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About this lesson
Learn the advertising framework you can use in any advertising medium you choose.
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Advertising Framework.docx54.5 KB Advertising Framework - Solution.docx
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Quick reference
Advertising Framework
Learn the advertising framework you can use in any advertising medium you choose.
When to use
When using any kind of advertising medium, you can use this framework to ensure your campaign includes all of the necessary items to get people to take the action you desire.
Include your bold promise and testimonials.
- Triple your referrals in one month
- Testimonial of customer who did experience boost in referrals thanks to your product/service.
Use the law of scarcity to motivating prospects to buy sooner.
- Only 3 days left to buy at this price
- Sale ends Friday
- For a limited time only
- First 100 customers only
Without scarcity, prospects feel like they can go back another time and purchase. In that time, they may forget your product or move on to something else.
Have price juxtaposition for side by side comparison.
- E.g. “You could pay $10,000 for a similar vacation package. Our premium vacations including accommodation and private tours are only $599.”
List one specific call to action.
- Click here to get started
- Call now
- Email us today
Include a timeline
- Offer ends at midnight on Friday, then gone forever
- People will act based on fear of loss, as they don’t want to lose out on a great deal
- Send reminder emails to let them know the sale is almost over
- In David’s experience, 80% of sales come within the last 48 hours
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