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About this lesson
Learn to create top/bottom and highlight cell rules, as well as to apply icon sets and data bars.
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Quick reference
Conditional formatting – built-in rules.
Creating top/bottom and highlight cell rules, as well as applying icon sets and data bars.
Where/when to use the technique
Conditional formatting is used to highlight key pieces of data that meets certain conditions. It reacts dynamically, updating when the underlying data is changed.
Creating Top/Bottom Rules
- Select C6:C11, go to the Home tab --> Conditional Formatting --> Top/Bottom Rules --> Top 10
- Change the 10 to 2, and change the format to “Green Fill with Dark Green Text”
- Click OK and the top 2 items will be highlighted
- Go back to Conditional Formatting --> Top/Bottom Rules --> Bottom 10
- Change the 10 to 2, and change the format to “Light Red Fill with Dark Red Text”
- Now the bottom 2 items will be highlighted
- Change C9 to 10,000 and notice the formats update
Creating Highlight Cells Rules
- Select D6:D11
- Go to the Home tab --> Conditional Formatting --> Highlight Cells Rules --> Greater Than...
- Set address value to $D$4 and apply Yellow Fill with Dark Yellow Text
- Change D4 to 25,000 and notice only one cell is highlighted
Creating Icon Sets
- Select E6:E11 and go to the Home tab --> Conditional Formatting --> Icon Sets
- Pick the stars
- Notice the top 2 will have full stars, one will have a half star and the others empty stars
Creating Data Bars
- Select E6:E11 and go to the Home tab --> Conditional Formatting --> Data Bars
- Choose your favorite color
- Notice that the bars show the numbers in proportion to the others in the selected range
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- 00:04 In this video we're going to look at conditional formatting and were going to
- 00:08 see how it can allow us to get some real quick business insights into our data.
- 00:12 Before we start though I do want to point out that all of the data in
- 00:14 the spreadsheet except for
- 00:16 the founding dates of the distilleries is completely fictitious.
- 00:19 Only the founding dates are actually accurate so
- 00:22 just to be aware of before we get going here.
- 00:25 The first thing that I'd like to do is I'd like to actually figure out which of
- 00:28 the distilleries was founded earliest.
- 00:29 And if I've got a big long list, that can be a little bit challenging.
- 00:32 But with conditional formatting, this is actually quite easy.
- 00:35 So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna select the data that I wanna see here, and
- 00:39 on the home tab I'm gonna go up to conditional formatting.
- 00:41 And I'm gonna go to Top/Bottom Rules, and
- 00:44 you'll notice that I can actually pick up the bottom 10 items.
- 00:48 Now as it happens, I can also change this to say,
- 00:53 you know what, I'd rather say, let's see only the bottom three items.
- 00:59 And I don't really need to see them as a light red text.
- 01:01 This is what I'm actually looking for so I'm gonna go with green.
- 01:04 Cuz this is gonna be the oldest distilleries that exist in
- 01:09 Ila in Scotland.
- 01:10 So there we go, we can see that very quickly where our attention is drawn to
- 01:14 Bowmore, which was the earliest founded, and Ardbeg, and Laghroeg.
- 01:17 So it's kind of an interesting piece there.
- 01:21 Now what if we wanted to actually get some insight quickly as to
- 01:25 how many bottles are produced by each of these distilleries every year?
- 01:28 Again, these numbers being fictitious.
- 01:30 Again, we could use conditional formatting to do this.
- 01:33 So we can go to conditional formatting.
- 01:35 We can go to Highlight Cells Rules.
- 01:37 And let's say that we wanna highlight every distillery that produces
- 01:40 more than 90,000 bottles in a year.
- 01:44 I could enter a value of 90,000 here but
- 01:47 I could also link it directly back to the cell in this case,
- 01:51 which is kind of nice because this means it's gonna be a little bit more dynamic.
- 01:54 I'm gonna fill this one yellow with dark yellow text, for example here.
