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At this stage in your leadership you need to discern which form of leverage will be most effective with your team.
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Identify Best Leverage for Your Team
Identify the best leverage for your team. We all have different forms of leverage that we respond to and we all respond differently. You really want to connect your team to the leverage that works best for them.
When to use
Always understand what motivates your team and the individual team members, so you can use this as leverage to help your team meet the desired outcome.
Everyone is motivated by different things. Really work with your team members to understand the best leverage to use to get them excited about meeting the desired outcome.
- Move Towards – These are the people on your team that their biggest motivating factor is reward. The leverage here could be a pay raise or a promotion or a leadership role. These are the things that people want to move towards.
- Move Away From – Some people are more motivated by moving away from consequences. The leverage here could be if you don’t hit the goal you will get fired, a pay cut or demoted. It is the fear that motivates them.
You have the same goal in place, but two totally different ways to drive people to meet the goal. You must decide which one works best for your team and for your individual team members.
Go to the motivational factors from the earlier videos and find out what already motivates your team members. Implement the motivational strategy to implement leverage. Now that you know what the best leverage is for your team, you can implement the strategy and move them forward with that motivation.
Login to download- 00:04 In this video, we're going to identify the best leverage for your team.
- 00:09 So what does that mean?
- 00:10 We all have different forms of leverage that we respond to and
- 00:14 we all respond differently.
- 00:15 So if you have those different personalities and those different
- 00:18 motivational factors that we talked about in the other videos, with each of your
- 00:22 team members you really wanna connect them to the leverage that works best with them.
- 00:27 So for example, we have something in psychology that we call move towards.
- 00:32 Move towards.
- 00:33 Well what does that mean?
- 00:34 These are the people on your team or maybe even yourself,
- 00:37 their biggest motivating factor is reward, right, is reward.
- 00:42 So we talked about different types of rewards.
- 00:44 So a pay raise, for example.
- 00:47 Or it could be a promotion if they wanna lead people, right?
- 00:50 It could be a leadership role, okay?
- 00:53 So these are the things people wanna move towards.
- 00:56 You may have heard that metaphor, the carrot and
- 00:59 the stick, right, with the donkey, right?
- 01:02 What works better?
- 01:04 Do you use the carrot and dangle it in front of them?
- 01:06 That's the move towards.
- 01:07 Or do you use the stick, right?
- 01:10 So this is the carrot portion of that.
- 01:13 Okay, moving towards.
- 01:14 Make sense?
- 01:15 Okay, good.
- 01:16 Now, next you're gonna have people who are more motivated
- 01:19 by moving away from away from, away from.
- 01:23 Those are the consequences.
- 01:24 So hey, in that authoritarian leadership style,
- 01:27 hey if you don't hit that goal, you're gonna lose your job.
- 01:31 You don't hit that goal, you're gonna get a pay cut.
- 01:34 You don't hit that goal, you're gonna get demoted, okay.
- 01:38 So it's that fear based, right?
- 01:40 So this in that metaphor is the stick.
- 01:42 The move away from, right?
- 01:44 And that's what gets people to move, okay?
- 01:47 And what's great is you can see this in everybody, in all humans.
- 01:50 Especially kids.
- 01:51 Do you have kids?
- 01:53 Which one is your kid, right?
- 01:55 Are they somebody who when you tell them to do something and
- 01:58 you offer a reward, that's gonna get them to change their behavior?
- 02:02 Or is it, hey, you're gonna get a time out.
- 02:06 The moving away from, the consequence.
- 02:07 Does that get them to move, okay?
- 02:10 Same goal, totally different approaches, okay?
- 02:13 So you need to decide which one works best with your team, and
- 02:16 which one works best with your individual team members.
- 02:20 That make sense?
- 02:21 Good, that's gonna get your result that you're looking for.
- 02:23 Next, go to the motivational factors from the earlier video, right?
- 02:27 So if you have them take an assessment,
- 02:29 it's gonna give you those motivational factors, okay?
- 02:33 And find out, this is key, what already motivates them.
- 02:39 Is it the money?
- 02:40 Is it learning?
- 02:41 Is it their environment?
- 02:43 Is it the fact that they can lead somebody, right?
- 02:46 What are the things that already motivate them?
- 02:48 That way you don't have to reinvent the wheel.
- 02:50 Now you're coming in to somebody and
- 02:52 leading them from their model of the world.
- 02:55 Your vision, right?
- 02:56 Your outcome.
- 02:57 Your rules.
- 02:58 Your guidelines.
- 02:59 But you're approaching them from where they are.
- 03:02 And when you can do that, now you've got that control to really help influence them
- 03:07 and motivate them to get to that next level, okay?
- 03:11 So, excellent.
- 03:12 So next, you want to implement the strategies to implement leverage, right?
- 03:16 So these are your programs that you put into place.
- 03:20 These are those handbooks with the rules and the regulations and
- 03:22 the guidelines, right?
- 03:24 This is that system that you're gonna put in to place.
- 03:27 Now that you know what the best leverage is for your team, now you can
- 03:31 implement those strategies and move them forward with that motivation, okay?
- 03:37 Great, so let's recap.
- 03:38 So the first thing, you wanna identify your team.
- 03:41 Are they a move towards team where there's the reward?
- 03:44 So a pay raise, a promotion, leadership role, right?
- 03:47 That's that carrot.
- 03:48 Are they more of a move away from, consequence.
- 03:51 Hey, lose your job, pay cut, demotion, the stick, okay?
- 03:56 You wanna get their motivational factors from what we talked about in
- 03:59 the earlier video, right?
- 04:00 What already motivates them.
- 04:02 Find what already motivates them, and use that to motivate them toward your goal.
- 04:07 And implement the strategies, whether they're programs, whether they're rules,
- 04:10 regulations, guidelines, okay?
- 04:12 And make everything super crystal clear.
- 04:15 And this is going to help you identify the best leverage for your team.
- 04:18 And rocket your success, all right?
- 04:22 Great job.
- 04:23 We'll see you in the next video.
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