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About this lesson
Advanced techniques using Symmetry Mode with the Pen Tool
Exercise files
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4.08 using-symmetry-mode - Exercise.docx51.8 KB 4.08 using-symmetry-mode - Exercise solution.docx
223.7 KB Dragon_Illustration.jpg
619.3 KB Skull_Illustration.jpg
2.2 MB
Quick reference
Using Symmetry Mode
Learn how to use Symmetry Mode to save time and create perfectly mirrored images or illustrations.
When to use
Symmetry Mode can be used when you want to save time by creating one side of a drawing or illustration and having the other half done for you automatically.
Starting Clean
- Create a New File that is 8.5" x 11" in RGB Color Mode and with a single Artboard.
- Press Command/Ctrl + O or go to the File Menu and choose 'Open' from the menu.
- Navigate to either of the two illustrations from the Lesson Files and click 'Open' from the dialog box.
- Select one of the two illustrations and click on it with your Selection Tool (V).
- Press Command/Ctrl + X to cut the illustration, and then navigate to your new document and paste it by pressing Command/Ctrl + V on the keyboard.
- Scale the illustration down by clicking and dragging inwards from any of the four corners of the bounding box until the drawing fits nicely on your artboard.
- Rename the layer 'SKETCH' and then double-click on the layer before checking off the 'Dim Images to' box and reducing the opacity to 50%.
- You can now lock this layer, and create a new layer on top for your lines.
- Select your Pen Tool (P) and choose a black stroke with no fill color.
- Create your first point, and then your second point, following the outer shape of the drawing.
- Go to the Object Menu and choose Repeat > Mirror and all of your lines will now be reflected perfectly on the opposite side.
- Use the Pen Tool (P) and the tips and tricks we've covered to trace one-half of the drawing until completed.
- If you need to go back and modify any of your shapes once you've finished, you can double-click on the illustration to go inside and make adjustments.
- Click on the small arrow in the upper left-hand corner of your file to go back one level after making an adjustment to return to your main document.
Hints & tips
- If you have a space or gap in the middle where your lines should meet, you can use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to click on the point and drag it towards the center line until they match up.
- You need to have at least one line before you can mirror your illustration.
- Take your time and remember to zoom in and out to get a look at your linework as you go.
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