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About this lesson
Z scores are a method of normalizing data from different data sets for comparison or prediction. Z scores normalize the data using the process standard deviation. The Z transformation table will convert Z scores into percentages.
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Z Scores
Z scores are a method of normalizing data from different data sets for comparison or prediction. Z scores normalize the data using the process standard deviation. The Z transformation table will convert Z scores into percentages.
When to use
Z scores are typically used when assessing basic process performance. They are also helpful when doing comparisons for data sets to apply insight from one data set to another. Finally, they are often used to set expectations on process yield based upon different tolerance levels or performance thresholds.
The Z score normalizes a process performance parameter using the mean and standard deviation for the parameter distribution.The formula that is used is:
The process parameter mean is subtracted from the value and the result is divided by the standard deviation. If the process parameter value is below the mean, the Z score is a negative number. If it is greater than the mean value, the Z Score is a positive number. When the parameter value equals the mean, the Z score is zero.
Through Z score normalization, dissimilar processes can be compared by comparing the process behavior when the Z scores are similar even though actual process parameter values are different. By the same token, the same process parameter value could have very different Z scores depending upon the distribution in which that value occurred.
The Z score is often used to create a Z transformation which means to change that Z score into a percentage value for process performance. For any given Z score, there is a known percentage of the process values that will be above that score and a known percentage that will be below that score due to the characteristics of a normal distribution. That Z transformation is a look-up table that shows the conversion. The Z transformation table starts at the mean in the upper left corner – which is a Z score value of zero. To simplify the table, it does not show negative Z scores values. So if you have a negative Z score, you must use the absolute value of the score. To find the percentage, first find the row that represents the Z score value in tenths and then follow across that row until the column that represents the Z score value in hundredths is reached. That is the decimal equivalent of the Z score on one side of the mean. If it is a positive Z score, add 50% to the value and you will have the percentage of parameter values that are less than the value represented by the Z score. If the Z score was negative, add 50% and you will have the percentage of the parameter values that are greater than the value represented by the Z score.
The Z transformation can be used to predict process yield for a given parameter value. In the same way, if a desired process yield is determined, the Z transformation can determine that process parameter value that should be used for tolerance limits.
Hints & tips
- The Z transformation is normally a function within statistical software, such as Minitab. There is even a Z transformation function in Excel, “ZTest.”
- The reason for adding 50% to the Z transformation percentage is that the table starts at the mean. So one half of the normal distribution (50%) must be added to the table value.
- The Z score is used in some of the hypothesis tests that will be covered in other modules. A thorough understanding of Z scores will make it easier to work with those tests.
- If you are planning on sitting for one of the IASSC exams, the Z transformation table will be made available – so you don’t need to memorize it.
- 00:04 Hi, I'm Ray Sheen.
- 00:05 We've discussed some basics associated with statistical process performance.
- 00:10 I now want to introduce the z value, and discuss the z transformation.
- 00:17 So let's talk about z-score or as often referred to, the standard score.
- 00:22 Z-score indicates where particular instance of a process performance is
- 00:26 with respect to the normal process performance distribution.
- 00:30 Is it above the average or below the average and by how much?
- 00:34 But what makes the z-score special is that it does not use units of process
- 00:39 performance.
- 00:40 Rather, it uses the units of standard deviation of the process performance.
- 00:44 So a z-score of 1 is 1 standard deviation above the mean and
- 00:49 a z-score of -2 is 2 standard deviations below the mean.
- 00:54 Now to do this, the value of process performance must be converted into
- 00:58 an equivalent value in the units of standard deviation.
- 01:02 You can see the formula here on this slide.
- 01:05 You just subtract the value of the mean from your current process value and
- 01:08 divide the result by the value of the standard deviation.
- 01:11 The z value will open up some great possibilities for analysis.
- 01:16 Let's take a look at a few of them here.
- 01:19 The z value can allow us to compare information about performance
- 01:23 between data sets.
- 01:25 We can take data from two otherwise dissimilar data sets.
- 01:28 And by using the z value, we can normalize them and possibly do some comparisons.
- 01:34 We really can compare apples to oranges.
- 01:37 Some things to watch for.
- 01:39 The absolute value of a parameter.
- 01:40 For illustration, let's say it's the weight of an apple.
