Locked lesson.
About this lesson
How you view your contact data will help you get to the information you need and make decisions faster.
Lesson versions
Multiple versions of this lesson are available, choose the appropriate version for you:
2016, 2019/365.
Quick reference
Contact Views
How you View or “see” your contact data will help you get to the information and make decisions faster.
When to use
It is normal to change your contact view depending on the project you are working on. A person makes the best use of tools that they are familiar with. So become familiar with the View options and you will become a better information manager.
Click through the View options:
- Home ribbon,
Current View
Note: The same list is located on the View ribbon, Change View
- Specific features of views
CARD view:
- Right click the divider lines for new options.
- Also click and drag the divider lines to shrink or widen the column width.
PHONE and LIST views:
- Reorganize the column headers with a click and drag
- Remove a column header by pulling it off the view
- Add a Column by click View, “Add Columns”
- Sort by any of the headers by clicking the header once, then click again for a Reverse sort or click View, Reverse Sort:
- 00:04 How you view your information helps you get to your next project, or task, or
- 00:09 decision faster.
- 00:10 So on the home ribbon, in contacts, right up here,
- 00:13 we have a section that says current view.
- 00:16 Inside here, we have quite a few options, the first one being people.
- 00:19 Now this is a new view the last two versions have this.
- 00:23 My list comes up on the left with a little Rolodex that I can
- 00:26 click through to zoom to the section that I need.
- 00:29 Over on the right are the details of that particular contact and
- 00:34 with little action buttons up on top.
- 00:36 Now on this particular one, only the email is highlighted.
- 00:39 I click that and there is an email addressed to that person.
- 00:42 I'll go ahead and close that.
- 00:44 The next view, the business card view.
- 00:46 These are symmetrical little cards.
- 00:47 They look very nice on the screen, and again,
- 00:49 with the Rolodex on the left hand side.
- 00:52 The next view is the card view.
- 00:54 This shows every detail about your contacts that you've written in there.
- 00:57 It's kind of nice.
- 00:58 Notice the grey lines separating these.
- 01:01 With the left click it and drag you can widen those lines or
- 01:03 skinny them up depending on how many you want to see.
- 01:06 Also a right-click on those divider lines will give you a series of options you
- 01:10 could perform as well.
- 01:12 The next one is the phone list.
- 01:15 I do like Like the phone list, all the headers up on top are sortable,
- 01:19 which means I can click and sort by company, by full name, by file as.
- 01:24 Notice the black arrow will show you whether you are sorted A to Z or
- 01:29 reverse Z to A.
- 01:30 You just have to pay attention to where the black arrow is.
- 01:34 Also these headers are completely moveable, and
- 01:37 you can reorganize them however you like.
- 01:39 Or you can remove them entirely by clicking and
- 01:42 dragging one completely off the list and letting go.
- 01:45 Should you decide you want that back, simply click on the view ribbon and
- 01:49 we have the add columns, your available columns are on the left.
- 01:53 And you would simply add them to the right and then re-organize them.
- 01:58 But make sure to hit the drop down arrow up here,
- 02:01 because there's another section called all contact fields and that
- 02:07 gives you even more options to add to the right hand side of your phone list view.
- 02:12 Should you decide you don't like that at all, and you regret making those changes.
- 02:17 Right over here on the view ribbon, we have a reset view.
- 02:19 When I click that, it'll confirm, are you sure you want to reset?
- 02:22 And yes, and it goes back to the way, the default way that Outlook programmed it.
- 02:29 Okay, the last view, I could go back to my home ribbon, but
- 02:32 right over here on the left, I have a change view button,
- 02:35 which has the same contents as the home ribbon, and that is the list view.
- 02:38 Now the list view is where I view by categories.
- 02:42 And please watch the video about categories so
- 02:45 you can learn how to use this, and how come it's so important.
- 02:48 Also on the change view you can actually manage your views,
- 02:51 save this view that you've just customized as a brand new view and
- 02:56 name it yourself, or apply current view to other contact folders.
- 03:00 You also have view settings.
- 03:01 Here I can apply sorting, I can sort this, I can filter this maybe by zip code,
- 03:06 maybe by state, and I can apply many other settings as well.
- 03:12 Notice also because this is the category view, I have an expand
- 03:17 collapse option right up here on top that I could collapse all groups.
- 03:21 Or I could just use the little arrows off to the left of those categories and
- 03:25 I could expand them individually or collapse them individually as well.
- 03:29 Again, how you view your information helps you get your job done and
- 03:32 your decisions made faster.
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