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About this lesson
Understanding the screen layout is paramount to mastering this program. This lesson gives a concise tour of the scratch area, rulers, ribbons, and status bar tools.
Lesson versions
Multiple versions of this lesson are available, choose the appropriate version for you:
2016, 2019/365.
Quick reference
Publisher 2016 Screen Overview
Understanding the screen layout is paramount to mastering this program.
When to use
Every time you use Publisher 2016, you will be aware of the small details of information tucked into the screen layout. In future lessons you will focus on specific areas.
Follow along with the video for an introduction to the Publisher 2016 screen elements. This includes:
- The Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) - add commands for easy access
- Ribbons - File, Home, Insert, Page Design, Mailings, Review, View
- Help, Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons
- Status Bar: Page Count, Page Layout, and Zoom Controls
Take the time to open your Publisher 2016 program and click the View ribbon.
- Turn on the Boundaries, Guides, Rulers, Page Navigation and Scratch area buttons.
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