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Learn how to style individual HTML elements with the CSS style tag.
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Styling HTML With Inline CSS
We won't learn CSS in this course, but in this video we'll learn how to use inline CSS with our HTML tags.
When to use
Anytime you want to add special styling to an HTML tag using CSS, an inline CSS tag can be used.
CSS can be used in any HTML tag by adding a style="" attribute to the tag.
Hints & tips
- Inline CSS is a quick and easy way to add some special styling to an HTML element.
- style="" is the attribute that you'll add to your tag.
- <p style="font-size: 32px;"> will create larger text in a paragraph tag.
- Inline CSS overrides internal CSS stylesheets and external CSS stylesheets.
- 00:05 In this video, I wanna talk about formatting text a different way,
- 00:08 by using CSS.
- 00:09 Now we're not gonna get into a whole lot of CSS in this course.
- 00:12 We're basically just gonna talk about HTML.
- 00:14 We'll mention it a little bit later on, and we'll use a Bootstrap CSS framework,
- 00:18 but I'm not gonna teach you flat out CSS.
- 00:21 But you do need to know that there's a way to use CSS in an HTML tag.
- 00:26 Now basically CSS can be used three different ways.
- 00:29 One is to create a style sheet in a separate file and
- 00:32 reference it in the head, up here.
- 00:34 Another way is to create an actual style sheet in your head, just like this.
- 00:41 Style, style, and then just like right here, type in your CSS stuff.
- 00:47 The third way, and the thing I wanna talk about in this video,
- 00:52 is to use it directly in an HTML tag.
- 00:55 And it's pretty easy.
- 00:55 Let's see, this is a line of text.
- 01:00 Save this, head back, hit reload.
- 01:03 This is a line of text, no big deal.
- 01:05 Now if we wrap this in a <p>, paragraph tag, save it.
- 01:11 Again, no big deal, a little bit of formatting.
- 01:14 Now if we wanna change the way this looks using CSS,
- 01:18 we can actually add CSS right to the <p> tag and you'll do this all the time.
- 01:22 You'll just type in style.
- 01:25 Oops, I cannot spell today, s-t-y-l-e = and " ".
- 01:30 And inside of here, you write your CSS.
- 01:33 And again, I'm not gonna teach you CSS in this course,
- 01:36 we'll talk about it a little bit.
- 01:38 But if you know any CSS, you could use it right here.
- 01:41 So let's say font-size, and let's go 35 pixels.
- 01:48 So this is a basic CSS format.
- 01:50 You have your CSS on the left then a : and
- 01:54 then the value on the right followed by a ;.
- 01:57 So if we save this, and come back here and hit reload,
- 02:01 all of a sudden this gets real big.
- 02:02 We could go color = red, boom.
- 02:06 It's red.
- 02:08 666, 666.
- 02:12 Use a hex color code.
- 02:15 It should be sort of a gray color.
- 02:17 So that makes it very easy to style different tags.
- 02:22 And if you know a little bit of CSS, it's a super easy way.
- 02:25 Now I should mention when you create CSS like this in a tag,
- 02:29 it overrides any other CSS you have in your file.
- 02:33 So if you've referenced a CSS file up here in your head section,
- 02:37 that's generally the CSS you want to use.
- 02:40 But you can override that CSS by putting in this style tag right in here.
- 02:45 And for instance, if we go color : red this only applies to this tag.
- 02:52 If we do another <p> right here,
- 02:56 this is another line, and save it.
- 03:01 This other one is not red even though we're using a <p> tag, the style,
- 03:06 the CSS style, only applies to this specific <p> tag, not every <p> tag.
- 03:11 Now CSS, if you create a CSS file and you reference it in your head file,
- 03:16 and you instruct that CSS file to change all <p> tags to red, it will go through and
- 03:20 change all <p> tags to red.
- 03:22 But when you specify it on a specific line,
- 03:24 it only deals with that specific line.
- 03:26 So that's CSS, in line CSS, some people call that.
- 03:30 Kind of useful, we use that from time to time.
- 03:32 And in the next video I wanna talk about special characters.
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