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Learn to work with INDEX, MATCH and HLOOKUP, as alternatives to the VLOOKUP function.
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Other lookup methods.
Working with INDEX, MATCH and HLOOKUP, as alternatives to the VLOOKUP function.
Where/when to use the technique
INDEX and MATCH can be used in combination to create truly dynamic lookup methods, where HLOOKUP is better suited to horizontal data than VLOOKUP.
- Allows you to return a value based on the numeric row and column positions within a range.
- =INDEX(A1:C10,5,2) Returns the value in B5 (the 5th row and 2nd column of the data set)
- Works similar to VLOOKUP, but returns the numeric position of the match, allowing it to be used in INDEX functions
- The MATCH syntax (in English) is: =MATCH([what should it look for],[where is the table to look in],[guess if it can’t find a match])
- =MATCH(“Coffee”,A1:A10,FALSE) would return the numeric position of the Coffee record in cells A1:A10. This function could then be nested in the row parameter of the INDEX function.
- Note that INDEX/MATCH combinations are actually faster than VLOOKUP formulas; something that can become important in very large workbooks.
- HLOOKUP works just like VLOOKUP, only it looks across rows, then down rows, unlike VLOOKUP which looks down columns then across columns
- HLOOKUP’s syntax (in plain English) is similar to VLOOKUP’s
- =HLOOKUP([what should it look for],[where is the table to look in],[which row should it return a value from],[guess if it can’t find a match])
- All the caveats related to VLOOKUP with exact and approximate matches apply to HLOOKUP as well
- 00:04 In this video, we're gonna look at some other lookup methods and
- 00:07 how they're similar and yet different to vlookup.
- 00:11 The first we'll lookup is hlookup, which is very similar to vlookup.
- 00:15 It has all the same caveats about sorted data and all the rest of it.
- 00:19 But instead of looking down the first column for match,
- 00:23 it actually works across the first row of your data table, and
- 00:27 then returns the number of records going down, so if we take a look here.
- 00:32 If we wanted to say, let's go with equals HLOOKUP.
- 00:36 And the value we'll look up is all inclusive location.
- 00:39 We'll look that up in the table going this way, and
- 00:43 what it's gonna do is it's gonna look across the first header here.
- 00:45 We'll just press F4 to make that absolute, and I'll say you know what,
- 00:49 let's return the third row comma false, because we want to make sure that we only
- 00:53 return records that actually have All Inclusive Location in their header.
- 01:00 And we'll say Enter.
- 01:00 And it'll return Puerto Vallarta, Mexico,
- 01:03 because it looks across the first, finds the all-inclusive location and
- 01:06 says, this is row one, two, three, there we go, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
- 01:10 So, exactly the same thing.
- 01:12 What would you like look up?
- 01:13 Where would would you like to look it up?
- 01:14 Which row would you like returned in this case, and would you like me to guess if I
- 01:18 can't find All Inclusive Location in the first header row?
- 01:23 So, same thing, just tipped 90 degrees.
- 01:25 Okay, now, the next function that I want to look at,
- 01:28 actually gets used in combination here.
- 01:30 And this is index and match.
- 01:32 And we're going to start with the match function and
- 01:34 I want to show you how this one works.
- 01:36 Again, it's very similar to VLOOKUP in a way, but it takes one parameter less.
- 01:41 What we're gonna do is we're gonna look up the vacation number here.
- 01:43 So we're gonna type match, open brackets, look up the vacation number.
- 01:49 So what would we like to look up, where would we like to look this up.
- 01:53 We're going to look it up in the first column of our table.
- 01:56 And I'm gonna include the header row here, I'll just make this absolute.
- 02:01 And you'll notice that it doesn't ask me for an offsetting column,
- 02:04 it says what's the match type you'd like?
- 02:06 Well, again, I'd like to go with false, I don't want Excel to guess.
- 02:09 I want to find the exact thing I'm looking for, or return an error.
- 02:14 So the same as VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP in that way.
- 02:17 When I hit Enter, VLOOKUP or rather Match, returns me seven.
- 02:22 Why?
- 02:23 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, is the value that I was looking up.
- 02:29 So it's returning me the numeric position of that match.
- 02:32 This is a little different.
- 02:34 Let's try this with the column name as well.
- 02:35 We'll go with equals match.
- 02:38 We'll look for All Inclusive Location.
- 02:41 And we're gonna look across the headers, I'll lock those down as well.
- 02:45 It's not totally necessary, I just prefer to do that so I can copy it later.
- 02:49 Comma false, because I don't want to have any guesses about this,
- 02:52 I only want to return the column that says All Inclusive Location, and
- 02:56 it should return, you'd think, if vacation number is column one,
- 02:59 All Inclusive Location is column two, it should return two.
- 03:03 And lo and behold, it does.
- 03:05 Why is match so useful?
- 03:07 It's for working with index.
- 03:10 And here's the thing.
- 03:11 What index does is it actually provides our table that
- 03:16 we declare, so if we say index, and we select the entire table here.
- 03:23 We'll just lock that down to absolute so we can copy it around as well.
- 03:26 When we hit comma, it says where's the data like, what row number is it in?
- 03:31 Well if I want to find the match for 71523 I can just use comma seven.
- 03:38 What column would I like to pick up?
- 03:40 Well I'd like to pick up the second column.
- 03:43 So we'll just use this one.
- 03:44 Now, what INDEX does is it takes our range and
- 03:47 it turns it into a two dimensional table that can be accessed basically by saying,
- 03:51 give me the numeric cross-reference for this.
- 03:54 It starts with row, so it says give me the seventh row, give me the second column.
- 03:58 And there we go, it should return Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic.
- 04:02 When we hit Enter, absolutely it does.
- 04:04 What if I decided to change things up?
- 04:06 What if I decided to use something like 73871.
- 04:09 73871.
- 04:13 The match is gonna work.
- 04:14 It's gonna return Puerto Vallarta, because it's looking for the match.
- 04:17 It finds it in the third row and it allows me to actually pull this back.
- 04:21 Now advantages to INDEX and MATCH.
- 04:23 Believe it or not, you can take these functions here,
- 04:26 I'm gonna grab this guy right here, Command + C and copy it.
- 04:30 I don't need to use this in a separate cell.
- 04:33 I could just nest this function together.
- 04:36 It makes a really long function.
- 04:38 Okay, I'm pasting that in place of the cell reference I've used before, and
- 04:41 it still works.
- 04:43 Despite doing this with both functions, believe it or
- 04:47 not, INDEX MATCH is way faster than VLOOKUP when
- 04:52 you actually start using it on a regular basis to actually work with your data.
- 04:57 It's a much better performing function.
- 05:00 It also allows you to lookup values in areas that are other than the first
- 05:04 column and actually return the offsetting match, which is also very, very useful.
- 05:09 One other thing I wanna show you here quickly is I can now flip this as well to
- 05:12 return the trip cost.
- 05:13 And this is important because I'm gonna type in trip cost all lower case.
- 05:18 You'll notice that it comes back with a trip for 73871 and
- 05:21 it actually does return 1,300.
- 05:23 So these match functions, like VLOOKUP, like HLOOKUP, are not case sensitive.
- 05:28 And that's also very important to understand.
- 05:30 So, there's some more variety of functions that you can use for
- 05:33 looking up data in Excel.
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