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About this lesson
In this lesson, we're going to download the Sublime Text Editor. This is the text editor we'll use to write our code.
Quick reference
Download Sublime Text Editor
In this course we're going to use the Sublime Text Editor to write our code on.
When to use
You'll need to download and install Sublime text one time.
Head over to SublimeText.com and download and install the latest version.
Hints & tips
- Download from SublimeText.com
- You can use any text editor you like, but I recommend Sublime Text.
- 00:04 Okay, in this video we're going to download the Sublime Text Editor.
- 00:07 And Sublime is the thing we're going to use to actually write our code.
- 00:10 It's a text editor, it's a standard text editor for
- 00:13 coders, it's probably one of the most popular coding text editors out there.
- 00:17 If there's another text editor that you already like to use,
- 00:20 absolutely feel free to use that throughout this course.
- 00:23 But I like Sublime, it's completely free.
- 00:25 I'd say most coders, the majority of coders probably use sublime.
- 00:28 And so that's what we're going to use in this course.
- 00:30 So go ahead and head over to Google and then just type in sublime text.
- 00:36 And the first thing that pops up is going to be sublimetext.com, so
- 00:40 go ahead and click that.
- 00:41 Now this is the Sublime text window and you see,
- 00:44 we're on Sublime text version three, build 3211.
- 00:47 If these numbers change by the time you watch this video, absolutely no big deal,
- 00:51 just download the latest version, whatever pops up here is fine.
- 00:54 So go ahead and click this Download for Windows button.
- 00:57 And again, I'm on Chrome, so my downloads appear down here.
- 01:01 If you're on Firefox, there'll be up here, but wherever it appears,
- 01:04 just go ahead and click it.
- 01:06 And then we get this installation wizard.
- 01:08 So we probably do want to add it to the context menu, you can click that or not,
- 01:12 it really doesn't matter.
- 01:13 So then go ahead and click Next.
- 01:15 And then that's all there is to it.
- 01:17 You just have to click install to go ahead and install this.
- 01:20 Now I'm going to click cancel because I've already installed this on my computer, but
- 01:23 you'll go ahead and click the Install button, and that's all there is to it.
- 01:26 So after the installation completes, in order to actually run Sublime,
- 01:31 head over to your Windows taskbar here,
- 01:33 and I just like to click this little magnifying glass right here to search.
- 01:38 And then you could just type in sublime, as soon as I start to type in sublime,
- 01:42 it finds it, pops up right here, and you can go ahead and click it.
- 01:46 You can do the same thing with your Windows start menu.
- 01:49 Sublime will pop up and this is Sublime.
- 01:51 So in the next few videos, we'll go ahead and look more deeply at Sublime and
- 01:54 I'll show you how to use it and everything.
- 01:56 But for now, we've got it downloaded and we've got it installed, and
- 01:59 we're ready to go.
- 02:00 So like I said, we're going to be using Sublime Text, but
- 02:03 there are a bunch of other text editors you can use if you prefer them.
- 02:06 I'm going to show you just a couple of them really quickly right now.
- 02:09 So one popular one is Notepad++.
- 02:12 So if we go here and click on Notepad++, you can see this is what it looks like.
- 02:17 It's very similar to Sublime Text but the default color is white,
- 02:20 whereas the default color in Sublime is black.
- 02:22 If you prefer that, you might want to use Notepad++, and
- 02:26 you can change Sublime to have a white background if you want,
- 02:29 if you go into the settings, I'm not going to show you how to do that.
- 02:32 If you just prefer white, maybe just download this Notepad++, and
- 02:36 so that's cool.
- 02:37 Again, this one is completely free.
- 02:39 Another popular one is Visual Code.
- 02:44 Now, this is Visual Studio Code, this is from Microsoft.
- 02:47 And this is a little bit more complicated than Sublime.
- 02:50 Now this is becoming more and more popular, more people are using this
- 02:53 because Microsoft has made this available for free.
- 02:56 I think you used to have to pay for it.
- 02:58 But now it's just free, kind of part of their push to do more open source stuff.
- 03:03 And this is great, there's a lot of cool stuff in this, but
- 03:06 it's kind of overkill too.
- 03:08 There's really too much in here for the beginner.
- 03:12 For me, I just like Sublime, it's simple, it's elegant, it's easy to use,
- 03:16 there's not a lot of extras.
- 03:18 Now you can add extra things to Sublime.
- 03:20 There's all kinds of add-ons that you can add that make it work a lot more like
- 03:25 Visual Studio Code.
- 03:26 But for me, I just like the simple Sublime Text.
- 03:29 So that's what I use and that's what I suggest, especially for
- 03:32 new coders who are just starting to learn.
- 03:34 If later on, you want to learn how to do Visual Studio Code,
- 03:37 absolutely go ahead and do that.
- 03:39 But starting out, I would definitely suggest Sublime.
- 03:42 So those are kind of the two competitor text editors out there to Sublime Text.
- 03:46 Like I said earlier, the majority of coders still use Sublime Text.
- 03:50 Every year there's a big poll on StackOverflow, and Sublime Text is always
- 03:54 at the top of the list of most popular, most used text editors for coders.
- 03:58 So that's what I like to stick with.
- 04:00 So we need one more tool before we can really get started with the course, and
- 04:03 that's the Git Bash terminal.
- 04:05 And we'll go ahead and download that in the next video
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