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What are event listeners, and how to listen for event handlers.
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Quick reference
Event Listeners
Event listeners are very, very similar to events.
When to use
Events and event listeners are used interchangeably.
To add an event listener:
<p id="first">This is my p tag!</p>
document.getElementById("first").addEventListener("click", myFunction);
function myFunction(){ alert("I'm Popping Up!");}
That creates a popup box whenever someone clicks the p tag.
Hints & tips
- Events and event listeners are basically the same thing
- 00:05 In the last video,
- 00:06 I talked about events, in this video I wanna talk about event listeners.
- 00:10 And this can be a little bit confusing to some people, but
- 00:12 they're basically the same thing, one is just called an event,
- 00:15 and one is called an event listener.
- 00:16 So, an event is something that happens, right?
- 00:19 A user clicks on something, or mouses over something, or a page loads, or
- 00:23 a form is filled out, or whatever.
- 00:24 So we looked at a couple of those in the last video.
- 00:26 But, before those things happen, our program is sort of waiting for
- 00:30 them to happen.
- 00:30 It's listening for events.
- 00:33 And you can listen for events in HTML code, sort of like this.
- 00:37 Come up here and put in a button.
- 00:39 We've got this button onclick.
- 00:41 And when you click on it, it does something.
- 00:43 So if we save this, hit reload, we have this tiny little button.
- 00:47 We click on it, boom, Hello, world, right.
- 00:50 So we can put some text in here.
- 00:52 We wanna make it a little nicer to see, but you get the picture.
- 00:56 So, like I said, we've looked at a few of these in the last videos,
- 00:59 these events, and we can do the same thing here with JavaScript.
- 01:03 And if we come up here to our script and paste this in, tab this over.
- 01:08 So we've got var myElement, and
- 01:10 it's just calling this element, our p element in here.
- 01:14 Let's tab this down.
- 01:15 And it's saying onclick do a function, and that function is Hello World.
- 01:20 So if we save this, come back here and hit reload, now our text, if we click on it,
- 01:24 boom, we get the same sort of pop up box, alert box.
- 01:28 So it's a weird distinction to have events and to be listening for
- 01:31 events, they're basically the same thing and you're going what is he talking about?
- 01:35 Just roll with it here.
- 01:36 Another way to listen for events is to use the addEventListener method, and
- 01:41 if we come done here, and I'm gonna go ahead and delete this stuff.
- 01:45 And tab this over.
- 01:46 So what we're doing here is we're grabbing, again, our first ID and
- 01:51 we're adding in an event listener.
- 01:53 And that listener is gonna wait for a click and
- 01:55 when it gets a click it's gonna do my function.
- 01:58 Now, in the past we called onclick, but
- 02:00 when you use addEventListeners you get rid of the on.
- 02:04 So if it was onmouseover, you would instead type mouseover.
- 02:08 And when it happens, we just get the same thing, do a function, get an alert.
- 02:13 So if we come back here and hit reload, once again if we click on here,
- 02:15 boom we get this alert box.
- 02:17 So really all of these are just basically ways that we can do events and
- 02:20 some of them are called slightly different things, event listeners,
- 02:24 addEventListeners, events.
- 02:26 We can do them in HTML like a button, we can do them with a script,
- 02:30 using pure JavaScript and functions.
- 02:33 One thing I will mention real quickly,
- 02:35 at the end of this addEventListener there's actually a third parameter.
- 02:37 We have these two parameter that can be true or false, and that's a Boolean.
- 02:42 When we talked about Booleans a while back and we hardly ever put that on there.
- 02:46 You really don't even need to know why, I don't know why I'm bothering you with it.
- 02:49 But just to be complete, you could just know that sometimes there's a true or
- 02:53 false at the end that.
- 02:54 If you're interested why, you can research it, but you're not ever gonna need it, so
- 02:57 we'll just sort of leave it at there.
- 02:58 But if you are interested, look up event bubbling or event capturing and
- 03:02 you can read all about that Boolean that goes at the end there.
- 03:05 Again, you're not gonna need to know about this, but thought I'd mention it.
- 03:09 So one last thing about events, we can listen for multiple events for
- 03:13 the same sort of element.
- 03:14 So if we paste this in here.
- 03:16 So we have two event listeners here, and
- 03:18 they're both grabbing the first ID right here.
- 03:22 And the first one is calling click, and then it runs my first function.
- 03:26 And the second one is click, and it runs my second function.
- 03:30 So what happens here is, whenever you click,
- 03:33 both of these function will get run, and neither of them will be overwritten.
- 03:37 They're each firing their own function and
- 03:39 they're not messing around with the other one.
- 03:41 So like this one doesn't delete this one, or vice versa.
- 03:45 So you can add as many events per sort of element per ID,
- 03:49 per whatever, that you want and they'll all play nice together.
- 03:52 So those are event listeners, I know it's a little confusing.
- 03:55 Events, event listeners, addEventListener, all the same ways to do the same thing.
- 04:00 You'll use events a lot in JavaScript, but
- 04:02 it's mostly onclick and mouseover and things like that.
- 04:05 So in the next video we'll look at navigating DOM nodes.
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