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About this lesson
Learn to break apart text with the LEFT, RIGHT, MID, FIND and SEARCH functions, and to combine text with the & character.
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Quick reference
Text Functions
Breaking apart text in Excel via the use of the LEFT, RIGHT, MID, FIND, and SEARCH functions, as well as putting it back together using the & character.
When to use
These formulae are extremely helpful when cleaning up data for other uses such as mail merges or lookups scenarios.
Basic text extractions
=LEFT(“Rugby”,3) |
Returns “Rug” |
=RIGHT(“Football”,4) |
Returns “ball” |
=MID(“Bookkeeper”,3,4) |
Returns “okke” (Starts at 3rd character and returns the next 4.) |
Putting text back together
=A1&B1 |
Joins the text in A1 to the text in B1 (without adding any spaces) |
=”Foot”&”Ball” |
Returns “FootBall” |
Finding specific characters
=FIND(“transplant”,”Heart transplant”,1) |
Returns 7. (The position of the first letter of the word we searched for.) |
=FIND(“Transplant”,”Heart transplant”,1) |
Returns #N/A. FIND is does case-sensitive searches, so Transplant is not the same as transplant. |
=SEARCH(“transplant”,”Heart transplant”,1) |
Returns 7. (The position of the first letter of the word we searched for.) |
=SEARCH(“Transplant”,”Heart transplant”,1) |
Returns 7. SEARCH does not perform case-sensitive searches like the FIND function does, so Transplant is the same as transplant. |
Guarding against FIND/SEARCH errors
- Nesting your FIND or SEARCH in an IFERROR function will help guard against the #N/A values.
- =IFERROR(FIND(“transplant”,A1,1),”Not Found!”) will return “Not Found” if the FIND function can’t find “transplant” in A1.
Relative & Absolute Referencing
A relative reference adjusts when you copy the formula. E.g: The formula =A1 copied to cell B1 changes to =B1
An absolute reference never changes. E.g: The formula =$A$1 copied to cell B1 stays =$A$1
When entering formulas, you can specify an absolute cell by manually typing the $ sign; or with the formula selected and highlighted, you can press F4.
Hints & tips
In addition to the ones covered here, there are many other text functions available in Excel.
Login to download- 00:04 Now, when most people think about working with Excel and Excel formulas,
- 00:07 they think about numbers.
- 00:09 But the reality is, Excel actually has a collection of text functions that can be
- 00:13 very useful for extracting and putting data together.
- 00:16 So let's start here.
- 00:17 We're going to start with a function called left.
- 00:19 And what left does, is it takes, the first parameter is some text.
- 00:24 And then it says, how many characters would you like me to return from that?
- 00:28 So I'm going to take 5, and
- 00:29 it will return the left five characters from the text string.
- 00:33 So in this case Kraft.
- 00:34 And if I move this down one row from Cracker Barrel cheese,
- 00:37 we're going to get Crack.
- 00:38 And if I roll and scroll this all the way down, you can see we got Dairy, Minute,
- 00:43 Demp, Schne, which is kind of a little bit weird.
- 00:45 And on the very bottom we have eggs.
- 00:47 Notice that we asked for the first five characters, that weren't five,
- 00:51 so it only gives me four for eggs.
- 00:53 Fair enough.
- 00:55 Let's go ahead and take a look at the right function now, equals right.
- 00:59 Again, we're going to go with Kraft Singles cheese here.
- 01:01 And this time I'm going to go with six, and that should give me cheese.
- 01:06 And now when I roll this down, what do we get?
- 01:09 We get cheese, percent, milk, juice, bread, some ey ham, some arrots, and
- 01:13 again, eggs.
- 01:14 Notice that we asked for six characters.
- 01:17 It looks from the right hand side, it says, hey, there's only four.
- 01:20 I'll give you all the four I got.
- 01:21 No problem.
- 01:23 The next function here, which is super, super useful, is called mid.
- 01:28 And what mid does, is it allows us again to feed it a piece of text, and
- 01:33 then says, what character would you like me to start returning a result from?
- 01:38 And I'm going to say, give me the seventh character.
- 01:40 That's going to be the first character I'm going to return.
- 01:42 And then how many characters would you like me to get?
- 01:44 Well, I'll say seven.
- 01:46 We're going to close the parenthesis on this and hit Enter.
- 01:49 And at this point it gives me Singles.
- 01:51 S is the seventh letter, and Singles is seven characters long,
- 01:55 which is why I chose those numbers.
- 01:58 What happens if I roll this one down here?
- 02:00 Well, we get an r Barre, and 4 leader, and Maid O.
- 02:04 So we get some strange things for sure.
- 02:06 But notice that when we get to eggs, well,
- 02:10 there aren't seven characters, so it returns nothing for us.
- 02:15 Fair enough.
- 02:16 Now, this is interesting, but how can we use this?
- 02:18 Well, sometimes it's helpful when we want to put text back together.
