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About this lesson
Learn to output special characters onto the screen such as copyright characters, trademark characters, arrows, and more.
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Quick reference
HTML's Special Characters
HTML allows us to generate many special characters.
When to use
Whenever you want to use a special character that you may or may not be able to type out (it might not be on your keyboard), HTML allows us to generate those characters.
Special Characters start with the "and" symbol & and end with a semi-colon ;
Hints & tips
- © creates a copyright symbol
- ™ creates a trademark symbol
- ® creates a registration symbol
- < creates a less than symbol <
- > creates a greater than symbol >
- » creates a right double arrow
- « creates a left double arrow
- 00:05 In this video, I want to talk about special characters.
- 00:08 There's lots of different special characters that you may want to
- 00:11 use that are different than basic text.
- 00:14 For instance, at the bottom of most pages, there's a little copyright symbol, right.
- 00:19 It's that c, copyright c, with a circle around it.
- 00:22 Well, how would you do that with html?
- 00:24 Well you use something called a special character.
- 00:27 And html handles special characters the same way depending on the character.
- 00:31 To do it, you just and sign and a semi colon and whatever is between these
- 00:37 two things that's the special character in this case we want to do the copy right.
- 00:41 It's just copy, C-O-P-Y.
- 00:44 So I can put copyright, John Elder all rights reserved.
- 00:51 Whatever.
- 00:52 Go ahead and save that.
- 00:53 Come back here and click reload we get this little copyright thing.
- 00:57 So I think the trademark is just trade.
- 01:02 T-R-A-D-E.
- 01:03 Click save and reload and we get this little trademark, TM.
- 01:07 There's R, it's reg and it gets a trademark that's pending.
- 01:14 So those are some of the special characters.
- 01:16 Now, there are other things, as well.
- 01:17 For instance, let's say we wanted to enter these bracket guides.
- 01:25 All right.
- 01:26 We can't because the web browser will convert these to HTML, right.
- 01:33 So if we wanna use them, we use the special characters and that is <,
- 01:40 This is stuff >.
- 01:44 So we're gonna save this and hit reload.
- 01:47 Boom, we get this left one and right one and the LT that stands for left and
- 01:51 GT stands for right, not really, I just made that up, I don't know what they stand
- 01:56 for, I remember left is LT because It's left you would think this would be RT.
- 02:01 Actually what is RT.
- 02:02 Let's see, hit save, probably nothing, yeah nothing.
- 02:06 But anyways, that's that.
- 02:08 Another one that's sort of the same is lets see R-A-Q-U-O put
- 02:14 that in give us our at sign and let's do the same thing over here.
- 02:20 Only this one, we'll do L-A-Q-U-O.
- 02:24 And I think oops.
- 02:26 L-A-Q-U-O.
- 02:27 And I think this stands for left and right.
- 02:30 We save this, we get this double.
- 02:33 These little things and you see sometimes those are popular with blog posts.
- 02:37 If you want to click the next blog post, you might do that.
- 02:41 There's lots of special characters like that, you can head over to Google and
- 02:44 look up a chart of special characters, there's probably thousands.
- 02:47 The copyright is the big one that you are going to use alot.
- 02:49 You might use the trademark.
- 02:50 You might use those RAQUO and LAQUO.
- 02:54 But yeah, special characters, any time you come across a weird symbol that won't show
- 02:59 up in your browser, or only if you just type it in, or maybe it's not even on you
- 03:03 keyboard and you can't type it in, it's probably gonna be a special character.
- 03:07 And you just need to go look up a special character chart to figure out what it is.
- 03:10 So those are special characters.
- 03:12 In the next video, I wanna talk about comments.
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