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Let's walk through the GoSkills course builder to see how easy it is to assemble a new course.
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Hands On with Course Building Tools
Time for something a little different: This lesson video features a screen recording where I walk you through the steps of assembling your own course. You'll see me use the award-winning GoSkills course builder which features many of the same features found in industry-standard learning management systems.
Here's a breakdown of the steps I used in this video to create the course:
- Choose the course structure - If you have the option, choose the most appropriate structure or template for your course, whether it's a single-lesson, multi-lesson, or some other configuration.
- Add basic course information - Add the title, description, and any other basic course details to get started.
- Create your outline - Add placeholder sections and lessons where you will later upload or create the course content.
- Create/Upload the lesson content - For each lesson, go in and add the videos, text, images, quizzes, and other elements. It can often be helpful to create much of this content outside the LMS before uploading, but you always have the option of creating and modifying it as you go.
- Review/approval process - If you have a process you use for content approval or review, set that in motion before the final step, which is to...
- Publish your course - Make the course available to your learners.
A quick note about using AI tools
I've started using AI as a tool for creating course content, and it can be an amazing time saver. However, I strongly suggest you invest the time you save into verifying any content created by your AI.
AI platforms base their content on whatever set of data it has been trained on. While some AI platforms' data are updated in real time, others may be months or even years out of date. Be aware of any content limitations on your AI-powered and review its output accordingly.
Login to download- 00:04 Up till now, you've listened to me talk about some of the theory behind course
- 00:09 building or instructional design, as we call it.
- 00:12 And in recent lessons, I've talked about the techniques I use for
- 00:15 preparing course materials from outlines and learning objectives to the wide array
- 00:20 of choices you have for creating course content.
- 00:23 Well, now in this lesson, I'm going to do something a little bit different.
- 00:26 I'm going to show you how all these things come together within a learning management
- 00:31 system, and more specifically, a course-building platform.
- 00:35 What I'm going to show you now is a screen recording of me creating a brand new
- 00:40 course within the award-winning course builder that we use at GoSkills.
- 00:44 Not all course-building platforms have the exact same features or functionality,
- 00:49 but most of the time you can find an alternate way of doing things.
- 00:53 So follow along and you'll see a lot of this is quite straightforward.
- 00:59 I'm going to start here at the dashboard after I've logged into GoSkills where I
- 01:03 can create a course.
- 01:04 I got a button right here next to some of the previous courses I've built.
- 01:08 Click the button, and I'm given a choice, what kind of course do I want?
- 01:14 This is about the course structure.
- 01:16 So some platforms allow you to import a SCORM course,
- 01:20 if you're familiar with that.
- 01:22 You can see the choices here, but what I want to focus on are the middle two,
- 01:26 a single-lesson course and a multi-lesson course.
- 01:30 Remember how in an earlier lesson I said some topics require multiple lessons,
- 01:36 and other times you don't need much training at all?
- 01:40 If you have a simple thing, one simple thing you want to communicate through
- 01:44 a single lesson, there is a solution for that.
- 01:47 Quick and easy right to the point, a wesome for bite-sized learning.
- 01:52 What I'm going to choose is the multi-lesson course because I think many
- 01:56 of you out there have the same needs I usually do.
- 01:58 We need to cover multiple sections of content in
- 02:02 order to properly train our learners on the particular subject.
- 02:06 So I'm going to choose multi-lesson course.
- 02:09 Now, before I show you the traditional way of assembling a course,
- 02:14 I do want to point out a cool feature that GoSkills has added to the course builder,
- 02:19 an AI-powered assistant which we call Genie.
- 02:22 If you want to speedrun the process of course building,
- 02:26 the AI Content Assistant will help you create pieces you need for the course.
- 02:31 You answer a few questions about the course.
- 02:35 What industry are you in?
- 02:36 Who is taking the course?
- 02:38 That's an important question.
- 02:39 What skill level are you looking for?
- 02:42 And then offer a quick description of what you want from the course and
- 02:47 with the click of a button, Genie will generate a title and course description.
