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Output the Result
Let's check our user answer against the correct answer and output the result.
When to use
Whenever a user submits their answer, we need to check the answer against the correct answer.
Let's take a look at our final code:
<title>Addition Flashcards</title>
var number1 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
var number2 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
var correctAnswer = number1 + number2;
var output;
<h1>Addition Flashcards</h1>
<h1 id="numbers">
document.write(number1 + " + " + number2);
<input id="answer">
<button type="button" onclick="userAnswer();">Submit Answer</button>
<button type="button" onclick="nextCard();">Next Card</button>
<p id="output"></p>
function userAnswer(){
var userAnswer = document.getElementById("answer").value;
if (isNaN(userAnswer)) {output = "Hey! That's not a number, try again!";} else {
if (userAnswer == correctAnswer) {output = "Correct! " + number1 + " + " + number2 + " = " + correctAnswer;} else {output = "Wrong! " + number1 + " + " + number2 + " is not " + userAnswer;}
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = output;
function nextCard(){
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("answer").value = "";
number1 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
number2 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
correctAnswer = number1 + number2;
document.getElementById("numbers").innerHTML = (number1 + " + " + number2);
Hints & tips
- Checking the user's answer seems like a job for an If/Else statement!
- 00:04 Okay, so we can enter an answer and check to make sure it's a number.
- 00:08 Now it's time to determine whether or not the answer is correct or not.
- 00:11 So we already have the correct answer sitting in a variable.
- 00:14 We set that a couple of videos ago.
- 00:15 And that variable is this correctAnswer.
- 00:18 So the only thing to do is whip up a quick comparison, If/Else statement,
- 00:22 to check our correctAnswer against the userAnswer and
- 00:25 then output a message to our output variable.
- 00:27 So first let's change this bit of code around from the last video so
- 00:31 that it doesn't continue to output our userAnswer to the output variable.
- 00:36 Back here when we're checking if it's a number or not, this Else statement.
- 00:39 So I'm just gonna delete that, actually.
- 00:42 And actually, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna tab this down.
- 00:44 And this is where we're gonna do our next bit of logic.
- 00:47 Let's do our If statement here.
- 00:49 To run back through this, if the thing is not a number, we'll output this,
- 00:53 hey, it's not a number.
- 00:54 If it is a number, then we're gonna do this stuff.
- 00:57 And this is just another basic If statement.
- 01:00 If our userAnswer equals, remember the == comparison operator,
- 01:04 if it is equal to, if it is the same as the correct answer, then output correct.
- 01:09 Otherwise, output wrong, try again.
- 01:11 So let's save this and just do a quick check here.
- 01:14 Hit reload, 7 plus 1 is 5.
- 01:16 Wrong, try again, 7 plus 1 is 8, correct.
- 01:20 We hit reload, 4 plus 6 is 10, correct.
- 01:23 So it seems to be working, but this is kinda lame.
- 01:26 It just says correct or wrong.
- 01:27 So I'm gonna spruce this up a little bit.
- 01:30 I'm just gonna paste this in here.
- 01:31 And let's look and see what I did here.
- 01:33 So same format, same everything, I just changed the output message a little bit.
- 01:36 So now, it says correct, and then, number one plus number two equals number three.
- 01:41 Or false, wrong, number one plus number two is not userAnswer.
- 01:47 And you can, we save this, you can play around with this and have it however you want.
- 01:50 So 44 wrong, 8 + 3 is not 44.
- 01:54 8+3 is what?
- 01:56 11?
- 01:57 Correct. 8+3 =11.
- 01:59 So you can change this around however you want,
- 02:01 you cannot add the correct answer as you don't wanna show them the correct answer.
- 02:05 If you wanna say wrong, try again.
- 02:07 Don't put the correct answer on there, but
- 02:09 what every gonna do is kinda play around with it.
- 02:11 And now all we need to do is to fix our next card,
- 02:14 this button doesn't do anything yet.
- 02:16 Let's create, and on click function for the button called nextCard, and
- 02:21 I'm just gonna come up here and just go on, onclick.
- 02:23 equals nextCard, save this.
- 02:28 And to create this little function, I'm just gonna come down to our current
- 02:33 bit of code and just tab down a little bit.
- 02:36 And paste this next function in, it's just a nextCard function, and all I've done here
- 02:42 is taken our output, and our answer our innerHTML and the value and switched it to nothing.
- 02:48 So if we say this come back here, and hit reload, we type in some stuff,
- 02:51 now if we put this nextCard - boom it just erases those two things.
- 02:55 Next, let's add in some stuff to generate a couple of new random numbers and
- 02:59 output them to the screen.
- 03:00 And first, let's come up back to our h1 tag for where our numbers go.
- 03:04 And I'm just gonna create an ID here and let's call this numbers.
- 03:09 So that way we can manipulate this down here programatically.
- 03:14 We still have our first two lines of code.
- 03:15 And what I did here is I just came up here on the top and
- 03:18 copied all of this stuff and came down here and pasted it in.
- 03:21 So we have our var number1, var number2 and our correctAnswer.
- 03:25 And then I'm just printing them out onto the screen the same way that we did before
- 03:29 except I'm using this getElementsById, and we've done this so
- 03:32 many times in this course, it's old hat.
- 03:34 If we save this, come back here and hit reload, we type in some stuff,
- 03:39 click submit answer.
- 03:40 Now, if we click the next card, boom, we get two new things, and it seems to work.
- 03:45 18, submit answer.
- 03:49 Nope, something went wrong.
- 03:50 So, what happened here?
- 03:51 Well, when I pasted this code from up here I initialize these variables again.
- 03:57 And we don't need to initialize them a second time because
- 04:00 they've already been initialized.
- 04:01 So, now if we save this, come back here and hit reload, 5 plus 10 is 15, correct.
- 04:07 Next answer, 9 Correct.
- 04:10 Do it again, 44, wrong.
- 04:12 So, okay, everything seems to be working.
- 04:14 Basically, we're done with this thing.
- 04:15 It was just that quick and easy and boom we're done.
- 04:17 But it only works for addition.
- 04:19 We need to actually create subtraction, multiplication, and division.
- 04:22 What we're gonna do is we're gonna create pages for each of them.
- 04:24 We created this addition page, we'll create a subtraction page, and
- 04:28 multiplication page, etc.
- 04:29 And we'll go ahead and do that in the next video.
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