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About this lesson
Show different ways to come up with color schemes.
Quick reference
Scheming on Colors
Show different ways to come up with color schemes.
When to use
When trying to develop color schemes for a design you shouldn't feel limited to one method. Here are a few ways aside from using Adobe Color CC that you can get inspiring color palettes.
- Create a Pinterest profile and start pinning inspiration or use books and magazines to give you ideas.
- Download some stock images just for the use of sampling colors and seeing the different values and ranges that you can sample.
- Open one of your images in Illustrator
- Grab the Rectangle Tool (M) and create a box off to the side of your image
- Switch to the Eyedropper Tool (I) and sample a color from the image
- Create additional squares and sample different colors until you have four to six options
Hints & tips
- Typically it's good to narrow it down to 4-6 colors
- Don't feel limited to using only Pinterest or stock photos
- Pinterest allows you to have secret boards or public boards to share inspiration
- 00:05 Now aside from just using Adobe Color to generate ideas and
- 00:08 look at color schemes, we can also take images ourselves from our own photographs.
- 00:13 We can use books as design resources and maybe take a picture of the page and
- 00:17 scan it in.
- 00:18 But if you wanna do something a little bit faster and
- 00:21 easier, this is also a good time to use a website like Pinterest.
- 00:24 Now, I know I mentioned this in the beginning of the lessons,
- 00:27 that I like to use this for gathering inspiration and reference.
- 00:30 But it's also a really great way to take a look at different color schemes and
- 00:34 see how they are applied to different brands.
- 00:36 And you can really get a sense of what these look like together when they're used
- 00:40 in combination with one another.
- 00:42 And the next thing is that a lot of time you'll see
- 00:45 kind of pellets that are already work pretty successfully.
- 00:47 So it takes a lot of a little of a guess work, but if you do wanna
- 00:52 find something and just generates my ideas pretty quickly, this is a great way to go.
- 00:57 So in addition just using Pinterest for inspiration and
- 01:01 reference, you can also use for things like this.
- 01:04 And take a look at some cool colors, warm colors, or elegant colors.
- 01:10 Pretty much anything you wanna look for, you should be able to find in here.
- 01:15 Another way that you can do this is to download some photos of your own.
- 01:18 I've just kind of grabbed a few stock photos here from Deposit Photos.
- 01:23 And if I just create a rectangle on top, I can just use my eye dropper tool, and
- 01:28 just sample some colors directly from some of these images.
- 01:32 And this is yet another way that you guys can start to develop some color palettes
- 01:36 and start thinking about some ideas that you may wanna try out.
- 01:45 Now the nice thing about this is that you can get these kind of earth tone colors
- 01:49 just by sampling the colors from a photograph of the earth.
- 01:52 So it's really pretty self-explanatory, but
- 01:55 you don't have to use all of these colors.
- 01:57 But you can say,
- 01:58 pick a few of these out and then try them out as you apply them to the logo design.
- 02:04 And you can also take some photos from fields, from deserts,
- 02:08 from the beach, pretty much anything that your heart desires.
- 02:12 You can just come in here,
- 02:14 maybe sample some colors from a few different parts of the images.
- 02:17 Couple of light colors, couple of dark colors,
- 02:19 and that's really all you would need.
- 02:22 So it's yet another way that you can come in here and quickly get some colors going.
- 02:26 And it's interesting, too, when you kinda look at the colors that make up the photo
- 02:30 side by side and see which ones are working and which ones aren't, right?
- 02:35 But especially when you're using real life examples like this, it can be interesting,
- 02:39 even if you're just supplying these to large areas of color.
- 02:45 It's just about giving you guys about few different options and
- 02:48 ideas for possibilities, right?
- 02:51 So don't feel like you only have to use Adobe Color,
- 02:53 don't feel like you only have to use Pinterest.
- 02:56 You can sample colors from real photos,
- 02:59 from your own photos, from books, pretty much anything.
- 03:03 And color is everywhere, it's just about kind of paying attention and
- 03:07 trying to find harmony in all the colors around us, right?
- 03:11 So there's just a few quick ways.
- 03:13 And then I have this photo here of the desert that I thought had some pretty cool
- 03:17 colors going on, especially in the sky like sunset photos and things like that.
- 03:22 And it may not be the best approach for
- 03:24 what we're doing because I don't think that this color
- 03:28 scheme will particularly work for a bull mascot, but you never know.
- 03:33 You could find a couple of colors in here that are nice to have and
- 03:37 nice additions to whatever we're going to be applying.
- 03:41 So you may only end up using one or two of these colors, but
- 03:45 it's a good way to start generating some ideas.
- 03:48 So I may save actually some of these from these photos here that
- 03:53 we've sampled, and see if we can get any of them to work in our mascot logo design.
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