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In this module we look at implementing the “away from” strategies to change behavior.
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Fear and Consequence
Once you have leverage on your team to create that change, you need a consequence that they fear. This will get them moving towards the desired outcome.
When to use
Once leverage is obtained, always have a heavy enough consequence to get that person motivated and moving toward the desired outcome.
In the authoritative leadership style, fear and consequence is the way to get that leverage.
- Personal Consequence – There must be personal consequences to have the leverage on individuals. This could be things like, if you don’t achieve this goal, you will lose your job or you won’t get the promotion.
- Company Consequence – How is the company going to suffer if you don’t meet the goal? This could be things like revenue will be down, the company will have to do layoffs. The company will lose market share.
- Department Consequences – How will the department suffer if you don’t meet the goal? The department will be looked down upon by the executive team. The department could lose resources.
To get someone to move, the fear or consequence or loss is very powerful. Use leverage that will resonate with that individual.
Login to download- 00:04 In this video, we're gonna look at step six, implement strategies.
- 00:09 You guys have done so great getting this far.
- 00:13 Building that foundation, getting those leadership skills up.
- 00:16 Now we're gonna start implementing the strategies.
- 00:19 Because once you have leverage on your team to create that change,
- 00:23 they need something to look forward to that will give them pleasure.
- 00:27 Something that they believe they can have or be or do, and it's within their reach.
- 00:33 So this will keep them motivated in striving to hit the outcome.
- 00:38 You also need a heavy enough consequence if your team does not achieve the outcome,
- 00:43 right?
- 00:44 We talked a lot about that.
- 00:46 So you need both things.
- 00:48 So that's what we're gonna look at in this video.
- 00:51 So we're gonna start with fear and consequence,.fear and consequence.
- 00:55 We've talked a little bit about that.
- 00:57 In the authoritative leadership style,
- 01:01 fearing consequence is that way to get the leverage, okay?
- 01:06 So, if you don't achieve this goal, you will lose your job, right?
- 01:10 Or you won't get the promotion in the military, right?
- 01:14 In this type of situation.
- 01:16 Hey, others will die.
- 01:18 Or you will die, okay?
- 01:20 Those are those extreme cases.
- 01:23 Or it might be, hey,
- 01:24 listen, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and then it's gone.
- 01:30 Okay? So as humans,
- 01:31 we don't want to lose anything, right?
- 01:33 That fear of loss is gonna get us to take action and motivate us.
- 01:37 Does that make sense?
- 01:39 Okay. You see it all the time on TV, right?
- 01:41 You've got something that they're selling and the timer's ticking down,
- 01:45 the number of items they have is ticking down.
- 01:47 I don't wanna lose out on this deal, right?
- 01:49 That's how our brains are wired.
- 01:51 Okay?
- 01:52 So that's a big one.
- 01:53 Now, number two, fear and consequence.
- 01:56 How is the company going to suffer?
- 01:59 Okay? Because if you have somebody that cares
- 02:01 about a company and that's one of their motivating factors, you wanna
- 02:06 define clearly how the company will suffer if you do not hit your goals, okay?
- 02:11 So, revenues will be down.
- 02:14 We're gonna have to do a round of layoffs if we don't make this work.
- 02:17 We're gonna lose market share.
- 02:19 We're gonna have lower commissions, etcetera.
- 02:22 Whatever that motivation factor is for that team, or
- 02:25 that individual, right, that's what you use.
- 02:28 And you can use that in your fear and consequence, okay?
- 02:31 Or the department, hey, the department suffers.
- 02:34 How the department will be looked upon by executive team
- 02:38 if you guys aren't successful.
- 02:39 Or losing resources, right?
- 02:42 Loss of something is very effective in causing immediate change, right?
- 02:46 Now, gaining something will sustain that change, but in the short-term,
- 02:51 to get somebody to move, that loss will get people to move, okay?
- 02:55 Next, use leverage that you know will resonate with the individual, okay?
- 03:01 Whatever you've uncovered, use it with that individual.
- 03:04 Okay? Hopefully that makes sense.
- 03:06 And I remember being in the corporate world.
- 03:09 And whenever a big decision came around, something with computers or
- 03:14 technology, back then, IBM was the standard.
- 03:18 Okay?
- 03:18 They were not the cheapest by any means, right?
- 03:21 But they were the standard.
- 03:23 And we had a saying around the office, nobody ever got fired for
- 03:26 buying an IBM, okay?
- 03:28 Now, did that mean it was necessarily the best product?
- 03:32 No, not necessarily.
- 03:34 Did that mean that we were getting the best price?
- 03:36 No, not necessarily, okay?
- 03:37 But because of that fear and consequence,
- 03:40 nobody wanted to make the wrong buying decision.
- 03:43 Okay, so they would go with an IBM.
- 03:45 Hey, no one ever got fired, hey, it's IBM.
- 03:47 It's the best, okay?
- 03:49 So that's what we're talking about with fear and consequence.
- 03:52 Now, if you're in that authoritative leadership style, okay, and
- 03:56 again, some of these styles are good, some of these styles are bad,
- 04:00 depending on how you use them.
- 04:02 Okay? On their own,
- 04:03 neither one is better than the other, okay?
- 04:05 But these are different ways to motivate the people that you're working with.
- 04:08 So authoritative, losing your job, won't get the promotion, right?
- 04:13 You will die or others will die if it's a military situation or
- 04:16 a different situation.
- 04:16 This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, then it's gone.
- 04:21 Make sure you show them how the company will suffer
- 04:24 if you don't achieve your goal, right?
- 04:26 Define clearly how that will happen, and share it with them.
- 04:30 Revenues are down, we'll have to do a round of layoffs,
- 04:32 loss of market share, lower commissions, etcetera.
- 04:35 Department suffers, because, hey,
- 04:37 if we don't achieve this goal, how are the executives gonna look at our department?
- 04:42 Right? We're gonna lose resources if we
- 04:43 don't perform.
- 04:45 Okay? Loss of something
- 04:46 is very effective in causing immediate change.
- 04:49 Gaining something will sustain that change, but
- 04:52 to get that immediate movement, loss is very powerful, okay?
- 04:57 And next, use leverage that you know will resonate with the individual, okay?
- 05:02 You guys got this.
- 05:03 We're moving on.
- 05:04 We'll see you in the next video.
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