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Process Stability
A stable process is one in which only random variation exists. A Lean Six Sigma team must eliminate sources of instability before attempting to improve the normal process performance.
When to use
Lean Six Sigma team will determine whether the process is stable during the Analyze phase. Based upon this analysis, the team will select the appropriate improvement strategy. The team will then need to test the improvement to ensure that the new process is stable.
A process is stable if there are no special cause variations present. Although the process is stable, it will still be subject to common cause variation. Most improvement strategies for a process are to remove the sources of special cause variation, and if that does not achieve the desired performance, then the process must be fundamentally changed to reduce the common cause variation that is inherent in the process design.
Common Cause Variation
Common cause variation is the normal random variation that is associated with any physical system. It is always present. Because it is always present and random in nature, it can usually be modeled with a normal distribution. That means that this variation is predictable and the process controls and management should plan for this level of variation and ensure the process is robust enough to accommodate this variation. Common cause variation can only be reduced by fundamentally changing the process.
Special Cause Variation
Special cause variation is not random, but rather it can be traced to a unique and unpredictable cause. It variation can be removed from a process by controlling for the conditions that enabled the unique cause to occur. Special cause variation leads to process instability because it cannot be modeled and predicted. Therefore, the occurrence cannot be planned for.
An interesting aspect of special cause variation is that sometimes the special cause can create unexpected and unsustainable good performance. This often occurs when a process change is introduced and everyone is watching every step of the process closely. The best people, the best equipment, and careful oversight is occurring. After the introduction, the normal process performance settles in and the variation is much higher than was experienced during the introduction. That excellent performance was due to the special cause of the extra oversight.
Hints & tips
- Make sure you understand whether the variation you see is due to special cause or common cause because the improvement strategy for each is totally different.
- Some people chase common cause variation as if it were special cause variation. This inevitably leads to tampering and often drives a stable process into a condition of instability.
- 00:05 Hi, I'm Ray Sheen.
- 00:06 I wanna introduce the concept of process stability.
- 00:09 Understanding this concept will be a big help in the Analyze and
- 00:13 Improve phases of a Lean Six Sigma project.
- 00:16 Stability starts with an understanding of the categories of variation.
- 00:21 There are fundamentally two kinds of causes of variation.
- 00:24 The first is common cause variation.
- 00:28 It is the random variation that exists in any physical product or process.
- 00:32 When the only type of variation that is present is variation from common causes,
- 00:36 the process is stable and predictable.
- 00:39 This type of variation can be measured and modeled with statistics.
- 00:44 Thanks to this modeling, the variation can be predicted.
- 00:47 We know what to expect.
- 00:49 Designing your process to accommodate the level of
- 00:52 common cause variation will result in a very stable process.
- 00:56 Even though there may be minor common cause variation, you've accounted for
- 01:00 it in the process design and control.
- 01:03 The other type of variation is from special causes.
- 01:06 When special cause variation is present, we say the process is unstable.
- 01:11 These are causes that are unusual situations,
- 01:14 not part of the normal process performance.
- 01:17 In fact, they're often caused by the lack of process controls.
- 01:20 The management team or process operator decides to do something
- 01:24 different within the process, and thus tampers with the process performance.
- 01:29 This type of variation cannot be modeled with statistical
- 01:32 tools because it is not predictable.
- 01:35 We cannot predict when an unusual event will occur.
- 01:38 In order for a process to become stable,
- 01:41 the special cause variations must be identified and removed.
- 01:46 Let's look closer at common cause variation.
- 01:49 Common cause variation is always present in a physical process.
- 01:53 The process designers and process operators should expect it and
- 01:57 should allow for that level of variation within the process tolerances,
- 02:01 either the input tolerances or output tolerances.
- 02:04 Common cause variation is random in nature, and therefore,
- 02:07 will often be modeled with the normal distribution, the bell-shaped curve.
- 02:11 The precise values of the variation cannot be predicted for
- 02:15 any unique instance of the process.
- 02:17 But we can predict the average amount of variation, and
- 02:21 measure the standard deviation of that variation distribution.
- 02:25 A key point to remember is that it is always there,
- 02:28 which means we can't control common cause variation by taking special action.
- 02:33 We can't start trying to tweak the process as we chase a common cause variation that
- 02:39 is slightly higher or slightly lower than the last instance of running the process.
- 02:43 If we do that, we will inevitably make the system unstable.
- 02:47 We'll begin to over control.
- 02:49 Our tampering with that normal process operation becomes a source of special
- 02:53 cause variation because we try to manage the process differently on every instance.
- 02:59 So let's now look a little deeper into special cause variation.
- 03:03 When there is a special cause variation, a process is not stable.
- 03:07 By that we mean that we can't predict the amount of variability in this
- 03:11 process output.
- 03:13 The normal process controls do not react adequately to special cause variation
- 03:18 because it is outside what the process planners had envisioned would occur.
- 03:23 You may be able to react to the special cause variation but
- 03:26 only by taking a special action such as reworking the product or
- 03:30 scrapping the item that was impacted.
- 03:32 The point is that the item doesn't follow normal flow to successful result when
- 03:37 special cause occurs.
- 03:39 Special Cause is not random and actually, that's a good thing.
- 03:43 It means we could track down the root cause, and
- 03:46 it's usually a singular root cause.
- 03:49 Knowing the root cause, a special control or action can be taken to eliminate that
- 03:53 root cause and thus eliminate the effect that it has had on the process.
- 03:58 But one caution with that, sometimes the special cause creates a special good
- 04:03 process output that cannot be repeated by the normal process control and management.
- 04:08 Now this often happens when everyone is watching closely
- 04:11 as we try a new process step or introducing a new product.
- 04:15 There's a lot of extra attention and help at each step in the process, but
- 04:19 when that attention goes away, the process cannot sustain the performance.
- 04:24 This is referred to as the Hawthorne Effect,
- 04:27 based upon some research that was done 100 years ago.
- 04:29 That research was trying to determine the effect of improving working conditions
- 04:33 on productivity at a plant in Hawthorne, Illinois.
- 04:36 It turned out that the most important factor for
- 04:38 improving productivity was not the working conditions, rather was all the special
- 04:43 attention the workers were receiving because of the study.
- 04:47 So let's summarize this discussion with a head to head comparison.
- 04:50 Common cause variation is the normal variation in the process and
- 04:55 it is random in nature.
- 04:56 It is inherent in the system design, the equipment, the materials, the procedures,
- 05:00 the operator skills and training and the measurement in controls.
- 05:04 Because it is a function of the design, it can be modeled and
- 05:08 the levels of variation are predictable.
- 05:11 It cannot be avoided or controlled without fundamentally changing the process.
- 05:16 So when it comes to improvements, if you only have common cause variation,
- 05:21 you'll need to be recommending a significant change to a new process
- 05:24 that inherently has less variation.
- 05:28 But we contrast that with special cause variation.
- 05:31 It is unpredictable, which also means it is not random.
- 05:35 There is something that has occurred that is outside the normal
- 05:38 control of the process, something that was not accounted for in the process design.
- 05:43 The occurrence cannot be mathematically predicted.
- 05:46 We can't calculate the damage after the fact but we can predict when or
- 05:50 what will happen.
- 05:52 Overall, a good thing is that we can often put controls in place to screen out
- 05:57 the special causes and
- 05:58 therefore we don't need to invest in creating a brand new process.
- 06:05 A key goal in the Analyze phase will be to determine if the variation in
- 06:09 the process is due to special cause or common cause.
- 06:13 Eliminating the special cause will stabilize the process and
- 06:17 allow you to put it under predictable statistical control.
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