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Most businesses prepare a strategic plan that projects how the company will achieve or maintain a competitive advantage. It is used to guide the budgeting process.
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Strategic Planning and Budgeting
Most businesses prepare a strategic plan that projects how the company will achieve or maintain a competitive advantage. It is used to guide the budgeting process.
When to Use Strategic Planning and Budgeting
Companies who do strategic planning normally have an annual planning cycle. At a certain time of the year the senior leadership creates and distributes a strategic plan. This plan is then used by the business departments to create a proposed annual budget that sustains the operation and implements the strategy. The timing is based upon the business fiscal calendar.
- Companies typically prepare a long-range strategic plan. This is often done annually, but some companies will do it more frequently and some less.
- Often look out 3 – 5 years depending upon industry dynamics.
- Considers macro-economic projections
- Considers customer and industry trends and projections.
- Determines desired competitive advantage throughout the time period
- The outcome of the strategic planning process is typically a set of initiatives and projects with timing and rough resource estimates. These include items such as:
- Joint ventures or acquisitions
- New product lines
- New facilities
- New systems
- New markets
- Business initiatives
- There are many different approaches to the strategic planning process. (about as many as there are strategic planning consultants) However the processes have some common traits:
- Establish goals and desired outcomes
- Set strategies
- Establish targets and measures for progress
- Select tactics, projects and initiatives and prioritize
- Monitor results in order to inform future strategic planning decisions
- Strategic planning sessions are normally done during the fiscal calendar in a time period to allow the next year’s projects, tactics, and initiatives to be included in the preparation of the annual budget.
- The Strategic planning process flows into the annual budgeting process. The outputs of one are used as inputs for the other.
- In the annual planning process, each department requests the resources needed to sustain the current operations and implement the next year’s increment of the strategic plan.
- The result of the annual budgeting process is a financial plan for the upcoming year that is time phases (usually by month). This plan will include sales forecast, spending forecast, and the timing and impact of major projects and initiatives.
Hints and Tips
- Because of the close tie with budgeting (which is often dreaded) and the predisposal of strategic planning process to create stretch goals and to challenge the status quo, many operational managers find the process irritating and frustrating. Get over it.
- Large projects will typically require several years, meaning they must be included in the annual plan for several years. Expect that in each planning cycle, the project boundaries may change based upon the new business conditions and the project performance.
- 00:04 Hello, this is Ray Sheen.
- 00:05 I'd like to talk with you about strategic business planning and
- 00:09 how that integrates with the annual budgeting process.
- 00:14 Let's start with strategic planning.
- 00:16 Everyone has heard the term business strategy.
- 00:19 But how does that affect the operating manager?
- 00:21 Well, business strategy is a long range plan for the business operations, and
- 00:25 that plan will require resources to implement.
- 00:28 That means these resources must be budgeted to ensure they are available
- 00:31 at the right time.
- 00:33 Normally, a business strategic planning process looks out three to five years,
- 00:37 although in some industries, it may be longer or
- 00:39 shorter, depending upon the life cycle of the products and services.
- 00:43 Strategy needs to be based in reality, so the strategy planning event
- 00:47 should include a macro-economic view, along with industry analysis.
- 00:51 And then it should focus on specific trends, issues and
- 00:54 market conditions about the company and the competitors.
- 00:57 This would include what is happening with customers and regulatory bodies or
- 01:01 government oversight.
- 01:02 The results should help the company make wise decisions about their
- 01:05 business operations and investments.
- 01:07 In particular, the strategy should identify changes, such as mergers and
- 01:11 acquisitions, new products, new markets, new facilities,
- 01:14 new systems or new initiatives like Six Sigma or customer experience.
- 01:19 The bottom line is the strategic plan should explain
- 01:22 how the company will achieve and maintain a competitive advantage.
- 01:26 Let's look at the strategic planning process.
- 01:28 First let me say, there is as many strategic planning processes
- 01:32 as there are strategic planning consultants.
- 01:34 And all of the processes can work, if the company uses it.
- 01:38 So let me define strategic planning as the process creating the list of initiatives
- 01:42 with time frames and resource requirements needed to implement the strategy.
- 01:47 That means that the company can translate the strategy into specific actions,
- 01:50 projects, and initiatives.
- 01:52 Now many companies do their strategic planning as an event on the calendar.
- 01:56 The senior managers go to some conference center up in the mountains,
- 02:00 they think deep thoughts.
- 02:02 And they come back with actions, projects, and initiatives.
- 02:05 When that happens, it is normally tied to the annual budgeting process.
- 02:09 I find that most large companies do their strategic planning three to five months
- 02:12 before the next fiscal year.
- 02:13 So that inputs can be used in the annual budgeting process
- 02:17 which normally starts about two to three months before the new fiscal year.
- 02:21 Which leads to one of the reasons that many operating managers dread and
- 02:25 despise the strategic planning process.
- 02:28 They're in the middle of the current fiscal year,
- 02:30 working like crazy in the hopes that they'll meet the targets for this year.
- 02:34 When along comes senior management with a lofty strategic plan
- 02:38 that has new targets and new projects, and these must be planned and budgeted,
- 02:41 and if they don't get it right, next year's budget will be all messed up.
- 02:46 Let's talk for a minute about the annual budgeting process and
- 02:48 its link with strategic planning.
- 02:50 The annual budget should be implementing the next segment of the business strategy.
- 02:54 If a strategy is a three-year plan,
- 02:56 the upcoming annual budget should include about one third of the work.
- 03:00 As part of the annual budgeting process, each department must first budget for
- 03:03 running and sustaining the business.
- 03:06 Then they need to include the projects and
- 03:07 initiatives that are their department's portion of the strategic plan.
- 03:11 This will often require coordination between the departments,
- 03:15 which can be difficult, because for new projects to be started the next year,
- 03:19 there probably is no project manager or project plan in schedule yet.
- 03:23 This means everyone must make a number of assumptions, and
- 03:25 often different departments use different assumptions.
- 03:29 A good finance team can sort this out, but keep in mind, they're trying to close this
- 03:34 years books at the same time they're helping to set up next years budget.
- 03:38 The result is often a half-baked budget with massive holes.
- 03:42 I wish it wasn't so, but that is the reality.
- 03:45 All of this annual budget planning is encompassed in the operations plan,
- 03:48 or op plan.
- 03:49 We'll have another module that goes into more detail about the op plan.
- 03:53 However, it should include sales forecasts, spending plans for
- 03:55 all the departments, and high level plans for major projects and initiatives.
- 03:59 And it should be time phased throughout the year.
- 04:02 Let me summarize the time frames we're working with for all of these.
- 04:06 The strategic plan normally is looking out several years in the future.
- 04:10 But it should have milestones and targets of business performance along the way.
- 04:14 The annual budget or op plan looks at one year.
- 04:17 It implements a portion of the strategic plan,
- 04:18 and it's established every year based upon how the business is doing.
- 04:22 Then there are the projects and initiatives.
- 04:25 Some of these may be completed in one year.
- 04:27 Some may span several years.
- 04:28 The op plan will include that year's portion of these projects.
- 04:34 As you can see, strategic planning integrates with the annual budgeting
- 04:38 process, which will impact how you manage your operation or your project.
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