- 02:52 It happens within seconds.
- 02:54 It's really really cool.
- 02:56 Not only that but if you like what you see, Genie can also generate the course
- 03:02 outline and text for the inside of the lesson for the lesson content.
- 03:07 It's really an amazing time saver.
- 03:10 And combined with the theory that I've shared with you in previous lessons,
- 03:14 you can absolutely put together a course in a fraction of the time.
- 03:18 But let's back up.
- 03:20 Let's assume we're approaching our new course in a more traditional way.
- 03:25 We've done our research and we've created our own details.
- 03:28 The course title, description, an outline, and all the lesson content.
- 03:34 We can begin to put that information in our course builder here
- 03:39 on the Course Overview page.
- 03:41 Now jumping into the Lessons tab on our course builder,
- 03:45 you can see that we have the option to, AI Generate an outline.
- 03:50 But again, let's back up, let's assume that we have created
- 03:55 something specifically for the course or even we have a pre-existing
- 04:00 course that maybe we want to import into this platform.
- 04:05 Well, manually creating your course outline usually requires that you add in
- 04:10 sections and lessons, which will become the placeholders for your course content.
- 04:15 Since I created my own outline,
- 04:17 I'm going to switch over to the document where I have that information.
- 04:24 And at this point, I'm just going to do some copying and pasting.
- 04:27 That's pretty much the process here.
- 04:29 I'll speed up the video, but you can get the idea of what this looks like.
- 04:38 Now creating the individual lessons can be kind of fun, I have to admit,
- 04:42 depending on the course builder that you're using.
- 04:45 Some platforms will give you nothing more than a place to put text,
- 04:49 while other course builders like the GoSkills course builder,
- 04:53 offers a variety of content formats you can use.
- 04:57 You can see here in this first lesson, it's asking us to add a content block.
- 05:02 And this is kind of standard for many course builders now, using a block type
- 05:07 of system so that you can add pieces to the less than one block at a time.
- 05:12 And if you don't know what I mean, follow along this will be clear in a moment.
- 05:17 I'm going to start by adding a video block that I've created for this lesson.
- 05:22 The video is a file that I've edited.
- 05:25 I'll click this button, I browse out, find that file, and
- 05:30 the platform will begin to upload it.
- 05:32 And most platforms also do some video processing, so
- 05:36 that it will play properly within whatever system you use.
- 05:41 And this may take a little bit, video files can be quite large at times, so
- 05:46 just be patient and it will eventually finish uploading and processing.
- 05:51 Other content blocks you can add, almost always include text, this is usually
- 05:56 as easy as copying and pasting text that you've got in another document somewhere,
- 06:01 stuff you've already prepared, or you can start typing right inside the block.
- 06:07 And many course builders also offer the option of adding images,
- 06:12 file downloads code blocks if you're teaching people how to do code,
- 06:17 quizzes even links out to YouTube videos.
- 06:20 As you assemble these lesson pages, you may also have the option of
- 06:24 reordering content and this is where the blocks come into play.
- 06:28 You can move each one of them up and down as needed to change the order.
- 06:34 This is a great advantage of content blocks it just makes assembling
- 06:38 the lessons much easier.
- 06:40 So you've seen me put together a lesson right here, and
- 06:44 it doesn't really take that much time if you've already created all the pieces and
- 06:51 you just going to import them or copy and paste them into the course builder.
- 06:57 So what you do here is repeat the process for each lesson.
- 07:01 You add the content, you copy and paste, upload videos or images or
- 07:06 other files, whatever is required.
- 07:08 And when all is said and done, you have a completed course.
- 07:13 The final steps may include some round of review by colleagues or
- 07:18 an approval process, all depends on your organization.
- 07:22 But once you publish your course and make it live for your learners,
- 07:26 then you'll begin to see the results of all your hard work.
- 07:30 So we'll talk more about what happens after you launch your
- 07:35 course in the next lesson.
- 07:37 I'll see you then.
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