Locked lesson.
About this lesson
The backstage is a full-screen area that allows you to open, save, share, and print your project.
Lesson versions
Multiple versions of this lesson are available, choose the appropriate version for you:
2013, 2019/365.
Quick reference
Using the Backstage
The backstage is a full-screen area that allows you to open, save, share, and print your project. The backstage also provides access to project options, and allows you to configure the look-and-feel of Microsoft Project. Further, you can access the organizer to share views, tables, reports, and other elements from one project to another.
To access the backstage, click the File tab. Once you do this, there are menu items that appear along the left side of the backstage. When you click a menu item, the backstage will display a window you can interact with to do things like print, save, or share your project.
Create a new project and try some of these backstage activities:
- Create a new project from an online template.
- Print the project so it uses as little paper as possible.
- Share your project via email with another person.
- Export the project to Adobe PDF format.
- Open, save, and close project files.
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