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About this lesson
In this lesson, we'll download and install Git Bash Terminal. This is terminal that will allow us to run commands for our Django project.
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Quick reference
Download and Install Git Bash Terminal
To run commands for our Django project, we need a terminal. We'll be using the Git Bash terminal in this course.
When to use
We'll use the Git Bash terminal to run all our commands for our Django project.
Head to: https://git-scm.com/downloads and download and install the latest version of the Git Bash terminal.
Hints & tips
- Download from: https://git-scm.com/downloads
- Take the default settings for all the installation wizard screens
- 00:04 Okay, so we've got Python installed, we've got our Sublime Text Editor installed.
- 00:08 We need one more piece of software in order to continue, and
- 00:10 that's the Git Bash terminal.
- 00:12 And a terminal will allow us to run commands for our Django project.
- 00:16 So head over to Google and type git bash.
- 00:22 And see it's not the first thing that pops up.
- 00:24 It's the second one at least for me It may be different for you, but
- 00:27 it's git-scm.com, and then download.
- 00:30 So go ahead and click this.
- 00:32 And this is the website we just want to download whatever the latest version is,
- 00:37 it happens to be 2.24.0 as of the time of recording this video.
- 00:41 If that number changes by the time you watch this,
- 00:43 no big deal at all just go ahead and download whatever the current version is.
- 00:46 So go ahead and click this.
- 00:48 And again, I'm on Chrome, so my downloads pop up here.
- 00:51 If you're on Firefox again, it'll be up here in the top right hand corner.
- 00:55 But wherever it downloads as soon as it's finished, go ahead and click it.
- 01:00 And here is the installation wizard.
- 01:02 So it starts with the license.
- 01:04 Go ahead and click Next.
- 01:05 And this program has a lot of installation screens, and
- 01:09 we just want to click Next for all of them.
- 01:11 We don't care really what any of this stuff is.
- 01:14 Just keep clicking clicking Next, Next, Next, Next,
- 01:20 Next, Next, Next, got a lot of screens, next.
- 01:25 Again, we just want the default for all of these.
- 01:27 Finally we come to the last screen, go ahead and click Install and
- 01:30 that will finish installing the program for you.
- 01:32 I've already installed it on my computer, so I'm not going to do that but
- 01:35 you go ahead and do that.
- 01:36 And in a minute or so it'll finish installing and that'll be that.
- 01:39 So in order to use the Git Bash terminal, just like with Sublime, we come
- 01:44 down to our little magnifying glass here, and then just start to type in Git.
- 01:49 And you can see right away it pops up, the Git Bash terminal.
- 01:52 And when you click that, this is what appears.
- 01:55 And again, we'll talk about what this is and how to use it in the coming videos.
- 01:59 But for now, we just want to make sure that it's installed.
- 02:01 And it looks like it was installed correctly, and we're ready to go.
- 02:05 So you'll notice right here it say codemy@codemy and then this M-I-N-G-W- 64.
- 02:11 Yours is going to say something a little bit different.
- 02:14 Mine says codemy because that's the name of my computer,
- 02:17 that's my logged in username.
- 02:19 Whatever your computer's logged in username is,
- 02:22 you'll probably see that listed there.
- 02:24 And likewise,
- 02:25 I can type the command pwd to show me what directory I'm currently in.
- 02:29 And I'm in c/users/codemy.
- 02:31 And this is just my default directory.
- 02:33 If your username is Bob, you'll likely see c/users/bob, right?
- 02:38 If you're on Mac or Linux,
- 02:39 they have a different file directory structure they don't have a C drive.
- 02:43 So whatever your default directory for
- 02:45 your Mac or Linux is you'll see that listed there.
- 02:48 It's not terribly important but
- 02:49 I'm just kind of like to pointed out the first time.
- 02:52 And what this terminal does is, like I said, it allows us to run commands for
- 02:55 our Django project.
- 02:56 But it also allows us to navigate around in our computer's directory structure.
- 03:01 So we have files on your computer.
- 03:03 You can use this to navigate with a text terminal, and
- 03:06 we'll see how to do that going forward, it's very simple.
- 03:09 So now we have all the tools that we need in order to start using Django and
- 03:13 start building out our Django project.
- 03:15 In the next video, we'll set up a virtual environment and
- 03:18 start building our project.
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