- 02:22 So I want to take this UPC code here, and I want to split it into three components.
- 02:25 So I want 468-32-435.
- 02:29 So here's what I'm going to do.
- 02:31 I'm going to go and say, give me the left three characters from this,
- 02:36 and then we're going to use and.
- 02:39 And we're going to feed back a piece of text.
- 02:41 And I want everything between the quotes, that's the secret to getting text here.
- 02:45 And then we'll say and again.
- 02:47 And now I'm going to say mid.
- 02:49 And we're going to go and look at the UPC code again.
- 02:51 We're going to start at the fourth character and grab two characters.
- 02:55 And again feedback everything between the text.
- 02:58 So again a quote, and then a dash and a quote.
- 03:01 And finally, I'm going to go with the right.
- 03:04 And we're going to pick this guy up again, and use the right three characters.
- 03:09 And when I go and put enter on this, we get 468-32-435.
- 03:15 And if I run this all the way down the table, you'll notice that I've now
- 03:19 split up and put back together my UPC code with the formatting that I want.
- 03:24 That's just one way to do this kind of job.
- 03:26 The interesting part about this, is you may know another formula for
- 03:31 this if you've worked with Excel for a while, called concatenate.
- 03:36 The thing that you want to realize about concatenate though,
- 03:39 is that this one here is provided for compatibility with Excel 2007 or earlier.
- 03:44 It is way easier to spell, and then concatenate.
- 03:48 So I highly suggest that you use this kind of a version.
- 03:53 Now, let's talk about this one here, find.
- 03:57 What is find all about?
- 03:58 Well, mid is great if you know exactly what numbers you want to look for.
- 04:02 But what if you want to look for a specific set, or a specific character and
- 04:05 where it starts.
- 04:06 So you can feed that and use it in place of one of these parameters.
- 04:09 And this is one of the features, one of the functions we can use to do this.
- 04:13 So here's what I'm going to do.
- 04:14 I'm going to hit Find.
- 04:16 And what we're going to do, is we're going to find the word cheese.
- 04:19 And it says, all right, what text would you like to find it in?
- 04:23 I'm going to look inside the item number.
- 04:26 And at this point I have an optional start number, but I'm going to leave that alone.
- 04:29 I'm going to close the parenthesis, and hit Enter.
- 04:32 And it says, I found cheese starting at character 15.
- 04:35 So if I needed to use the mid function to extract a specific word,
- 04:39 I could potentially use the find function to figure out where it is,
- 04:43 so now I know where to start extracting things for the second parameter of mid.
- 04:48 But there's a challenge with find.
- 04:52 If I roll this down, you'll notice it gives me a value error.
- 04:55 And there's something that's really important to understand about this one.
- 04:58 If you can't find the word it returns an error.
- 05:01 Well, that's not awesome.
- 05:03 So let's fix this.
- 05:05 We're going to wrap this in a function called if error.
- 05:10 And what if error does, it says, tell me the value you want, and then,
- 05:15 what do you want me to do if there's an error?
- 05:18 I'm going to feed back the text between the quotes here.
- 05:21 So quote, quote, there's no text between the quote, so it gives back a blank.
- 05:25 CTRL + Enter to enter it in.
- 05:27 And you'll notice that we still found cheese, but
- 05:31 here we did not find cheese, and yet cheese's in this one.
- 05:35 So why is this not showing up?
- 05:37 And the answer is, find is case sensitive.
- 05:41 Search, however, is not.
- 05:44 So let's go and take a look at search.
- 05:49 We'll search for cheese.
- 05:51 We're going to go and look inside Kraft Singles cheese, close the parenthesis,
- 05:56 and roll this down the table.
- 05:58 And we've got this whole issue with value errors again.
- 06:02 This is something I like about mid.
- 06:03 If it doesn't find text, it returns a blank cell.
- 06:06 I wish find and search to do the same, but they return these errors.
- 06:09 So what we're going to do, is once again, we're going to find our search.
- 06:12 Right after the equals we're going to type in, if error.
- 06:15 And then we're going to move to the end of our search, which we know is
- 06:19 already working because we can see it on the first two lines, comma, quote quotes.
- 06:23 Again returns everything between the quotes.
- 06:26 And now I'm going to hit Enter, and I'm going to copy this down.
- 06:30 Notice the difference between find and search.
- 06:33 In this case, even though cheese is capitalized here, it's lowercase here,
- 06:38 it still picks it up.
- 06:39 In this case, if I were to change my cheese to be lowercase cheese,
- 06:43 notice the final result picks it up here, and yet this one gets blanked out, okay?
- 06:48 So keep that in mind, these are case sensitive.
- 06:52 The big cool piece about these formulas, is that now you know find and search,
- 06:56 you know and, and how to put things back together.
- 06:59 You will now be able to master the control of your left, right, and mid, to extract
- 07:03 the exact number of characters you want by putting all these formulas together.
- 07:07 And that is awesome stuff.
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