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About this lesson
Learn to create an advanced level TOC using “Mark Entry”.
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Quick reference
Mark Entry for Table of Contents
Learn to create an advanced level TOC using “Mark Entry”.
When to use
When a document’s text style and TOC has to stay in normal font format, instead of Heading Style format, use the “Mark Entry” feature to help the TOC to find the headings. This is an advanced feature and generally used in legal offices where fancy formats are not acceptable.
Things to know
- ALT + SHIFT + O applies the “Mark Entry” feature.
- Home Ribbon, Show/Hide button shows the field codes on the screen.
- Nav Pane will not recognize these as “Headings”.
- Establish the text of the document (get as much typing and pictures in place as possible.)
- Mark the TOC Entries within the entire document (Alt+Shift+O).
E.g.: Select script to use as Heading, press Alt+Shift+O, choose the outline Level 1, 2, or 3, click Mark.
- Be aware of the formatting in the TOC marks. If it’s bold in there, it will be bold on the TOC.
Go through and un-bold the words in the codes if you don’t want any bold in your TOC. - When done, close the “Mark Entry” box.
- Go to the top of the Document (Ctrl+Home), and place the insertion point where you want the TOC to appear.
- Click the References Ribbon.
a. Click Table of Contents.
b. Custom Table of Contents.
c. Click Options
- Un-Check “Styles” and check “þ Table Entry Fields”.
- Click OK, OK.
- At this point, if you move a section, you must update the fields with Update Fields (F9),
or on the TOC… Right click, Update fields, Entire Table.
- 00:05 All right,
- 00:05 we're gonna take table of contents up a notch by not using the heading styles.
- 00:10 Now the reason we're not gonna use the heading styles, because in a court of law,
- 00:14 fancy headings are not allowed.
- 00:16 They just want plain text.
- 00:18 So, how do you do a table of contents without heading styles?
- 00:21 Well, you mark the entries manually, all right?
- 00:24 So let's go ahead and get started.
- 00:26 I do have a little cheat sheet right here.
- 00:28 It says Alt+Shift+O applies the mark entry feature.
- 00:31 And now your Show/Hide button will automatically come on and
- 00:34 show you the fields.
- 00:35 And the Navigation name, we don't need it this time,
- 00:37 'cause it's not gonna recognize these as headings.
- 00:39 Navigation pane only shows when the heading styles are used, so
- 00:43 we're not using that.
- 00:44 All right, I'm going to go ahead and select Topic 1.
- 00:47 I'm gonna press Alt+Shift+O on my keyboard.
- 00:51 And that pops open the mark entry field, okay?
- 00:53 This little box can be moved around.
- 00:55 I didn't type this in, because I'd preselected.
- 00:58 It showed up, the Table identifier is c, for table of contents, and Level 1.
- 01:02 I'm going to click Mark.
- 01:04 Now notice what happened on the screen in the background.
- 01:07 Keeping in mind, I'm not gonna close this box either.
- 01:09 What happened is a field, this field showed up.
- 01:12 So this field gives you vital information.
- 01:14 It's telling me table of contents that says Topic 1 within the quotation.
- 01:19 Notice it matches what I had selected.
- 01:21 The field style is C, that matches this little c over here for contents.
- 01:26 And the l, this is a tiny letter l, level 1, matches this level 1.
- 01:31 So that's why this code is what it all means on the inside.
- 01:35 Let's move on and do this again.
- 01:36 Can you go for the next one, Topic 2 bold font.
- 01:39 Now, when I just click this box, the mark entry box, click, it throws in that text.
- 01:46 I could have pressed Alt+Shift+O again and
- 01:48 it would have worked as well, just faster just to click the box.
- 01:52 And this is, let's see, table c, Level 1, I like it, keep going, Mark.
- 01:57 Now in this case, I want a third entry, I want a third level entry, so
- 02:01 you mark this as level 3.
- 02:02 So I'm gonna select the text, I'm gonna click the box, throws it in there,
- 02:07 but I'm gonna tell it Level 3 and Mark.
- 02:09 Now Subtopic 2, select the line, click the box, this is Level 2 and Mark.
- 02:16 Do you see what's happening?
- 02:17 I'm manually doing all of these, okay?
- 02:20 So you can just go through the same document and
- 02:23 do all of these as you know, just like I am.
- 02:26 Click the box, change the level, hit Mark.
- 02:29 Okay, at this point, I'm kinda done.
- 02:31 I'll go ahead and close this box, gonna leave this process.
- 02:35 Notice these fields are in here.
- 02:36 If these fields are bugging you, you are welcome to come up to your Home ribbon and
- 02:41 turn off this little Show/Hide button.
- 02:43 But honestly, I mean it cleans up the document.
- 02:46 I wouldn't do this till the end.
- 02:48 But it's kinda handy to have that on there right now, in the beginning, regardless.
- 02:52 Let's go ahead and put the table of contents.
- 02:54 So I've got report, table of contents,
- 02:55 got my activation, my insertion point right here.
- 02:59 Table of contents is on references, this is the upper level.
- 03:02 You've got to follow me here, okay?
- 03:04 On the References button, on Table of Contents, the automatics use,
- 03:09 absolutely use styles, we're not using styles.
- 03:13 So we hit the bottom, it says Custom Table of Content, click that.
- 03:18 When you click that, you come in the Table of Contents looking for
- 03:21 headings, heading styles.
- 03:22 We're not using styles,
- 03:24 you've got to hit this button right over here called Options.
- 03:27 Without this button, you don't get into the advanced table of contents.
- 03:30 You gotta dig to find this stuff.
- 03:32 So I'm gonna click on Options and it wants me to use styles.
- 03:35 I'm not using styles, uncheck it, just for good measure, in case there is a style
- 03:40 lurking in that document, I don't want it to show up in my table of contents.
- 03:44 Right down here the very last one, Table entry fields,
- 03:47 click, hit OK, hit OK, and there we have it.
- 03:52 There's my table of contents fields.
- 03:54 Now I'm gonna lose this yellow box real quick,
- 03:55 because it's kinda bumping into my table of contents.
- 03:58 And I'm not happy with this Topic 2.
- 04:00 Look at that, it's bold, I didn't want it bold.
- 04:02 It's got extra words, I didn't want those words.
- 04:04 So notice when I float my mouse there, it says Ctrl+Click to follow the link.
- 04:08 Ctrl+Click takes me exactly to that link, I can't see the field.
- 04:13 Turning on my show codes, click, now I can see the field.
- 04:17 I'm going to select this entire interior, I'm gonna turn off my bold,
- 04:22 and I'm going to remove the words that I don't want to show up.
- 04:26 And I'm gonna say Topic 2 is new!, with an exclamation point.
- 04:31 And now when I update my fields, that's gonna show up.
- 04:33 I'm gonna leave all those codes on for now.
- 04:35 But right up here, I'm gonna click into my table of contents.
- 04:39 Now I'm looking for the update, update, it's not there.
- 04:42 Right-click, right-click will provide you with the update field.
- 04:46 Click, and entire field, keep your eyes on Topic 2,
- 04:51 hitting OK, there we go, Topic 2 is new!
- 04:55 How great is that?
- 04:56 You have full control of your table contents.
- 04:58 Practice it though, it takes a lot of practice to get good at that.
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