control also to say how do I pick up a date if were to put in say seven?
- 01:15 Maybe I want it to pick up July.
- 01:17 Being the seventh month, that would make sense.
- 01:19 So I'm gonna come over here.
- 01:20 And I'm gonna say equals index.
- 01:24 And I'll select my data range.
- 01:29 Comma.
- 01:30 And it says what row?
- 01:31 Well, there's only one row.
- 01:33 And it's not an optional parameter here.
- 01:35 As you can see, there's no square brackets in the IntelliSense.
- 01:38 So I'm gonna type in my one, because I have to have that.
- 01:41 And then it says, comma, what column number would you like?
- 01:44 Well, this is where I'm going to pick up seven and close the parentheses.
- 01:49 And when I hit Enter, you'll notice that it comes back with July.
- 01:52 I can also go and pick up number four, which would return April.
- 01:56 So if I know my numeric position,
- 01:57 it's very very easy using index to actually get some information back.
- 02:02 Why is this so useful and important to us?
- 02:04 It's because we can actually combine index and
- 02:07 match together to restate our dashboard data.
- 02:10 Let's say that I want to restate this every time somebody changes sleeping bags
- 02:15 so that I actually pull back the appropriate data.
- 02:17 From the big table up above, whether it's tarps, or tents, or whatever.
- 02:22 So the way that I can do this is I can say equals index.
- 02:27 Open parenthesis, and it says, where's the array of your data?
- 02:30 Well, it happens to be this great big large range of this entire say data set.
- 02:35 Now it's always really important if you're gonna copy your formulas around
- 02:39 to make sure you lock them in by pressing F4 so
- 02:41 that you get them set up with the dollar signs to make them absolute.
- 02:45 So that's the data range, it's that big two dimensional array.
- 02:49 Now the question is, well, what row number and column number do you need?
- 02:53 Well, this is where the match function actually comes in really,
- 02:55 really useful, because what are we looking for?
- 02:58 Well, we're looking for a match where it equals sleeping bags.
- 03:01 So I'm going to lock that in by pressing F4, and
- 03:05 it says, where would I find sleeping bags?
- 03:07 Well, I'd find sleeping bags by looking in this entire set right here.
- 03:15 And we'll lock that in as absolute as well and then will say comma,
- 03:19 give me an exact match.
- 03:22 Now the challenge with this is that if I'm looking for my actuals for
- 03:25 row 38 what's the numeric position sleeping bags going to bring me back?
- 03:30 It's going to bring me back row ten.
- 03:32 So, I actually need to add one to this to move down a row to get into my revenue.
- 03:39 Comma.
- 03:40 So that will give me the correct row.
- 03:41 And now I need to match and say which column do I want to pull back.
- 03:47 Because I've started writing my formula from January I'm
- 03:50 gonna click on January and I'll lock this guy down here as well.
- 03:56 Actually let's lock him into just the row.
- 03:58 Cuz maybe we can copy this formula down in a second.
- 04:00 And then we're gonna say, where's the look up array for that?
- 04:05 And this is the tricky part with this.
- 04:06 Cuz remember that every table is a two dimensional array.
- 04:09 Notice how we selected this entire block to start with.
- 04:12 We also started when we looked in our row blocked.
- 04:14 To go from all of column A.
- 04:16 To look in our columns we start again in column A and come all the way across.
- 04:20 So there's three sections to an index block.
- 04:23 It's a two dimensional array that has your data area.
- 04:25 On the left hand side you've got your row headers, and
- 04:28 on your top row you've got your column headers.
- 04:31 I'm gonna lock this guy in as well and say comma zero for an exact match.
- 04:37 Close my parenthesis twice.
- 04:40 And at this point, because I selected the entire row here and
- 04:44 wrote my formula from this perspective.
- 04:46 Because I set up all of my formulas with correct
- 04:50 relative references, I can hit CTRL+Enter.
- 04:55 And lock this formula in.
- 04:57 It's now restated my data for sleeping bags.
- 05:00 I should also now be able to actually copy this formula and paste it down one row.
- 05:07 Of course it gives me the same data, why,
- 05:10 because I offset when I found sleeping bag down one row, which pulled the revenue.
- 05:15 I want to go down two rows to get the budget.
- 05:18 So all I should need to do, is go back in, change my plus one to make it plus two.
- 05:24 CTRL+Enter and at this point we should get the correct budget data.
- 05:29 How cool is this?
- 05:30 Well, now I can say give me the data for tents and
- 05:36 it should return the right values.
- 05:37 Go and change one thing, give me the data now for tarps and ground sheets and
- 05:41 it restates the entire piece.
- 05:43 And if you notice that the chart on the right hand side, because the chart is
- 05:48 based off of this data, it updates right away based on the choice I made here.
- 05:53 And this is actually one of the best practices when you're building your chart
- 05:57 is just to actually set up a specific data range to chart from.
- 06:01 Because you can then make that dynamic to pull from your original source data and
- 06:05 get it into the format that you want.
- 06:07 This is ideally set up for the chart.
- 06:09 Everything is ideally set up for humans to maintain.
- 06:12 So this is the secret of working with index combined with match to pull back
- 06:16 the specific data points you need.
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