- 01:43 May be exactly the same as the absolute value of the same parameter for
- 01:47 an item in a different set.
- 01:49 Let's say, it's the weight of an orange, but when we consider the mean and
- 01:52 standard deviation of apples and oranges, then they have very different z values.
- 01:57 By the same token, we could take two items with the same z value such as an apple
- 02:02 with a z-score of 1, meaning it is one standard deviation heavier than average,
- 02:07 and an orange with a z-score of 1,
- 02:09 meaning it is 1 standard deviation heavier than the average orange.
- 02:13 Although, they are the same z-scores, they are likely different actual weights,
- 02:17 because the average in standard deviation of the two distributions is different.
- 02:21 This illustrates that z-scores can be used to normalize data parameters
- 02:25 between distributions.
- 02:27 Now, let's discuss the z transformation.
- 02:31 With the z-score, I can always get a percentage value for
- 02:34 the parameter through a z transformation using the table on this page.
- 02:39 And don't worry if you can't read it.
- 02:41 This table can be looked up or Googled with no difficulty.
- 02:44 In fact, if you take one of the IASSC exams
- 02:47 this table will be made available to you for use during the exam.
- 02:51 The way this table works,
- 02:52 is that a value of zero is at the 50% point of the distribution.
- 02:57 50% of the data values are above the mean and 50% are below.
- 03:02 So the z-score is zero.
- 03:05 On this table,
- 03:06 take the absolute value of your z-score to the nearest tenth of a standard deviation.
- 03:11 Into the vertical axis, and then go across the columns until you reach the column for
- 03:16 the 100th value of your z-score.
- 03:18 That will lead you to the percentage of the distribution that's either above or
- 03:23 below the value represented by your z-score.
- 03:27 If it's a positive z-score, you're above the mean.
- 03:29 So add 50% to the table value and
- 03:32 that is a percentage of the distribution below that point.
- 03:37 So let's say my z-score is 1.25,
- 03:40 I start with the 1.2 row, I go over to the 0.05 column.
- 03:45 The value there is .3944.
- 03:48 Add 50% to that and I know that 89.44% of the process values are below this point.
- 03:57 And, of course, that means that 10.56% are above.
- 04:01 If the z value is negative, you're below the mean.
- 04:04 So, in that case,
- 04:05 you add 50% to determine how much of the distribution is above that point.
- 04:11 Let's do another example.
- 04:12 If my z-score is negative 2.12, I start with the 2.1 row,
- 04:18 I then go over to the 0.02 column, and the value is 0.4826,
- 04:24 add 50% to that and I get 98.26% of the distribution
- 04:29 is above that point which means that only 1.74% is below that point.
- 04:36 In addition to comparison between data sets.
- 04:39 The z-scores a tremendous aid in predicting physical process performance.
- 04:43 To do this we will use the z transformation table again.
- 04:47 As we Illustrated on the last slide, the z Transformation table gives us a percentage
- 04:51 of the distribution that are either above or below the value of the process.
- 04:56 So let's say that we've been told that we wanna have a process yield
- 04:59 that is above some value.
- 05:01 From my illustration, I will say that we want a yield above 98%.
- 05:06 We can go into the z transformation table and
- 05:09 see that a z-score of 2.06 will get us there.
- 05:13 I can now use the distribution mean and standard deviation to tell you what
- 05:18 the process value limit I should use in order to achieve a 98% yield rate.
- 05:22 Of course, we can come about this from the other direction.
- 05:27 I can start with a parameter value such as a tolerance limit.
- 05:30 On a drawing, convert that to a z-score, and then tell you what kind of yield or
- 05:35 scrap rate you can expected based upon that value.
- 05:38 Now, you may be thinking that hauling this table is a pain.
- 05:43 Well, don't worry, almost all the statistical software packages already have
- 05:47 a function built into them to do the lookup for you.
- 05:51 In fact, even Excel has a function called z-test, which has two arguments.
- 05:56 The data for the data set, so that you can calculate a mean and
- 06:00 standard deviation, and the actual data point in question.
- 06:06 Z-scores and z transformations are practical ways to normalize a parameter
- 06:11 value for comparison with other data sets for prediction of
- 06:15 real world process performance, based upon a specific data point.
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