Locked lesson.
About this lesson
Using the Scissor Tool and Knife Tool.
Quick reference
Cut it Out
Using the Scissor Tool and Knife Tool.
When to use
If you wanted to slice a shape or piece of outlined text to remove a section, the Knife Tool or Scissor Tool are the perfect choices for the job.
- Begin by opening the after exercise file containing the peppers from the 'Following the Path' lesson.
- Change the middle pepper from a stroke to a solid black fill by first selecting the shape, then pressing Shift+X to swap the fill and stroke.
- Click and hold on the Eraser Tool in the toolbar to reveal the Knife Tool and the Scissor Tool.
- Undock the panel and move it onto the artboard, closer to your peppers.
- Select the pepper with a solid black fill using the Selection Tool (V).
- Grab the Knife Tool and create one or several slices through the shape.
- Switch to your regular Selection Tool (V) or the Direct Selection Tool (A) and select one of the segments before moving it away from the others.
- Try the same thing on one of the outlined peppers.
- Grab your Scissor Tool and then select one of the peppers.
- Notice that you are unable to slice through any of the shapes with the scissors the same way you can with the knife.
- Click anywhere along the path of the pepper while the Scissor Tool is selected, and then click a second time a bit further away.
- Now switch to either selection tool and select a part of the path between the two points where you clicked.
- You can now move or delete that segment of the line.
- The eraser, knife, and scissors are all ways of removing a shape or segment of a shape, but they each work in very different ways.
- If you create slices into a shape with the Knife Tool you can then change the color of any of the pieces without affecting the others.
- If you wanted to just remove a section of a path, the Scissor Tool would be the best option because it will give you more precision than the Eraser Tool.
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