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About this lesson
Get your priorities in order for your upcoming job interview.
- 00:05 So you've sent out resumes, you've networked, that's great.
- 00:08 But it only takes you so far, it takes you to the job interview.
- 00:12 It's extraordinarily rare to actually get hired for
- 00:15 a job, especially a well paying job, without going through a job interview.
- 00:20 Now this gets a lot of people nervous, uncomfortable, what do I say?
- 00:25 I don't know what to do, I feel awkward.
- 00:28 Well, you've got to really step back and
- 00:30 come up with a game plan before you go into every single job interview.
- 00:36 Let's look at what the fundamental goal is of this job interview.
- 00:38 The goal for you is to get a job offer.
- 00:41 Now, you may have tons of job offers,
- 00:43 you might not have had a job offer in ten years.
- 00:45 Doesn't matter, you still want them to want you.
- 00:49 You want an official offer you can then either accept, or
- 00:53 turn down, or start the negotiation process.
- 00:56 But let's not lose sight of what this job interview is about.
- 01:01 It's not about you answering all the questions correctly.
- 01:05 Now, you do have to answer questions.
- 01:07 It's not about you showing them you're smarter than anyone else.
- 01:12 It's not about you simply showing up on time.
- 01:15 It's not about you going through your resume in chronological order.
- 01:20 It's about two things, making them convinced you are the best
- 01:25 possible applicant to get the job done that they need to do.
- 01:30 And convincing them that they want you in their office, or
- 01:34 their workplace, on a daily basis.
- 01:37 Because human beings are social, they won't tell you this in a job interview,
- 01:42 but nobody wants to be around someone all day long at the coffee pot or conference
- 01:46 rooms, who is annoying, who is obnoxious, who doesn't seem like a team player.
- 01:51 So you need them to like you, you actually need them to make them think,
- 01:55 this could be a good addition to our team.
- 01:59 Doesn't matter if it's a construction job outside.
- 02:01 Doesn't matter if it is purely an office job with cubicles.
- 02:06 You've got to make them convinced that you're likable, and
- 02:11 that you have the qualifications, the skills, the drive,
- 02:16 the passion to get the job done.
- 02:18 So everything else I say in this course is about helping you ultimately get the job.
- 02:25 And accomplishing those two objectives in the job interview.
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