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Building Combination charts in Power BI
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Quick reference
Combination Charts
Building Combination charts in Power BI
When to use
Combination charts are useful for showing values versus a standard or target
There are two types of Combination chart visuals included in Power BI:
Types of Combination Charts
- Line and Stacked Column chart
- Line and Clustered Column chart
- Drag your Field into the Axis area. The unique items in this field will be used for the primary axis
- The alternate axis is calculated automatically
- The measure(s) to use for the column heights should be dragged into the Column values area
- The measure(s) to use for the line should be dragged into the Line values area
- Segregate your columns (stacked or clustered) by dragging a field into the Column Series area
- Legends and tooltips can also be configured
- Dragging multiple fields into the Axis area will activate Drill Down
- Visual formatting can be done via the fields under the paint roller in the Visualizations area
- Trend lines can be found under the magnifying glass icon in the Visualizations area
Hints & tips
Common Modifications for Combination charts:
- Rename the Legend and force it to bottom
- Provide a custom title for the chart
- Change the y-Axis display units
- Force the y-Axis to plot on the primary axis by turning off y-Axis -> Show Secondary
- Change the line (or fill) colors
- Turn on Data Labels and customize the series (each series can be controlled separately)
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