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About this lesson
How to create a new Google Drawing and introduction to ‘file, edit, view’ options.
Exercise files
The exercises below will open in a new tab. When signed in to your Google account, go to File --> Make a copy to get an editable copy of the file.
Google Drawings Basic Controls SolutionLink Google Drawings Basic Controls
Quick reference
Creating a New Drawing and Basic Controls
Google Drawings is an image editing app.
When to use
When you have an image you want to edit, or when you want to create images from scratch.
Creating a drawing
- In Google Drive, click “New” - “Move” - “Google Drawings”
“File” options
- Share - Share the drawing
- New - Create a new file
- Open - Open a file from Google Drive
- Rename - Rename the file
- Make a copy - Make a copy of the file
- Move to - Move the file to a different folder
- Move to trash - Remove the file from Drive
- See revision history - See all changes made to the drawing over time
- Language - Change the language used by the spell check
- Download as - Download the drawing as various file types
- Publish to the web - Make the drawing available to view publicly online
- Email collaborators - Email the people the drawing has been shared with
- Email as attachment - Send the drawing as an attachment to an email
- Document details - See where a drawing is located in Drive, who created the drawing, where and when it was last edited
- Page setup - Set the dimensions of the drawing
- Print settings and preview - Change print settings and see how the drawing will look when it’s printed
- Print - Print the drawing
“Edit” options
- Undo - Undo the last action
- Redo - Undo an undo
- Cut - Cut text
- Copy - Copy text
- Paste - Paste text
- Paste without formatting - Paste text, but without it’s formatting (bold, size, font, etc.)
- Delete - Delete an object
- Duplicate - Duplicate an object
- Web clipboard - Copy multiple things in different formats and paste them in different Google apps on different computers
- Select all - Select everything in the presentation
- Select none - Stop selecting everything in the presentation
- Find and Replace - Find text and replace it with different text
“View” options
- Fit - Fit the work space to the window
- 50% - Make the work space appear 50% of standard size
- 100% - Make the work space appear 100% of standard size
- 200% - Make the work space appear 200% of standard size
- Zoom in - Make the work space appear larger
- Zoom out - Make the work space appear smaller
- Snap to
- Grid - Make objects line up with an invisible grid
- Guides - Make objects line up with the edges and center of the work space and other objects using red lines as a guide
- Show spelling suggestions - Display red lines under misspelled words
- Compact controls - Display fewer options on the toolbar
- Full screen - Hide all toolbar controls
NOTE: Press “ESC” to turn off full screen
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