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About this lesson
Forming and maintaining relationships is essential for personal growth, as are lifelong learning and the ability to express yourself using your creativity.
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- 00:04 Relationships, friendships, love, sex.
- 00:08 This is so much of what being a human being is all about.
- 00:13 When you listen to people who are on their deathbed, they've got terminal disease,
- 00:19 they know they're going to die within the next few months.
- 00:23 Typically, they don't regret that they didn't work harder or didn't make more
- 00:28 money, they regret not spending more time with friends, maintaining friendships.
- 00:34 You do not want to live your life and
- 00:37 at the end of it have huge regrets regarding your relationships.
- 00:42 So you've gotta really start thinking about
- 00:46 what are your goals for your relationships in life.
- 00:51 Now, there are different types of needs,
- 00:54 some people want to have 1,000 friends, some people just need two friends.
- 00:59 Some people want a spouse and ten children, some people don't ever want
- 01:03 a spouse, that's okay, but you need relationships with other human beings.
- 01:09 You cannot just live alone on an island and be happy,
- 01:13 unless something really bad happened to you typically.
- 01:17 So start thinking about what your overall goals are for
- 01:21 your life when it comes to your relationships with other human beings.
- 01:26 Again, friendships, platonic relationships, romantic relationships,
- 01:31 marriage, family, sex,
- 01:33 all of these together are about your relationships with human beings.
- 01:37 You need to have clear cut goals for
- 01:39 what you want out of your relationships in life.
- 01:43 So much of the joy in life is learning and experiencing new things.
- 01:49 So much of what makes someone seem old,
- 01:52 out of touch fuddy duddy is the unwillingness to learn new things.
- 01:57 I'm not going to learn how to use text messages, or email, or fax.
- 02:01 Believe it or not, every new generation has new technologies,
- 02:07 new ideas, new ways of learning, and that's going to continue.
- 02:12 If you really want to see yourself as a human being able to grow and
- 02:17 continue growing throughout your whole life, lifelong learning is essential.
- 02:24 You cannot just say, stop, no, I've learned everything, I don't want any more,
- 02:28 I graduated from high school or college.
- 02:30 If you really want to be a human being who experiences the greatest life
- 02:35 has to offer, you have to embrace the concept of lifelong learning.
- 02:40 It doesn't mean getting your fifth Ph.D and being a full-time student.
- 02:44 It doesn't mean never going out with friends because you're reading ten
- 02:49 books every night.
- 02:50 It does mean coming up with a system, whether it's books, podcasts,
- 02:56 online courses, where you are consistently learning throughout your life.
- 03:02 Society often gives its greatest rewards and respect to the creators.
- 03:08 People who create great works of architecture, or songs,
- 03:13 or novels, or stories, or movies, or software companies.
- 03:19 People who create touch the whole world.
- 03:22 You don't have to be Picasso, you don't have to be Steve Jobs, but
- 03:26 to create something that is experienced by the whole world is something
- 03:31 that gives anyone a tremendous sense of satisfaction and purpose.
- 03:36 Everyone was creative as a child, look at small children,
- 03:39 they're all incredibly creative.
- 03:41 Unfortunately, this creativity gets stomped out of us by society,
- 03:47 schools, parents, family, but it's still there.
- 03:52 What is your vision for yourself when it comes to your creation?
- 03:56 What do you want to create?
- 03:57 What is your legacy?
- 04:00 How do you want to touch the whole world when you can't be right
- 04:05 there talking to someone or working one on one?
- 04:09 All human beings have the capacity to create, but not everyone does.
- 04:13 What is your vision for yourself?
- 04:15 What are your goals when it comes to what you create,
- 04:20 what you demonstrate to the world when it comes to your ideas?
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