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About this lesson
Being direct isn't always the most successful way to communicate or influence.
- 00:04 Be direct.
- 00:06 Get to the point.
- 00:06 Be concise.
- 00:07 Tell it like it is.
- 00:08 Don't sugarcoat it.
- 00:10 Just get to the point quickly.
- 00:13 You've heard all these things your whole life, right?
- 00:16 Well, guess what?
- 00:19 It's not really true.
- 00:21 Now I'm not suggesting you lie, beat around the bush.
- 00:25 But in every single opportunity when you're trying to communicate with someone,
- 00:30 you have to look at a number of factors.
- 00:33 What's their interest in what you're talking about?
- 00:35 How much do they trust you like you even know you?
- 00:39 It's not true that the most direct communication is always going to
- 00:43 be the most successful, no.
- 00:45 This is not a course on dating and romantic relationships.
- 00:51 But think back when you were in high school or middle school.
- 00:54 There was typically always one person, typically a guy.
- 00:58 And he would just call or text, the ten most attractive people in the school and
- 01:02 ask them out on a date.
- 01:04 Hey you want to go out with me?
- 01:06 What typically happened to that person?
- 01:09 They all said, no.
- 01:10 It was just too direct.
- 01:14 He was clear on what he wanted, but it just is too off putting.
- 01:21 So it's not enough.
- 01:23 That's why you typically don't see 30 minute infomercials as ten second
- 01:28 commercials.
- 01:29 In infomercial there's a form of communication.
- 01:32 It's one we like to make fun of.
- 01:34 And people like to think it doesn't have an impact on them.
- 01:37 But infomercials is the 30 minute long commercials.
- 01:42 Spent a lot of time making the case.
- 01:44 Telling a story, telling benefits, bringing you in.
- 01:48 Being interesting.
- 01:50 Talking about your concerns before they ever asked you
- 01:54 to pull out your credit card number and purchase something.
- 01:58 So I want you to get into this whole learning experience on
- 02:02 communication skills with an open mind.
- 02:04 And realize it's not about being fast, concise, the most direct.
- 02:10 It's about putting forth your ideas in the warmest environment possible.
- 02:17 So they can be received in the best possible way.
- 02:20 So that the person or persons you're speaking to, really understand you.
- 02:26 And feel good about you and your messages.
- 02:30 So they're more likely to understand you.
- 02:33 Remember your messages.
- 02:34 Perhaps do what you want.
- 02:35 Go where you want to go.
- 02:37 Or join you in some greater enterprise.
- 02:40 So, I do want to just get you to kind of scratch off this idea
- 02:45 that more direct is always better.
- 02:48 Sometimes it is.
- 02:50 But sometimes it isn't.
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