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08-04-Prepare a Calculations Sheet-Start.xlsx2.2 MB 08-04-Prepare a Calculations Sheet-Complete.xlsx
2.2 MB 8.04 prepare-a-calculations-sheet - Exercise.docx
49.9 KB Exercise - Prepare a Calculations Worksheet.xlsx
8.7 MB 8.04 prepare-a-calculations-sheet - Exercise solution.docx
224 KB Exercise Solution - Prepare a Calculations Worksheet.xlsx
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Quick reference
Prepare a Calculations Sheet
Prepare a calculations sheet to extract totals from the source data for use in the dashboard.
When to use
We prepare a calculations sheet whenever we need to extract information from the source data as a value as opposed to displaying it in a chart or table.
Dashboards are not just a series of Pivot Charts. We can also link to calculations from the dashboard and display the results of formulas.
The Calculations Worksheet
It's recommended that calculations are kept on a separate worksheet from the source data, PivotTables, and Pivot Charts.
In our example, we need to extract 4 pieces of information from the source data using formulas:
- Highest Selling Item Type
- Highest Profit by Country
- Units Sold (2021)
- Units Sold (2022)
We are going to display this high-level information across the top of the dashboard in "cards".
Highest Selling Item Type
To calculate the highest-selling item type, we need to first extract a unique list of the item types and then use the SUMIF formula to calculate the number of units sold by item type.
- Use UNIQUE to extract the unique item types from the SalesData table.
- Use the SUMIF formula to calculate the total number of units sold by item type.
- Copy the formula down.
- Use the MAX formula to find the maximum value in the list.
- Use XLOOKUP or INDEX and MATCH to look up the item type name using the max value.
The highest selling item type is 'Fruits'.
Highest Profit by Country
To calculate the highest profit by country, we need to first extract a unique list of the countries and then use the SUMIF formula to calculate the profit by country.
- Use UNIQUE to extract the unique item types from the 'SalesData' table.
- Use the SUMIF formula to calculate the profit by country.
- Copy the formula down.
- Use the MAX formula to find the maximum value in the list.
- Use XLOOKUP or INDEX and MATCH to look up the country name using the max value.
Units Sold (2021 and 2022)
To calculate the units sold by year, we need to add a year column to our source data. This is easier than trying to extract the year from the full date using a formula.
- Go to the source data.
- Add a new column and name it 'Year'.
We will use the YEAR function to extract the year from the 'OrderDate' field.
- Use the SUMIF formula to calculate the units sold by year.
- Copy the formula down.
We now have all the calculations for the dashboard.
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