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Learn to use VLOOKUP to find an exact match and return it or the corresponding value from another column.
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Quick reference
VLOOKUP (exact match).
Using VLOOKUP to locate an exact match in a data table, and return the value from a corresponding column.
Where/when to use the technique
Using VLOOKUP with an exact match is ideal to look up product numbers, customer data or other data where there is a unique key to find in a data table.
VLOOKUP’s parameters (in English)
- =VLOOKUP([what should it look for],[where is the table to look in],[which column should it return a value from],[guess if it can’t find a match])
Key points with VLOOKUP and exact matches
- The final parameter for VLOOKUP with an exact match must be set to FALSE.
- The first column of your data does NOT need to be sorted in ascending order. (VLOOKUP will keep looking until it finds a match or figures out there is no match.)
- The column to return is the column of the table, not the column of the spreadsheet (if your VLOOKUP table starts in column B, then 1 refers to column B, as it is the first column in the table.)
- VLOOKUP exact matches are NOT case sensitive. (Looking up dog in a table will return Dog.)
- We can nest formulae into the “what to look for” section of the VLOOKUP formula.
- If VLOOKUP cannot find a match it will return #N/A.
Common VLOOKUP #N/A causes
- There is a space at the end of the value being looked up or the value in the table
- One side of the lookup value or table is text, while the other is numbers
- =VLOOKUP(5000,A1:B10,2,FALSE)
- Will return the value from the second column of the table where the record in column A is equal to 5000.
- If the exact value of 5000 is not in the first column of the table, it will return #N/A
- 00:04 In this video, again we're gonna look at VLOOKUP.
- 00:06 But this time we're gonna look at using it in an alternate way.
- 00:09 Where the last video we looked at an approximate match,
- 00:13 this one we want to find an exact match.
- 00:15 So, basically what we're going to do is we're going
- 00:18 to look up this flight number in the table down here.
- 00:20 And if we can't find the exact instance of that flight number.
- 00:24 It's gonna return something that shows us an error,
- 00:26 rather than actually showing us the closest thing without going over.
- 00:30 The first things that I want to sorta draw your attention to
- 00:33 right off the bat here is that the data.
- 00:36 Remember vlookup always looks in the first column to try and find its match,
- 00:39 no matter what order it's in or whatnot.
- 00:41 And you'll notice that the data here is not sorted.
- 00:44 And this is important because it's not required to be
- 00:46 sorted when you're working with an exact match.
- 00:48 It is if you're working with an approximate match.
- 00:51 But in this case, it's not a big deal.
- 00:53 So what we're gonna do right now is we're gonna build a VLOOKUP function here.
- 00:56 We're gonna say equals VLOOKUP.
- 00:58 I'm gonna open my brackets.
- 01:00 And I'm gonna look up flight number 777.
- 01:01 And I'm gonna look that up in my table of data here.
- 01:06 And if I find the exact match of 777 in any of these flights
- 01:11 I'd like the return the destination which is column two.
- 01:15 Now, you might tempted to just close the brackets off and say enter.
- 01:20 And you'll notice it comes back with Calgary.
- 01:22 The challenge here, as you'll see is that flight 777 should actually be returning
- 01:27 Halifax, not Calgary at all.
- 01:28 And this is where it becomes important to actually
- 01:32 make sure that we're actually setting up with our data properly here.
- 01:36 If our data was sorted,
- 01:38 this would actually bring back the right result, but it's not.
- 01:41 So we want to say hey look we want to force this to actually looking in
- 01:43 the table till it finds the proper match.
- 01:45 Not return a guess.
- 01:47 And of course by omitting this last parameter,
- 01:49 it defaulted to true which was in the approximate match.
- 01:53 But not returning the right thing.
- 01:55 So let's go back to false.
- 01:57 Again, if it was an approximate match and the table was sorted in descending order,
- 02:01 that would have worked.
- 02:03 Because it's not sorted, and because we wanna make sure we're finding that
- 02:06 specific piece, we're gonna put on comma false.
- 02:08 And this says, don't guess.
- 02:09 Keep looking until you find what I'm looking for, or
- 02:12 return an error if you can't.
- 02:14 So with comma false, and we hit enter, it returns Halifax.
- 02:17 It keeps looking through the table until it finds what it actually needs,
- 02:21 which is great.
- 02:23 We say okay. Well that's kind of cool, but let's go and
- 02:26 copy this formula down here now.
- 02:28 And let's see what ends up happening.
- 02:30 And we get a pound and an a error.
- 02:32 We're going well, ok, so what's going on here, this doesn't make sense.
- 02:37 Let's take a look at our formula.
- 02:39 When we copied it we had a couple things that happened here.
- 02:41 Number one, what we're looking for, b four.
- 02:43 We hadn't set this as an absolute reference so this is gonna change on us so
- 02:47 let's go and say you know what.
- 02:48 Let's force this back and make sure that we're looking at the right thing here.
- 02:52 Another really common thing when people copy formulas is they have never locked
- 02:56 down the range of their VLOOKUP table with the absolute values.
- 03:00 And that means that the table shifts.
- 03:02 And that means that sometimes you won't find your data,
- 03:04 because it's not in the range you're looking at anymore.
- 03:06 So, really important, before you're gonna go and actually deal with these things.
- 03:10 What you need to do, I'm gonna go back to this original formula.
- 03:13 And I'm gonna set this to an absolute range by pressing four.
- 03:17 And I'm also going to set this to an absolute range,
- 03:20 because I'm always going to look at B three.
- 03:23 So, it doesn't change Halifax, and when we drag it down, we're gonna return Halifax.
- 03:28 In order to get the sales costs,
- 03:29 I just need to change the final parameter of comma three.
- 03:34 Which will now return the third column and return my value of 501.
- 03:39 As you can see, Flight 777 returns 501.
- 03:42 Now what happens if I don't find a flight number that I'm looking for.
- 03:47 Let's say we look for Flight 816 and we hit enter.
- 03:52 It's gonna come back with a pound and A.
- 03:55 Now this is one of the things that really scares a lot of people
- 04:00 when we're actually looking or using VLOOKUP.
- 04:02 They get back this pound and error and
- 04:03 they freak out because they don't understand what it means.
- 04:05 So I'll tell you what it means.
- 04:07 It's really simple.
- 04:08 It means it can't find what you're looking for, that's all it's saying.
- 04:11 It's just not a really pretty way of saying it.
- 04:13 What this means is.
- 04:15 I've looked through your entire first column of data that you've provided within
- 04:18 the range of the table that you've set up.
- 04:21 And I can't find a value that exactly matches what you showed me in B3.
- 04:26 Now sometimes this can be bizarre because you can look at it and say.
- 04:29 Well I can see my 777; I can see it in the table here.
- 04:32 But some things can really play havoc with you are trailing spaces, or
- 04:37 leading spaces on one side, or the other okay.
- 04:39 So those are things that can get in the way, or maybe your value is formatted.
- 04:44 It shows a 777, but it's actually 777.1 and it's actually not down here.
- 04:50 Those kind of things can mess you up.
- 04:52 So, those are things you wanna look for
- 04:53 when you're actually trying to debug your VLOOKUP.
- 04:56 Case sensitivity is not a problem.
- 04:57 What you're looking for
- 04:59 there, in the original table versus what you're looking up, are not problems.
- 05:03 But basically if it's not an exact match, it will return #NA.
- 05:07 So that's something to definitely be aware of.
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