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How to add type to a path.
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Type on a Path - Instructions.docx59.1 KB Type on a Path - Exercise.ai
1.5 MB Type on a Path - Exercise Solution.ai
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Quick reference
Type on a Path
How to add type to a path.
When to use
Anytime you want to make your type more interesting you can have it follow the shape of a path.
- Begin by opening the Type on a Path - Exercise.ai file
- Notice in the document that you have three paths created - a wavy line, a half circle, and a full circle.
- Grab your Text Tool (T) and click on the first path (the wavy line) and notice how your text follows the curve of the line.
- Next, click on the half circle and then click and hold on the Text Tool to reveal the Type on a Path Tool.
- Use this tool to click on the half circle as well as the full circle and notice how your text follows the shape accordingly.
- You can have your text follow just about any kind of shape or path in Illustrator by first creating the path, and then choosing one of the text tools and clicking on the path.
- All of the same options and keyboard shortcuts that we used to change the size, kerning, letterspacing and linespacing can be applied when modifying any text along a path.
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- 00:04 So another important option that I'd like to show you guys when you're working with
- 00:08 text is how to put text along a path.
- 00:10 Now you've seen us working with paths a little bit now by using the pen tool and
- 00:14 things like that, so we can just grab the pen and
- 00:17 then we're just going to make a line.
- 00:18 So let's make it kind of a curvy line by clicking and holding, dragging out, and
- 00:23 then we'll click and drag again over here.
- 00:27 Now if I go ahead and press t on the keyboard to get my type tool.
- 00:30 You'll see that if I kinda hover over this path it changes into a type cursor.
- 00:36 So now if I click,
- 00:37 it's actually going to just put in all of this text right along my path.
- 00:42 So it's a cool way that you can actually add text on a line and
- 00:46 have it going in a direction or following a shape, okay?
- 00:50 So now that we have some text along a path like this, I'd like to also show you guys
- 00:54 something else that you can do which is kind of cool.
- 00:57 So if I grab my ellipse tool by pressing L on the keyboard, I can click and
- 01:01 drag out a circle, like this.
- 01:04 And then I'm gonna press Shift + X to just make it a stroke.
- 01:07 Now, this time, I have to click and
- 01:09 hold on my type tool, and I'm going to choose type on a path tool.
- 01:14 Okay, so now when I click on the circle,
- 01:16 it's adding my text all the way around the circle.
- 01:20 And I can use the same keyboard shortcuts, like Cmd Ctrl + Shift and
- 01:23 the left carrot, to make the text smaller.
- 01:26 And I can also space the letters out by holding down Alt + Option,
- 01:29 and pressing the right arrow.
- 01:31 And I can do this until the text goes all the way around the circle, or
- 01:34 until you get that plus icon, like that.
- 01:36 And that's just indicating that there's additional type that is being cut off.
- 01:42 Okay, but that's just a couple of the ways that you can do this.
- 01:45 And if you wanted to have the shape continue,
- 01:49 you could click on this plus here and then just click over here.
- 01:55 And now it's going kind of link those two together so
- 01:58 that you have your overflow text in this shape over here.
- 02:04 Right, so I know it looks kind of weird,
- 02:06 but basically all the text that's getting cut off here now is on this shape.
- 02:11 But instead we can just make the text smaller or
- 02:13 however we wanna do it until it fits in there.
- 02:17 But you can draw all kinds of shapes like this with the pen tool.
- 02:20 If you wanted to have just the bottom arc of a circle, or anything like that,
- 02:24 and then you can press T to grab your type on a path tool once again, and
- 02:28 your type will automatically follow the line that you've put in place.
- 02:33 So this is a really great way to create some interesting looking text.
- 02:36 And to even use text as a visual, and it can help you as a visual aide
- 02:41 anytime that you're using your type to support a graphic or an illustration.
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