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About this lesson
Various ways to display numbers in the values area of a PivotTable.
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2016, 2019/365.
Exercise files
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Value Field Formats.xlsx191.9 KB Value Field Formats - Completed.xlsx
191.8 KB
Quick reference
Various ways to display numbers in the values area of a PivotTable.
Where/when to use the technique
When you need to change the way values are displayed.
Changing number formats
- To change a number format
- Right click a cell in the PivotTable values area
- Choose Value Field Settings > Numbers
- Difference From in columns
- Choose your number format > OK
- All values for the current column (only) will be changed
Showing values instead of blanks
- To fill blank cells:
- Right click the Pivot
- Choose PivotTable Options
- Check the box next to “For empty values show:”
- Place a value (like 0) in the box
Hiding error values
- To hide errors:
- Right click the Pivot
- Choose PivotTable Options
- Check the box next to “For error values show:” (and leave the field blank)
- Be aware:
- This hides all errors, including subtotals and grand totals (it doesn’t fix them)
- If the error is in your data source, you need to clean the data
- 00:04 In this video we're gonna look at how to format numbers inside a pivot table in
- 00:08 the values area so that they actually display a little bit better.
- 00:13 You can see here in the pivot table that I've got,
- 00:15 I've got categories down the left and I've got units and sales for
- 00:18 each individual week, so units and sales for week 2 and units and sales for week 3.
- 00:23 Now, one of the challenges that I have with this particular pivot table
- 00:26 though is that I really like my numbers to add up or to line up rather.
- 00:30 And you can see here, I've got $121 followed by 32.50 and
- 00:33 then my decimal points are.
- 00:35 not consistent.
- 00:36 So one of the things that I'd like to do is I'd like to change that.
- 00:39 Now, here's we go about doing that.
- 00:41 We'll right click on one of the cells in that column.
- 00:44 And we'll go down to the third from the bottom which is called value filled
- 00:47 settings.
- 00:49 When you do that, it'll bring you up the value fields setting dialogue.
- 00:52 You'll notice that you can change the name for your column.
- 00:55 You can change your aggregation here.
- 00:56 But we can also go and click on number format.
- 00:59 And when we do that,
- 01:00 it takes it into a very strip down copy of the format sales dialogue box.
- 01:04 My personal favorite is accounting.
- 01:06 I'm gonna take the dollar sign off, though, we don't need that, but
- 01:09 we are gonna force it to two decimal places.
- 01:11 We'll say okay, and we'll say okay.
- 01:14 And if you look at the pivot table, what just happened is, all of the items in
- 01:19 this sales column changed, as well as this column, and this column.
- 01:25 And this column, and so on.
- 01:27 But, it didn't affect anything in the units column.
- 01:30 It's only working for the column that I actually chose.
- 01:33 But, it gets replicated all the way across the pivot table.
- 01:35 That's one reason why it's much, much better than just going and
- 01:39 applying a number format to a specific column.
- 01:42 Now we can do the same thing for units.
- 01:44 Maybe we want them to end off in the single decimal place.
- 01:46 We can right click, value field settings, go in to number formats.
- 01:52 Go down to accounting again maybe.
- 01:55 Say none and drop one decimal place.
- 01:58 And say okay, and okay, and you'll see that all of those convert.
- 02:02 So that's pretty good.
- 02:03 Now, there's a couple of other things though that we not wanna see in our
- 02:07 pivot table.
- 02:08 One of them is errors.
- 02:10 Maybe we've got a strange error somewhere sitting in our data and
- 02:14 we don't wanna have that there.
- 02:15 Now ideally, we'll wanna remove the error from the data and I'll show you why.
- 02:18 I'm gonna pull the sales dollars off of this pivot table to make this
- 02:22 a little more obvious.
- 02:24 You can see that we have an error here and of course, when it sums across,
- 02:27 we also have another error.
- 02:29 If we want to hide errors in our pivot table, we can right click on it.
- 02:33 Say pivot table options right down near the bottom.
- 02:37 We can check the box next to for error values show.
- 02:40 And just leave this blank.
- 02:42 And when we do that, it will hide the errors.
- 02:46 The only problem is that my information now no longer totals.
- 02:51 And it also no longer cross totals.
- 02:52 So that's not ideal.
- 02:54 What we really wanna deal with properly is getting rid of the actual error
- 02:59 which is showing somewhere in one of these columns.
- 03:02 So if I go and take a look here, I can find that it's a divide by zero.
- 03:05 This one should be one, so we'll change that.
- 03:09 Unfilter it.
- 03:11 And go and refresh our data now.
- 03:13 And we'll see that it actually totals across.
- 03:16 Now if you're working with difference from calculations,
- 03:18 you can sometimes can a # null error.
- 03:20 This technique is really good for hiding those off.
- 03:23 You don't really want to hide.
- 03:25 Source errors in your file.
- 03:27 The other thing that you may want to consider is filling in these gaps.
- 03:30 This pivot table looks like it's not complete because there's some holes in it.
- 03:34 Now, it's perfectly valid, but right now those holes should be zeros.
- 03:38 So how do we do that?
- 03:39 Once again we right click, we go into pivot table options, and
- 03:45 we have this for empty cells show.
- 03:47 So let's put in a zero and say okay.
- 03:51 And now you can see it fills it with the correct correct number format as well.
- 03:54 So, that's the real quick options for how to go through and
- 03:57 control the values in your pivot tables.
- 04:00 So most of the settings that you're gonna deal with for
- 04:02 controlling numbers are through value field settings and number format.
- 04:07 If you need to go through and actually control what's showing.
- 04:11 How to hide off values or how to fill empty cells with a value.
- 04:15 This is where you do.
- 04:16 Is in pivot table options, which is down near the bottom of this right click menu.
- 04:21 Pivot table options here.
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