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How to rename and delete a file with Python.
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Quick reference
Renaming and Deleting Files
In this video we'll learn how to rename and delete files.
When to use
Use this whenever you want to rename or delete a file.
To rename a file, use the os module (that we've imported previously.)
os.rename("names.txt", "new_names.txt")
That will rename the file from names.txt to it's new name of new_names.txt
To delete a file, we just remove it:
Hints & tips
- Use the os module to rename files
- os.rename("names.txt", "new_names.txt") # change the name of the file to new_names.txt
- os.remove("names.txt") # delete (remove) a file
- 00:04 In this video, I want to talk about renaming files and deleting files.
- 00:07 So we've got a file, it's named names.txt and
- 00:11 let's say we need to rename that file for some reason.
- 00:14 It doesn't really matter why.
- 00:15 So how do we do that?
- 00:16 Well, the main way to do it is we're going to use this OS module and
- 00:20 OS stands for operating system.
- 00:22 And if you think about it,
- 00:23 renaming a file that's sort of an operating system type thing, right?
- 00:27 So, it kind of makes sense that you would use the OS module to do that.
- 00:31 So it's very simple.
- 00:32 We just call the module OS and then the function rename,
- 00:36 and then pass it in some parameters.
- 00:38 Like all functions,
- 00:39 it has these parentheses where you pass in different parameters.
- 00:42 And there's two parameters we're going to pass in.
- 00:44 We're going to pass in the, say the current_file_name, and then a comma,
- 00:50 and then whatever new_file_name we want to rename it to, right.
- 00:56 So, let's say we wanted to rename our file first names instead of names,
- 01:01 so we would go os.rename.
- 01:03 So let's go names.txt, that's the name of our current file.
- 01:09 And then let's rename it to like I said, first_names.txt and
- 01:13 I'm going to go ahead and comment this line out because we don't want this to run.
- 01:17 So, here we have current name and then the new name.
- 01:21 Pretty simple, we save this and run it, nothing happens, but boom,
- 01:24 right here we see it's changed to first_names.txt.
- 01:27 And if we wanted to play around a little bit we could go,
- 01:31 print("Your File Name Has Been Changed!").
- 01:35 Okay, so let's say we want to change it back from first_names back to names, so
- 01:40 just make a quick little change.
- 01:42 Save this, run it.
- 01:44 Now we get a little prompt, your file name has been changed and sure enough,
- 01:47 we look up here it's been changed.
- 01:49 The contents still remain the same, everything is fantastic.
- 01:52 So super, super easy to rename a file with Python, you just use the OS module.
- 01:57 And of course, you can go look up the OS module if you want to learn more
- 02:01 information about what all it does.
- 02:03 We looked at that Python three documentation page that has all those
- 02:06 built in modules, so you could check that out.
- 02:08 To delete a file, super easy as well.
- 02:10 We just used the remove function and it's not deleting, we're removing it.
- 02:15 It's what Python calls it.
- 02:16 So let's say your file has been removed, change that around.
- 02:20 So to do that, comment that out, we just go os.remove and it's a function,
- 02:27 and we pass in the parameter, whatever name we want to remove.
- 02:30 So let's get rid of names.txt, right?
- 02:33 So if you save this, run it, your file name has been removed.
- 02:37 And if we look up here in our directory, sure enough,
- 02:39 it has absolutely disappeared.
- 02:41 So, I don't know, our name is gone.
- 02:43 We learn how to write to a file in the last video, so
- 02:48 if we want to bring it back, we can go my_file = open and
- 02:53 let's call it names.txt.
- 02:56 And we want to open it in write only because that will add the thing if it
- 03:01 hasn't already been added.
- 03:03 And if we save this and run it, boom, names.txt reappears, of course,
- 03:07 it doesn't have anything in it.
- 03:08 We could write stuff in it, like we learned how to do in the last video,
- 03:11 if we wanted to, super easy.
- 03:13 Just, my_file.write, and let's go,
- 03:18 John, Tim, or was it Mary and Bob, I believe.
- 03:25 Save this, run it, open this up again, reload.
- 03:28 There we go John, Tim, Mary and Bob.
- 03:30 So, that's how you rename files, that's how you delete files,
- 03:33 that's how you create new files out of thin air
- 03:35 after you've already deleted them, and that pretty much does it for file stuff.
- 03:40 And in fact that does it for their intermediate section.
- 03:42 In the next section, we're going to go on into advanced Python stuff, specifically,
- 03:46 we're going to look at classes.
- 03:47 In the next video, we're going to look at an overview of classes and
- 03:52 object-oriented programming.
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