- 01:59 And say, okay.
- 02:00 So that's kind of cool.
- 02:01 What's even better is that if I change my mind and I said,
- 02:04 I wanna see this 85,000, I can do that and
- 02:07 you can see now that it's actually highlighted some different cells.
- 02:10 So that's kinda cool.
- 02:13 Another conditional formating tool that's really,
- 02:15 really nice is the ability to actually get a very,
- 02:18 very quick identification as to which of these numbers is the largest.
- 02:22 Now you can scan this list it's not extremely long but
- 02:25 picture where you have hundreds of items and
- 02:28 you wanna be able to quickly scan through and see which is the biggest.
- 02:30 We have this nice little tool called data bars.
- 02:34 And what you'll see here is that when we go and actually drop a data bar in here
- 02:39 it draws a little line that sort of goes in behind the cell.
- 02:43 And it measures it proportional to all the other ones.
- 02:46 It's very, very quick to see here in this case that Bunahabhan has the lowest amount
- 02:51 of annual revenues in this fictitious data set as compared to all of the other ones.
- 02:56 It looks like Kalila has by far the largest, well, Kalila and
- 03:00 Arbig are the two largest with Legevoolin coming in next.
- 03:04 What's really nice about this is that these lines draw some very,
- 03:07 very clear pictures right away that your brain is immediately pulled straight into,
- 03:11 which is really, really good.
- 03:12 So, data bars can be a very very useful thing to work with.
- 03:18 Another really kinda neat tool here is icon sets.
- 03:21 So if we have a ranking, say it's a world whiskey ranking of
- 03:25 the quality of the product here, maybe we'd like to try and
- 03:28 figure out which are the top gold star manufacturers here.
- 03:33 So we can use conditional formatting here for that, with icon sets.
- 03:37 I'm gonna go down and pick up this gold star icon set, and you'll notice when I
- 03:42 apply it, what it does is it actually shades the stars proportional to the rest
- 03:46 of the data that's in here, but I might wanna modify that.
- 03:49 I may not be happy with that exactly.
- 03:51 I'd like to see every distillery that's at a 10 have a full gold star.
- 03:55 Anything that's 9 or higher have a half-gold star, so
- 03:58 this one's full right now.
- 03:59 And anything that's less than 9 not have a star at all or just an empty star.
- 04:03 So to do that I'm gonna go to conditional formatting, I'm gonna manage rules and
- 04:07 that will allow me to get into my rule so I'll select it and say Edit Rule.
- 04:13 And you'll notice now that I can change some things and so you know
- 04:15 what I don't really want this based on percent, I'd like this based on a number.
- 04:20 And the number that I'd like to go with is actually sitting in the cell over here.
- 04:25 And you build these rules from the bottom up.
- 04:30 So, we'll say number,
- 04:32 I'm gonna put my largest value over here, which is gonna be 10.
- 04:36 And you'll notice now that when I actually say OK, anything that's greater than or
- 04:41 equal to 10 will have a full gold star.
- 04:43 Greater than or equal to 9 will have a half gold star.
- 04:45 And when we say OK, you can see that that change happens.
- 04:49 Again because I've linked it to a cell though, I can actually make a change very
- 04:53 quickly and say, maybe I don't want to be quite as aggressive with these rankings.
- 04:58 Now we can see full gold stars for 9.5 or higher, and
- 05:01 half a gold star for 8.5 or higher.
- 05:03 So that's how to build some real quick, and
- 05:06 even modify some quick conditional formatting rules.
- 05:09 The one other thing that you wanna be aware of is that it's very easy to clear
- 05:12 your conditional formatting rules.
- 05:14 You can select an area, go back to conditional formatting and
- 05:18 clear rules from your selected cells or your entire sheet as well.
- 05:22 So, Clear Rules here, modify them through Manage Rules and
- 05:26 build them through the interface up above.
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