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Make the best first impression by dressing for the job you want.
- 00:04 So how should you dress for your job interview?
- 00:07 It's important that you fit in, that you show you understand the customs,
- 00:11 the norms of this particular organization in this industry.
- 00:15 Now, most of my clients are business people who wear suits,
- 00:18 that's why I'm wearing a suit.
- 00:21 This would look ridiculous if you're applying to be a busboy.
- 00:25 Or if you are applying to be a graphic artist somewhere when they're
- 00:29 expecting you to be artistic and casual.
- 00:32 So you've got to know what it is that's the norm for
- 00:36 dress in the workplace where you're going.
- 00:39 Sometimes you just might not know,
- 00:41 you may want to ask the person who's scheduling the job interview with you.
- 00:46 Now if all else fails, most of the time you're in good shape
- 00:51 if you dress slightly more formal than you might otherwise.
- 00:57 So if you really don't know, there's nothing wrong, most of the time for
- 01:01 any kind of office job, of wearing a suit and a tie if you're a man, or
- 01:05 wearing a conservatively-tailored dress or suit jacket if you're a woman.
- 01:10 If the person interviewing you is wearing a polo shirt and slacks and
- 01:13 you're in a suit and tie, chances are it won't work against you.
- 01:17 They'll simply think, well, this person was respectful and made an effort.
- 01:23 What you don't want to do is go in with a T-shirt and shorts, and
- 01:28 the person interviewing you is wearing a tie, or wearing a sundress and
- 01:32 the person interviewing you is in a very conservative tailored outfit.
- 01:37 Because if that happens,
- 01:38 the whole time you're there you're thinking, I've already lost this job.
- 01:43 I look like an idiot, I look like a fool.
- 01:46 And even if you're not thinking that you don't want the person interviewing you
- 01:51 thinking this person doesn't really get it.
- 01:54 They don't really understand our industry, not quite sure they would fit in.
- 01:58 You don't want to call attention to what you're wearing,
- 02:01 unless you're going to be a fashion designer.
- 02:04 But if you're someone interviewing for most industries,
- 02:07 you're not a fashion designer.
- 02:09 You want what you're wearing to fit in.
- 02:12 There is a uniform in every industry.
- 02:15 If you're going to a really cool hip nightclub to be a bartender,
- 02:20 maybe the uniform is all black and something that is cool-looking.
- 02:26 I'm not saying everyone has to look the same or sound the same.
- 02:28 I am saying,
- 02:29 you need to be aware of fitting in with the organization you're interviewing with,
- 02:35 so that they don't have to wonder, why is this person dressed like that?
- 02:40 So give it some thought to how you look, how you're dressed,
- 02:44 how you're presenting yourself.
- 02:48 If you have some crazy wild hairstyles with your hair,
- 02:52 not my issue these days, you may want to tone it down for the first day,
- 02:56 unless you are interviewing at a nightclub or some sort of artistic design house.
- 03:02 How you look needs to fit with what you're going for.
- 03:06 Now you can say all day long, I wouldn't want to work for anyone who's judgmental.
- 03:12 But if you're going to work for a very conservative financial organization, and
- 03:16 you have a whole lot of tattoos on your arms,
- 03:19 maybe you want to wear a long-sleeved shirt that day or a suit.
- 03:23 I'm not asking you to be fraudulent.
- 03:26 I'm not asking you to hide your true self, but you do want people to focus on your
- 03:31 message, how you can help them, and why you would be an asset to the organization.
- 03:36 You don't necessarily want to distract them with wearing flip flops or
- 03:40 footwear that just seems wildly inappropriate.
- 03:43 So before you go into that job interview,
- 03:46 you really need to look at yourself from your feet to the top of your head, and
- 03:50 ask yourself, is this how I want to come across?
- 03:54 And is this how I think someone would be seen as fitting in with this
- 03:59 particular organization's culture?
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