Locked lesson.
About this lesson
Quickly move from page-to-page and view pages side-by-side.
Lesson versions
Multiple versions of this lesson are available, choose the appropriate version for you:
2013, 2016.
Exercise files
Download the Word document used in the video tutorial and try the lesson yourself.
Working with Pages.docx71.4 KB
Quick reference
Working with Pages
Quickly move from page-to-page and view pages side-by-side
When to use
When your document grows large, it is a time saver to move through the pages using the tools in MS Word 2013.
Note: It is a good practice to View, Navigation Pane. This allows you to observe the pages on the left panel.
1.View, One Page: will show one full page in portrait view. The page will shrink to fit the window.
2.View, Multiple Pages: Will display pages side-by-size horizontally, and can be adjusted by shrinking the zoom control setting.
3.View, Page Width: The page will widen to fit the width of the window; only the top portion of the page will be visible until you scroll.
1. Zoom Control for Multiple Pages: by shrinking the zoom control, multiple pages can be viewed vertically stacked
2. Scroll Bar: will move the document one screen length at time either up or down.
1.CTRL HOME will take you to the top of any document
2.CTRL END will take you to the bottom of any document
3.Page UP moves the screen UP one “view length” at a time
4.Page DOWN moves the screen DOWN one “view length” at a time
5.Ctrl Page UP jumps UP by one page
6.Ctrl Page DOWN jumps DOWN by one page
- 00:05 Welcome to the lesson about Working With Pages.
- 00:07 You'll reach a point where your document begins to grow larger and larger, and
- 00:11 you've got to be able to quickly move through the pages to find certain areas.
- 00:16 So I do recommend that you have your View Ribbon and the Navigation Pane checked.
- 00:21 You can also stay here because we're going to be using the items right over here on
- 00:26 these in control.
- 00:27 Now in this particular exercise, I do have a cover page,
- 00:32 I do have page one, two and three, for a total of four pages.
- 00:37 Now if you float your mouse down here where it says,
- 00:40 because I clicked on page four, it's actually telling me page four of four.
- 00:44 You could actually click that, and it will close your navigation pane.
- 00:47 Click it again, and it'll come back on.
- 00:49 Just so you know, just instead of going to the view Navigation Pane,
- 00:53 by clicking that, it's just a faster way to turn that off and on.
- 00:57 All right, I'm gonna scroll on the navigation to get to the top.
- 01:00 But, there's another way.
- 01:02 Even though I haven't clicked it yet I can see page one at the top, but right over
- 01:06 here I'm still clicked, see my insertion point, I'm still clicked on page four.
- 01:10 How do I know that?
- 01:11 Cuz in the bottom left corner it's telling me,
- 01:14 page 404 is where your insertion point is at right now.
- 01:17 Regardless of what your eyes are seeing on the navigation pane,
- 01:20 this page 404 is recording where your insertion point is at.
- 01:24 Now I want to get to the top of my entire document, so
- 01:26 I'm gonna press Ctrl Home on my keyboard Ctrl+Home will always take you to the top.
- 01:31 Now notice on my navigation pane, page 1 has a border around it and
- 01:35 look at down here it says page 1 of 4, my insertion point is now at the top of
- 01:40 the document now the opposite is control end e n d that is right
- 01:45 under your home button control end will take you to the bottom of the document
- 01:49 again you can confirm that navigation pane shows you on your fourth page even though
- 01:54 it says number three that's because the cover page is page zero But look at this.
- 01:58 Page 4 of 4, I'm at the bottom, go ahead and go back to the top with Ctrl + Home.
- 02:01 I would like to actually see multiple pages on the screen.
- 02:05 So down here in the right hand corner, we do have the zoom control.
- 02:09 Now the zoom control has a lever that will shrink this very small.
- 02:13 And I can scroll and I can see multiple pages on the screen.
- 02:17 I would like to see them side by side,
- 02:19 rather than vertically underneath each other.
- 02:21 So on the View Ribbon, right over here, we have these three options.
- 02:25 The first one is One Page.
- 02:27 Go ahead and click the one page button this shows you a complete portrait view of
- 02:32 one single page.
- 02:34 Right under it we have the multiple pages,
- 02:36 this will actually begin to stack them side by side saves you time and scrolling.
- 02:40 You can see the flow of the whole document,
- 02:43 now if I want to see more on there I would simply reduce the zoom control and
- 02:49 it would begin to stack them across.
- 02:51 And so it just depends on how small you use the zoom control to
- 02:54 how many will stack on the screen.
- 02:57 Now I want to see just the page width.
- 02:59 So I click the Page Width button, and it is showing me the entire width
- 03:03 of the page one, where my active insertion point was.
- 03:06 And I can now choose to go to one page, multiple pages,
- 03:10 which it'll go back to just two.
- 03:13 If you want more on there you've got to use the zoom control at the bottom, or
- 03:17 just page width.
- 03:19 And that is how you control pages.
- 03:20 Now, there is another button.
- 03:22 We did the Control+Home and Control+End.
- 03:25 Right beside home and end on your keyboard is page up and page down.
- 03:29 Page Down will send you a screen shot at a time,
- 03:32 a screen width at a time, and Page Up will do the same thing.
- 03:36 But Ctrl+Page Down will send you one full page down at a time,
- 03:40 Ctrl+Page Up will send you one full page up at a time.
- 03:44 Notice also your scroll bar was moving,
- 03:46 you can click in there, in your scroll bar.
- 03:48 And this measures one screen width.
- 03:51 So I can click under that and send it a screen width at a time.
- 03:55 Personally, I like the page up page down buttons.
- 03:58 I like the home, control, home, and end buttons.
- 04:00 And I absolutely love the Multiple Page button right over here.
- 04:04 It's wonderful when you're working with a large document, and
- 04:08 you need to see your page layouts.
- 04:10 All right, I hope that helps you with Working With Pages.
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