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About this lesson
When you are updating tasks in a project, you might want to make some light adjustments. You can use the free slack field to see how much time you have before the task becomes critical.
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2013, 2019/365.
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Quick reference
Add Lag and Review the Critical Path
As mentioned in previous lessons, any task in the critical path can directly affect the finish date for your project. Just add one extra day of duration to a critical task and you push the project out a day. Subtract a day from a critical task and you pull the project in one day.
You can use the free slack field to see how much time you have before the task becomes critical.
When you are updating tasks in a project, you might want to make some light adjustments. You should always be aware of when you are updating critical tasks or non-critical tasks.
Further Discussion
When you are updating your project, you might find tasks that should not happen immediately after another. In the video lesson, you have to move a task out so people are not walking all over wet cement. You could simply add a task in the project to represent the extra time, but that is one more task in the project. Instead, you can add lag to the task.
Lag allows you to adjust the time it takes between when one task starts and the other one finishes. You can also use negative lag to force a task to start before another one finishes.
Follow these steps to use lag in your project:
- Double-click a task that can start earlier or later than the predecessor relationship currently allows.
- The task information dialog appears. Click the predecessors tab.
- Type a lag (positive or negative).
- While still in the task information dialog, click the Notes tab and enter the reason for why you are using this relationship.
- Click the OK button.
- 00:04 You have done a lot of work so far to create a Microsoft Project schedule.
- 00:09 However, one of the things that we have not done yet,
- 00:11 is to really look at how we can optimize the plan.
- 00:15 This is something you always want to go back and do with your team.
- 00:19 So for example, after your team has suggested the tasks, the durations,
- 00:23 the linkages with the predecessor successors,
- 00:26 and we've taken a look at the resource assignments.
- 00:30 We want to step back and say, did we miss anything?
- 00:33 Can we make the project come in a little bit earlier?
- 00:37 Or are there things that we forgot that's going to push the project out?
- 00:42 So I'm gonna talk a little bit about using the critical path and
- 00:45 making some adjustments to your schedule so
- 00:48 that you have a better picture as to when the project will be complete.
- 00:53 When we make changes to our project,
- 00:56 we want to keep an eye on any task that's critical.
- 01:00 Now, remember that critical tasks mean that if you change by even one day,
- 01:05 you'll change the entire duration of the project.
- 01:09 Let me show you what that means.
- 01:10 First, make sure you're in a Gantt chart view.
- 01:13 Then click the Gantt Chart Tools contextual format tab.
- 01:18 In the bar style section, you'll find a Critical Tasks check box.
- 01:23 Just go ahead and select that.
- 01:25 So when you select this, you'll see that the bars in the Gantt chart turn red.
- 01:31 I can also insert a column to the right of task name, so if I right click
- 01:35 task name and choose insert column, I'll type critical and press Enter.
- 01:41 Now you can see there are certain tasks that are critical and
- 01:44 certain tasks that are not.
- 01:46 Watch what happens when I change acquire land from 30 days to 31 days.
- 01:51 Watch the full duration of the project.
- 01:54 Right now it's at 207 days.
- 01:55 So I'll change acquire land to 31, and now the duration of the project is 208.
- 02:00 I'll change this to 29, and you can see the duration of the project is 206.
- 02:06 I'll set this back to 30 days.
- 02:11 So that's how we can see the impact of changing critical path tasks.
- 02:17 So far I've spent a lot of time talking about critical path tests and
- 02:21 how important they are, but what if a task is not in the critical path?
- 02:24 Let's just scroll down a little bit here, and
- 02:27 let's take a look at these blue tasks over here.
- 02:31 I'm gonna zoom in a little bit, so I'll move things around and zoom in.
- 02:36 That's a little bit too much.
- 02:40 There we go.
- 02:41 So, we have these tasks here that clearly have some time in between.
- 02:45 So if I click the Format tab again, the Gantt Chart Tools Format tab, and
- 02:50 click this Slack check box, you'll see how the Gantt
- 02:53 chart is showing this little line underneath some of these tasks.
- 02:58 Well this line is representing how much time
- 03:01 you have before the task falls into the critical path.
- 03:05 I can also insert a column for this.
- 03:07 So if I right-click on Task Name, and choose Insert Column,
- 03:11 I can type free slack and press Enter.
- 03:17 Now what I can do is take a look at this task.
- 03:20 Hire interior designer.
- 03:22 It says there is 38 days of free slack which means 38 days plus
- 03:27 5 days is what would make this task fall into the critical path.
- 03:35 So if I type 43 and press Enter, you can see it goes into the critical path.
- 03:41 If I type 42 or anything less, it will not.
- 03:45 So, if I need to spend more time finding and
- 03:48 hiring an interior designer, then I actually have time to do that.
- 03:53 I’ll press Undo a few times to get this back.
- 03:55 So that’s just a quick little overview of how we look at critical tasks and slack.
- 04:02 The next thing we’re going to do is make a few minor adjustments to our tasks.
- 04:07 Now as I talk to my team,
- 04:09 I find out that there’s two tasks that we need to make some adjustments to.
- 04:13 The first is task number 11, Install house frame.
- 04:16 My team member rightly points out that we can't be walking around in wet cement.
- 04:20 We have to install the house frame after it's dried.
- 04:23 So I'm gonna double click on Install house frame, and go to predecessors, and
- 04:27 create a lag of five days, and click Okay.
- 04:31 What this does is it pushes out the task five days for us.
- 04:36 I could have inserted another task that said wait for foundation to dry, but
- 04:41 that would just be some new task that I need to manage.
- 04:44 Or I could have hand entered a date, but
- 04:46 remember we do not want to ever hand enter a start date.
- 04:50 So this works out really well for us.
- 04:51 Now it says ten, link to task ten, finish to start plus five days.
- 04:57 We'll add a note, and this note will help us remember why we did this.
- 05:02 Added five days positive lag to Wait for
- 05:08 foundation to dry.
- 05:13 We can do that one more time, but in the opposite direction.
- 05:17 So here's task 25, Add furniture.
- 05:20 One of my team member points out that we don't have to wait exactly until
- 05:24 this Build out kitchen task is done.
- 05:26 So I double-click, choose Predecessors, and
- 05:30 set the lag to -6 days for this Build out of the kitchen.
- 05:37 And what we've done is we've pulled the task in
- 05:40 to actually finish a little bit earlier.
- 05:44 In total we've brought the entire project down by one day.
- 05:48 It was at 207 days, now it's at 206.
- 05:51 So we push one task out five days, but we brought another task in six days
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