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About this lesson
We will look at how we can sort returned data using the ORDER BY clause
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Quick reference
Order By allows us to arrange our results.
When to use
Use it whenever you'd like to arrange your results in a certain way.
To use order by, just type:
ORDER BY [Column]
Where [Column] is the thing you'd like to order by.
You can order in Ascending (low to high) or Descending (high to low) order.
Hints & tips
- Order By allows you to arrange your output.
- Ascending means low to high (ASC)
- Descending means high to low (DESC)
- 00:05 In this video, I want to talk about order buy.
- 00:07 So, we're getting data from our table here, but
- 00:10 we can actually tell the system how we want to show the results.
- 00:14 And we can order them by different things, and we can do it in ascending or
- 00:18 descending order.
- 00:20 Ascending means from low to high, descending means from high to low.
- 00:24 For instance, we could have everybody listed by age ascending.
- 00:29 So, the youngest people are listed first, and the oldest people are listed last.
- 00:33 Or we could do the opposite, we could do descending where the oldest people
- 00:36 are listed first and the youngest people are listed last.
- 00:39 And that sort of thing, or alphabetically.
- 00:41 Ascending alphabetically would be A, B, C, D, E, F, G.
- 00:45 Descending would be Z, Y, X, whatever the alphabet is backwards, right?
- 00:49 So let's go ahead and try this.
- 00:51 Let's get rid of this wire clause.
- 00:53 And let's just come up here to our select statement and let's just give it a star.
- 00:57 And I'm gonna execute this.
- 00:58 And so, here we have six records.
- 01:00 And the first one is John Elder, and the last one is Julia Styles.
- 01:03 We have city, we have age, all the different things we can order by.
- 01:07 So let's go, this is the format.
- 01:10 We just type order by.
- 01:13 And let's see, what do we want?
- 01:16 Well, we can do age.
- 01:17 And if we execute, the default is ascending.
- 01:22 18, 27, 29, 32.
- 01:23 Remember, John Elder was first and Julia Styles was last.
- 01:26 In this new one here, Julia Styles is second and John Elder is second to last.
- 01:31 So it's ordering these by age in ascending order.
- 01:35 So we can go DESC for descending.
- 01:41 And now we have Mark Robertson, who is 52, and John Smith, who is the youngest at 18.
- 01:46 So DESC for descending, ASC for ascending.
- 01:51 So execute, and now we have youngest to oldest ascending order.
- 01:56 Very interesting, very useful a lot of times you want a certain age range or
- 02:00 whatever, and you wanna ascending or descending order that's how you do it.
- 02:05 So we've done age, we can try city.
- 02:08 What does that do?
- 02:09 Well, if we execute,
- 02:10 we're gonna get an error cuz text can't be sorted that way, right?
- 02:14 Come up to our current customer's table and click on Design,
- 02:19 and we can come on here and look.
- 02:20 So our e-mail address is for our varChar, so I think we can sort by that.
- 02:24 So let's go back here.
- 02:25 I'll go ahead and close this, and bring this back up.
- 02:28 Order by e-mail address, and let's give this a try.
- 02:33 And so here we have e-mail address, and this is ascending, H, I, J, K, L, M, N,
- 02:38 O, P, Q, R, S, T.
- 02:39 So it's alphabetically ascending.
- 02:42 And that's another point I wanna make about the type of columns.
- 02:45 The data type you select is gonna determine things like this in the future.
- 02:49 So maybe knowing this,
- 02:51 you might not wanna use text as a field if you want to sort by it later on.
- 02:55 Instead, use varChar or something like that.
- 02:57 So, something to keep in mind.
- 02:59 We can change this to descending, execute, boom.
- 03:02 Now it's T, S, M, N, J.
- 03:05 So it's backwards alphabetical.
- 03:07 So that's order by.
- 03:08 Very, very useful.
- 03:09 You'll use this all the time.
- 03:11 And just remember, it's ascending and descending.
- 03:13 This is the basic format, very straightforward.
- 03:15 So in the next video I want to talk about group by.
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