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About this lesson
Introduction to building a simple math flashcard app with JavaScript and Ajax.
Exercise files
Download this lesson’s related exercise files.
Putting It All Together - What We'll Build.docx59.3 KB Putting It All Together - What We'll Build - Solution.docx
59.8 KB
Quick reference
Putting It All Together - What We'll Build
Let's build a math flashcard app!
When to use
Go through these steps whenever you start a new project.
Let's map out our plan...
- generate one random number between 1 and 10
- generate another random number between 1 and 10
- output those two numbers onto the screen
- create a form to enter the answer
- input field
- button to submit answer
- button to show next flashcard
- determine what the correct answer should be
- compare user answer to the correct answer
- output correct answer to screen with message
- correct answer
- incorrect answer
- create code for next flashcard button
- clear the screen of messages and old question
- output new question
Hints & tips
- Before you start any project, take a moment to write out a simple plan
- Step by step is best!
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