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The project management executing processes are managing the majority of the work of the project. There are ten project management executing processes. Part 3.
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Project Execution Process Group – Part 3
The project management executing processes are managing the majority of the work of the project. There are ten project management executing processes.
When to use
Executing processes are used to manage the actual work of creating and completing the project goal. As soon as at least a partial plan is in place, executing processes often start. These processes will continue through all phases of the project until the product deliverables are complete and the project goes into the project closeout phase.
Executing Process Group
“Those processes performed to complete the work defined in the project management plan to satisfy the project requirements.” PMBOK® Guide
Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK® Guide) – Sixth Edition, Project Management Institute, Inc., 2017 Part 2, Figure 2-1, Page 562 and Glossary definition, Page 706. |
Project Execution is where the action occurs. There is less project management work than with the planning processes, but there is more project work to complete the actual goal of the project. Because project work is normally done by people, who often don’t report to the project manager, there is a great deal of people management activity in this process group. Managing the efforts and interaction of the project team, suppliers, stakeholder engagement, and communication is the majority of the work in this process group.
There are ten processes in the Executing group of project management processes. Four of those processes are addressed in this Lesson and the other six are addressed in other lessons. The four in this module are: Implement Risk Response, Manage Quality, Manage Communications, and Manage Stakeholder Engagement.
Implement Risk Response (11.6)
“The process of implementing agreed-upon risk response plans.” PMBOK® Guide
Executing Process Group Risk Mgmt Knowledge Area
The risk analysis and risk planning activities are useful for managing a project only if they result in taking the appropriate actions to reduce threat risks and increase opportunity risks. In many cases the risk response was incorporated into the project management plan during the planning phase of the project. But the response plans for some risks, especially those that were selected for contingency plans, are not incorporated unless needed. When the risk trigger indicates that a response is now necessary, a change request is initiated or pre-planned risk response capacity is allocated to the risk area.
- Project Management Plan
- Project Documents
- Organizational Process Assets
Tools and Techniques:
- Expert Judgement
- Project Management Information System
- Interpersonal and Team Skills
- Change Requests
- Project Documents Updates
Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK® Guide) – Sixth Edition, Project Management Institute, Inc., 2017, Figure 11-19, Page 449 and Glossary definition, Page 708. |
Manage Quality (8.2)
“The process of translating the quality management plan into executable quality activities that incorporate the organization’s quality policies into the project.” PMBOK® Guide
Executing Process Group Quality Mgmt Knowledge Area
This process is focused on the process of quality management within the project. It is more about “work-in-process” quality than about the finished deliverable quality. That will be addressed in the process Control Quality. This process does periodic inspections and audits of the work that is being done and the results achieved to determine whether the project team and resources are performing as expected. A goal of the quality management approach on the project is often one of continuous improvement. The quality management activities are often performed by an independent organization rather than by the assigned project team members.
- Project Management Plan
- Project Documents
- Organizational Process Assets
Tools and Techniques:
- Data Gathering
- Data Analysis
- Data Representation
- Audits
- Problem Solving
- Design for X
- Quality Improvement Methods
- Decision Making
- Quality Reports
- Test and Evaluation Documents
- Change Requests
- Project Management Plan Updates
- Project Documents Updates
Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK® Guide) – Sixth Edition, Project Management Institute, Inc., 2017, Figure 8-9, Page 243 and Glossary definition, Page 710. |
Manage Communications (10.2)
“The process of ensuring timely and appropriate collection, creation, distribution, storage, retrievable, management, monitoring and the ultimate disposition of project information.” PMBOK® Guide
Executing Process Group Communications Mgmt Knowledge Area
This process is responsible for the effective sharing of information between stakeholders and the project team. It is more than just sending out information, it includes ensuring the information is received and understood. This implies a two-way dialog. This process includes managing the impact of barriers to communication, both technical and personal.
- Project Management Plan
- Work Performance Reports
- Project Documents
- Enterprise Environmental Factors
- Organizational Process Assets
Tools and Techniques:
- Communication Technology
- Communication Skills
- Communication Methods
- Project Reporting
- Project Management Information System
- Meetings
- Interpersonal and Team Skills
- Project Communications
- Project Management Plan Updates
- Project Documents Updates
- Organizational Process Assets Updates
Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK® Guide) – Sixth Edition, Project Management Institute, Inc., 2017, Figure 10-6, Page 380 and Glossary definition, Page 710. |
Manage Stakeholder Engagement (13.3)
“The process of communicating and working with stakeholders to meet their needs and expectations, address issues and foster appropriate stakeholder engagement involvement.” PMBOK® Guide
Executing Process Group Stakeholder Mgmt Knowledge Area
This process relies heavily on communications, but these are communications with a distinct purpose. The purpose is to gain and maintain stakeholder support for the project. This will often entail including selected stakeholders in reviews, decisions, and project activities. This increased support for the project will benefit the project manager and project team as they work through issues on the project.
