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About this lesson
Learn the difference between appointments and events, and how to schedule other events like Focus time and Teams meetings.
Exercise files
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4.03, Cal Appts, Mtgs, Teams Mtg, Events - Exercise.docx87.7 KB
Quick reference
Appointments, Meetings, Teams Meetings, and Events
These are all Calendar items; the difference is if other people or resources are invited or not.
When to use
Appointments are items on your calendar you can set for yourself. Meetings include invitations to other people who need to attend. An event displays above the calendar to mark an important day that may still be used for appointments and meetings.
To schedule appointments
- Click "New Appointment" and manually set the times, or drag a time increment on your calendar.
- Type the name of the appointment and press enter.
To schedule meetings
- Click an existing appointment and notice the Calendar Tools ribbon.
- Select Invite Attendees.
- An email template appears; fill in the To: line and Location line, and click Send.
- Recipients will receive an email with a Calendar icon; they will click to Accept or Decline the meeting.
- When a meeting is scheduled, a new ribbon called Calendar Meeting appears and includes a Tracking button and a Cancel Meeting button.
- The Tracking button provides details about who responded to the meeting request.
- If a meeting is Cancelled, the meeting attendees will receive a cancellation email.
To schedule events
- Click above the calendar schedule area and type the name of any event.
- In the case of a birthday or repeating event, you can make it “Recurring”.
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