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About this lesson
We look at where your ideal client is. That way, we can begin a campaign to target them and start building a relationship with them through marketing.
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Where They Are
In this lesson, we look at where your ideal client is. That way, we can begin a campaign to target them and start building a relationship with them through marketing.
When to use
You should always define your ideal client so you are targeting the people that you want to sell to. You’ve defined who they are, next define where they are.
Now that you have defined who your ideal client is, you need to know where to find them geographically, both online and offline.
- Zip code, city, state, country
- For example, a realtor whose ideal client works in Silicon Valley. They are the right demographic for the houses he sells, so he put together a list of where he can find them, and targets all of his marketing directly to them.
- Members of particular organizations, websites, associations, forums
- You know that if you advertise on a specific website, that is where your ideal client is likely to see it.
In person
- Association meetings, special events, networking groups.
- For example, if you have a product for amateur athletes, you could sponsor an event like a 5k run or triathlon. This will enable you to make contact with your ideal clients. You could even set up a booth with some targeted materials for promotion.
Knowing where your ideal client is means that you know where you can meet them, sell to them, and expose them to your product, service or brand. You want to have a laser focus knowing where to market to your ideal client, not a shot in the dark.
Login to download- 00:04 In this video, we're going to continue with step two, define your ideal client.
- 00:10 So now we know who they are, now we need to figure out where they are.
- 00:15 So that's geographically, so for example, what's their zip code?
- 00:19 What city do they live in, what state do they live in?
- 00:22 If you're an international company,
- 00:24 what country does your ideal client live in, okay?
- 00:27 Cuz you wanna know where to find them.
- 00:29 We're gonna look at that more in detail in some upcoming videos,
- 00:32 but you wanna know where they are.
- 00:34 You wanna know where they are not only geographically, but
- 00:37 where are they online, okay?
- 00:39 Because online is such a great way to market right now, okay?
- 00:43 So you wanna know online, are they part of any organizations on those websites.
- 00:49 Any other type of websites, maybe some associations,
- 00:53 some networking groups online, forums online, okay?
- 00:57 So you wanna know where they are.
- 00:59 And third, you wanna know where they are in person, okay?
- 01:02 So are they going to association meetings for example.
- 01:06 Are they going to networking groups, right?
- 01:09 Are they going to athletic events,
- 01:12 if you're in that type of industry or any kind of special events in general.
- 01:18 So you wanna talk through your articulated message to them,
- 01:23 wherever this is gonna be.
- 01:24 So for example, if you have a product and it's for athletes,
- 01:28 amateur athletes, people who wanna stay healthy, and you wanna sponsor an event.
- 01:33 That's a great way to contact those people,
- 01:36 because you know they're gonna be there.
- 01:38 So maybe you sponsor a 5K run or a half marathon or if it's biking,
- 01:42 maybe a biking event.
- 01:44 Maybe you'll spend some money and get a booth there, and
- 01:47 you'll have some targeted materials to give away,
- 01:51 something that hey, these are the people that we wanna sell to.
- 01:55 They're here, so you need to know where they are.
- 01:58 So for example, I've got a client, he's a realtor up in Northern California, and
- 02:03 his ideal client, he decided, was the Silicon Valley clients, right?
- 02:08 So these are the people who are working at all those big tech
- 02:12 companies out there, okay?
- 02:14 And he had one of those clients and it was great for
- 02:16 him to work with that person, right?
- 02:18 They have the inventory that he's selling in real estate.
- 02:22 They wanna live where he's selling, and he loves working with them.
- 02:26 So we started brainstorming together.
- 02:27 Well, where are these guys, okay?
- 02:29 So we put together a list of where they are.
- 02:31 And now, his marketing, boom, goes right to those guys,
- 02:35 the people that he wants to serve.
- 02:37 Does that make sense?
- 02:39 Okay, good, so this is huge.
- 02:40 Again, you don't wanna do the shotgun effect, you want the laser focus effect,
- 02:45 you wanna laser in.
- 02:48 So, just to recap, you wanna define your ideal client.
- 02:51 So you need to know where are they,
- 02:53 geographically, what’s the zip code, what’s the city?
- 02:57 What's the state, what's the country.
- 02:59 So that way, if you're looking to do some mailers or do an online blast or
- 03:03 something, you wanna know exactly where they are.
- 03:06 Next, you wanna know where they are online right?
- 03:08 Because if there's some websites that have to do with organizations or associations,
- 03:14 and you're gonna do your marketing or some advertising on that site,
- 03:18 you wanna know that that's where your ideal client is.
- 03:20 That's where they're hanging out, that's where their eyeballs are, okay?
- 03:23 And finally, in person, are they going to association meetings?
- 03:28 Are they going to networking groups or special trade groups?
- 03:31 Are they at athletic events or special events, okay?
- 03:35 And you wanna talk to those people while they're there,
- 03:37 while you have their attention.
- 03:39 You grab their attention and send them your articulated message.
- 03:42 Okay, make sense, good.
- 03:45 You guys got this, I'll see you in the next video.
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