- Project Management Plan
- Project Documents
- Organizational Process Assets
- Enterprise Environmental Factors
Tools and Techniques:
- Communication Skills
- Interpersonal and Team Skills
- Expert Judgement
- Change Requests
- Project Management Plan Updates
- Project Documents Updates
Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK® Guide) – Sixth Edition, Project Management Institute, Inc., 2017, Figure 13-8, Page 524 and Glossary definition, Page 710. PMBOK is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc. |
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- 00:04 Hi I'm Ray Sheen.
- 00:06 This is the third of three lessons on project management processes and
- 00:09 the project execution process group.
- 00:12 These processes will address project execution in a number of different
- 00:16 knowledge areas.
- 00:18 The first process is to implement risk responses.
- 00:22 The Project Management Body of Knowledge, the PMBOK Guide, defines this process as
- 00:27 the process of implementing agreed-upon risk response plans.
- 00:31 The inputs for this process are the project management plan,
- 00:34 project documents, and organizational process assets.
- 00:38 The outputs are change requests
- 00:40 that are processed by the integrated change control process and
- 00:43 update to project documents.
- 00:45 This seems like a very simple process and conceptually it is, but
- 00:48 the changes that implement the risk responses
- 00:51 can dramatically change many of the elements of the project documents.
- 00:55 The tools and techniques are expert judgment, interpersonal and
- 00:58 team skills and the project management information system.
- 01:02 The next process is manage quality.
- 01:04 The Project Management Body of Knowledge,
- 01:06 the PMBOK Guide defines this as the process
- 01:09 of translating the quality management plan into executable quality activities
- 01:14 that incorporate the organization's quality policies into the project.
- 01:19 The inputs are the project management plan, project documents, and
- 01:22 organizational process assets.
- 01:24 And I remember the quality plan was in cooperated
- 01:27 into the project management plan.
- 01:29 The outputs are the project documents called quality reports and
- 01:33 test and evaluation documents.
- 01:36 In addition, there are change requests that go to integrated change control process
- 01:40 and of course, updates to the project management plan and
- 01:43 other project documents.
- 01:45 Tools and techniques are data gathering, data analysis, and
- 01:48 data representation, along with audits, problem solving, and decision making.
- 01:53 And then there are two others, design for X which is a set of disciplines to improve
- 01:58 cross functional product performance and quality improvement methods.
- 02:02 For which there are literally thousands of books providing the details.
- 02:06 We'll touch on a few of the more popular quality improvement methods and
- 02:10 the lesson on the quality management knowledge area.
- 02:14 The project management body of knowledge, the PMBOK Guide, defines the next project
- 02:18 manage communication process as the process of ensuring timely and
- 02:22 appropriate collection, creation, distribution, storage, retrieval,
- 02:27 management, monitoring and the ultimate disposition of project information.
- 02:33 The inputs are the work performance reports from the monitor and
- 02:37 control project work process and the project management plan, and of course,
- 02:41 project documents along with the enterprise, environmental factors, and
- 02:44 organizational process assets.
- 02:47 The outputs are the project communications,
- 02:50 which is treated as a project document.
- 02:53 But keep in mind this is a very broad category that covers many different types
- 02:56 of communication.
- 02:57 And then there are various updates.
- 03:00 Updates to the project management plan, updates of project documents, and
- 03:03 updates to the organizational process assets.
- 03:06 Tools and techniques are related to communication.
- 03:09 They are project reporting, communication technology,
- 03:12 communication methods and communication skills.
- 03:15 And now add to that meetings, interpersonal and team skills, and
- 03:18 the project information management system.
- 03:21 The last process for this lesson is manage stakeholder engagement.
- 03:25 The project management body of knowledge,
- 03:26 the PMBOK Guide, defines this as the process of communicating and
- 03:30 working with stakeholders to meet their needs and expectations,
- 03:34 address issues and foster appropriate stakeholder engagement involvement.
- 03:40 The inputs are the project management plan, project documents, and
- 03:43 enterprise environmental factors and organizational process assets.
- 03:47 The outputs are change requests for the integrated change control process and
- 03:51 updates to the project management plan and project documents.
- 03:55 Tools and techniques of this process are, expert judgement, interpersonal and
- 03:59 team skills and communication skills.
- 04:02 So that completes the processes in the project execution process group.
- 04:08 Now remember, the most number of questions,
- 04:11 31% of the exam will come from processes in this area.
- 04:15 So be sure you study these well.
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PMI, PMP, CAPM and PMBOK are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.