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Learn what “Items of Value” are to your audience that will help them know, like and trust you before you ever meet them.
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Items of Value
Learn what “Items of Value” are to your audience that will help them know, like and trust you before you ever meet them.
When to use
Positioning yourself as an expert in your industry by sharing items of value can help you build a relationship with prospects before you even try to sell them something.
Establish yourself and your business as experts in your industry.
Expert topics for items of value can be:
- How to XYZ
- Current state of industry
- History of your market
- Introducing the future of industry
Create informational content such as guides, news pieces, and best practices.
- Create content with information that your prospects want to hear about.
- Not old school way of “here’s something new – buy it”.
- New school way is to build trust, respect and rapport before asking prospect to purchase.
- Not trying to sell straight away – fulfilling a need by resolving challenges with your solutions.
- Content can be whitepaper, blog posts, videos, ebooks, podcasts – best practices in industry, tips in your market, step by step guide.
- Use your website, blog, or social networks to present and share your content.
- 00:04 In this video we're gonna move on to step four,
- 00:07 creating marketing content, this is where the rubber hits the road, okay.
- 00:13 This is a lot of fun, this is where you guys get to be creative and
- 00:16 have a good time with marketing, okay.
- 00:18 So keep it light, keep it fun, and enjoy it.
- 00:22 So, my favorite piece of marketing I call items of value, items of value.
- 00:29 What is that?
- 00:30 That's you being the expert in your field and
- 00:34 you're doing something that's a how to, right?
- 00:37 How to do x,y or z, right, or the current state of whatever your market is,
- 00:43 or the history of your market.
- 00:47 Introducing the new, that revolutionary thing, okay.
- 00:51 So what you really wanna do is establish yourself and
- 00:54 your business as the experts of your industry, okay.
- 00:57 So David, how do I do that?
- 00:59 Okay, it's simple,
- 01:01 there's a lot of different mediums that you can use to deliver this content, okay.
- 01:05 Cuz we're gonna give you the framework for it, right.
- 01:07 We know the framework, the testimonials, all those different things.
- 01:10 But now,
- 01:10 we're gonna start delivering content that your prospects want to know about.
- 01:15 Something that's going to help them, because the old school marketing,
- 01:19 do you remember you get those emails hey here's this new thing buy it, right.
- 01:23 That's kinda that pushing into you, there's no rapport building,
- 01:27 there's no trust, there's nothing that's being built.
- 01:30 That's like going on a date, right.
- 01:32 And the first thing that you do is you go to coffee and
- 01:35 you say hey do you wanna marry me?
- 01:37 No, that's not gonna work, you gotta go to coffee,
- 01:40 get to know each other a little bit, then maybe you'll go to dinner, right.
- 01:44 Then maybe you'll meet the family, and then maybe you'll get married, okay.
- 01:48 So there's a process to it, that's the old school way.
- 01:51 So the new school way is to start building trust, respect, and
- 01:56 rapport before you ask you prospect to purchase from you.
- 02:00 Does that make sense?
- 02:01 Okay, good.
- 02:02 And when you do this, it's going to create more demand for
- 02:05 your products and services.
- 02:06 It's gonna be a lot easier to sell because you're not trying to sell to somebody,
- 02:10 you're actually fulfilling a need for those challenges with your solutions.
- 02:15 Okay, so what that might look like is this, you can do a written item of value.
- 02:19 So what's included in that?
- 02:21 A white paper or a best practices in your industry,
- 02:25 it could be tips on your market, right, on your marketplace.
- 02:30 Tips, so for example, let's say you sell skateboards, right,
- 02:33 here are some tips on how to flip the skateboard around and
- 02:36 do all that crazy stuff that I don't know the name of.
- 02:39 Okay, so whatever it is, wow that's pretty cool right?
- 02:43 So it can also be a guide, right, a how to, or a step by step guide,
- 02:47 okay, to get something done in your industry.
- 02:52 Next, you might do something else written, an e-book,
- 02:55 right, something that's got relevant information.
- 02:58 Something that's got desirable information,
- 03:00 a unique perspective on information, okay.
- 03:04 So again, you're establishing yourself as the expert in your industry.
- 03:08 This is one of my favorite mediums, clearly is video, okay,
- 03:12 video is awesome, you can shoot a video, right.
- 03:16 You can use the bold promise, you can use your testimonials,
- 03:19 you can teach something, right, it can just be three simple things, right,
- 03:23 tips or best practices, right.
- 03:25 And you can put it on an online social platform, so
- 03:28 something like YouTube, Snapchat, Vimeo, Facebook Live, etc.
- 03:32 Those are things that are popular right now at the time of the shooting of
- 03:36 this video, okay.
- 03:37 So you can shoot a video, you can use your website, right,
- 03:41 you just have to make sure you have a clear marketing message
- 03:44 that's speaking to your ideal client on your website.
- 03:47 And you can give them again some kinda tips or best practices of your industry.
- 03:51 This one is great, a blog, a blog, right, you can use video and
- 03:56 embed it into your blog.
- 03:58 Or you can write a blog and put it in there, okay.
- 04:01 You can also, if you have a video, you can have it translated so that people can read
- 04:04 it too, because there's different modes of learning, isn't there?
- 04:08 Some people are visual where they like to see a video or
- 04:10 they'll maybe read something that's written.
- 04:13 Some people are audio, right, so you can do audio files as well, MP3s.
- 04:19 Right, you can use podcasts, right and
- 04:22 you can put those onto your website or into your blog, or on iTunes, right.
- 04:27 So you can regularly establish yourself as an expert using a podcast,
- 04:31 right and you do these things consistently.
- 04:34 They're not very expensive to do All right, some of them are even free.
- 04:38 So you wanna make sure that, even shooting videos now you can use your phone to
- 04:42 shoot a quick little video tip, okay.
- 04:45 Next, make sure that you embed a podcast or
- 04:49 a video into whatever website or blog, okay.
- 04:54 So that people can find it, okay that's gonna help a lot.
- 04:56 Okay so let's do a quick recap, now you can start creating your marketing content,
- 05:00 this is where you can get artistic, this is where you can get creative.
- 05:03 You can tell me, hey David I'm not artistic, I'm not creative,
- 05:07 you can hire somebody to do this for you, okay, the people love to do this.
- 05:11 You wanna offer items of value, the how to's, the current state of,
- 05:16 the history of, introducing the new, right.
- 05:19 And you can do it from all those different ways we've talked about, written,
- 05:23 you can do it through video, and you can do it through audio as well, okay.
- 05:28 Hope that makes sense,
- 05:29 you use the same framework that we covered in the last videos.
- 05:32 Okay and we're gonna talk more about that and
- 05:35 how you do that in the next video as well.
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