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About this lesson
We will look at how we can sort returned data using the GROUP_BY clause
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Quick reference
"Group By" allows us to group similar results together.
When to use
Use it when you want to group similar results together.
The Group By Clause looks like this:
SELECT COUNT ([Country]), [Country]
FROM [Customer].[dbo].[Current_Customers]
GROUP BY [Country]
This will give us a column with the number of customers from each country, and a corresponding column to show which country they are from. For example:
1 Canada
3 Switzerland
Hints & tips
- Group by allows you to aggregate and group
- 00:05 In this video, I wanna talk about GROUP BY.
- 00:07 And GROUP BY is sorta similar to ORDER BY, but slightly different.
- 00:11 So, first off, you'll notice a change that I made to our database,
- 00:15 I added this Country column.
- 00:16 And to do that, I just went to Customers, Current database, Design and
- 00:21 I typed in Country, give it a varchar 50 and then save this.
- 00:26 And then I went here to Edit Top 200 Rows, and
- 00:29 all I did was scroll over here and add some countries to all of our people.
- 00:34 So we have USA, USA,USA, two Canadas, and a Mexico.
- 00:38 So, go ahead and close this.
- 00:40 Now we just have this six records, no big deal.
- 00:43 But you may have millions of records, as I've said over and
- 00:45 over throughout this course, thousands, millions, lots.
- 00:48 And you may wanna know, for
- 00:50 instance, how many customers do we have in Canada, how many do we have in Mexico.
- 00:54 How many do we have in the USA?
- 00:55 Very, sorta, normal thing to wanna know.
- 00:58 Well we can use the GROUP BY for that, and it's a little bit more complicated
- 01:02 than some of the other stuff we've looked at so far.
- 01:05 But let's say we wanna group by Country, okay.
- 01:09 So that's only part of it, now we have to come up here and
- 01:11 we have to sort of change some things around.
- 01:13 So what we want is a count, we wanna know how many.
- 01:16 So we use count and we're gonna say COUNT the Country, And
- 01:23 we should probably put that in brackets, though I'm not sure it really matters.
- 01:28 So, give us a COUNT of Country and then GROUP BY Country.
- 01:31 And this is also gonna be ascending or
- 01:33 descending, so the ascending is the default as normal.
- 01:36 So now, if we come up here and hit Execute,
- 01:38 we get this funky column and okay, it's kinda hard to read.
- 01:42 We don't know what's going here, so let's change this around a little bit.
- 01:44 Let's come up here and add another column of Country.
- 01:48 And if we execute this, now we get this column, so
- 01:51 it corresponds with each of these.
- 01:53 So now we can tell what's going on here.
- 01:55 So what it's done here is it's created a column.
- 01:58 And it's told us that we have 2 customers from Canada, we have 1 from Mexico, and
- 02:03 we have 3 from the USA.
- 02:05 Now if we, I'm gonna copy this stuff, and
- 02:09 if we get rid of all this and just go back to our star.
- 02:16 So remember, 2 from Canada, 1 from Mexico, and 3 from USA.
- 02:19 We Execute this, we see, yes in fact, there are three from USA,
- 02:23 two from Canada, and one from Mexico.
- 02:25 Which is exactly what the report just told us.
- 02:29 So that's GROUP BY, go ahead and paste that back in there.
- 02:33 It's very sorta similar to the ORDER BY, but
- 02:37 allows us to create different sorta reports with these counted things.
- 02:42 So very, very interesting.
- 02:43 We have country, I guess we could try going
- 02:54 So USA, Canada, Mexico, 3, 2, 1,
- 02:59 descending from high to low or ASC for ascending, 1, 2, 3.
- 03:05 A lot of these things that I’m teaching you can sort of pile on top of each other.
- 03:09 Like right here, where we piled on the ORDER BY on top
- 03:13 of the GROUP BY on top of the, on top of the, on top of the.
- 03:16 And as we go on and learn more of these different clauses and things,
- 03:19 you'll see how you can sort of string them together and in an interesting and
- 03:23 useful sort of way.
- 03:24 So that's a GROUP BY, scoot this one more time.
- 03:27 Very useful, and the next video we'll move on to a whole new clause,
- 03:31 the HAVING clause.
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