Locked lesson.
About this lesson
When you find yourself searching for an appointment or an open date, changing the Calendar view will help zoom into details or view a month at a glance.
Lesson versions
Multiple versions of this lesson are available, choose the appropriate version for you:
2016, 2019/365.
Quick reference
Calendar Views
Allows you change your calendar to the best view to make your decisions.
When to use
When you find yourself searching for an appointment or an open date, changing the View will help zoom into details or give a month at a glance.
- On the Calendar screen,
On the HOME ribbon,
Locate and click through the ARRANGE section options, observe the changes:
- Visual indicators:
- The Folder Pane calendar Allows you to clcik and drag a specific date range to display on your Calendar screen
- The Current date is highlighted and bold dates represent appointments
And the Monthly Calendar Screen, current date has a bold line to identify today’s date
- Line Marker for current time, on the Week Calendar view:
- The Folder Pane calendar Allows you to clcik and drag a specific date range to display on your Calendar screen
- To View Multiple Calendars simultaneously:
- On the Folder list, click the calendars to view
- Switching to the “Day” view will position the calendars side-by-side:
- Switching to the “Schedule” view will stack the calendars horizontally:
- On the Folder list, click the calendars to view
- Weather feature on the calendar
- Click the arrow beside Washington, DC, and select “Add Location”
- To remove a city from the weather list, click the drop down arrow and click the “X” beside the City name
- Click the arrow beside Washington, DC, and select “Add Location”
- 00:04 Understanding the calendar view when you're in your calendar is very important.
- 00:08 And in the arrange group of our calendar,
- 00:10 we have our day, our work week, a full week, the month, and then of course
- 00:15 a schedule view which allows you to compare to someone else's calendar.
- 00:19 Generally when you're on the month view, today's date is gonna be dark blue and
- 00:23 then you'll have other months around it.
- 00:25 I have an arrow here.
- 00:26 I can go forward however many months I want.
- 00:29 But I don't want you to search your way back.
- 00:30 I just want you to be aware of this today button right up at the top.
- 00:33 You click today, and it brings you right there.
- 00:35 Now another thing to be aware of is the navigation pane.
- 00:38 We have an operating calendar right here.
- 00:40 I could actually click to the 26th.
- 00:42 Takes me to the 26 and then I can change it to work week.
- 00:46 I can, and then it shows you the highlighted work week.
- 00:49 I can actually click and drag a section of days and it will take me to that section.
- 00:54 I can actually click and drag two weeks at a time and
- 00:56 view two weeks side by side on this view.
- 00:59 You can even view Wednesday to Wednesday if you prefer on that view.
- 01:03 The quickest way to reset yourself is just to hit Week and then to hit Today and
- 01:08 it brings you right back to today's date.
- 01:10 Now notice also, on this little calendar on the left,
- 01:14 the 18th is dark blue and then the 19th is bold.
- 01:17 That's because I have an appointment on the 19th, so
- 01:20 it shows any appointment dates as bold and then today's date is always blue.
- 01:24 When I'm on my month calendar, it also shows if I click off of that particular
- 01:29 day, the 18th still has a bold line above it Indicating that is today.
- 01:34 When I'm on my week calendar, on my work week calendar and hit today,
- 01:38 it has a blue line across it.
- 01:40 This indicates about what timing is right now.
- 01:43 Now we do have multiple calendar as well on the left.
- 01:46 I simply hit a right mouse button on the calendar.
- 01:49 I can choose new calendar, and I can type my teaching schedule.
- 01:55 And now I can activate all three of those calendars and view them side by side.
- 02:00 Well it looks a little crazy cuz there's multiple days on here, but
- 02:03 when I reset it to just the day calendar,
- 02:05 now this makes sense to look at everyone's day side by side and compare them.
- 02:09 And if I choose schedule view,
- 02:11 I can actually see all three of those schedules stacked on top of each other.
- 02:15 It's all about what information you need at what time.
- 02:17 And then go ahead and set yourself back to week, and
- 02:20 today, get rid of the extra calendars, and there you go.
- 02:24 You're set and ready to go.
- 02:25 One more wonderful feature they have added, is this little,
- 02:29 they've actually added a feature, I guess let me go to month it looks better.
- 02:33 Okay, and
- 02:34 cities, you can add five different cities weather to the top of your calendar.
- 02:38 I love this, it's awesome.
- 02:39 So I'm gonna go ahead and add a location.
- 02:41 I'm gonna add San Diego, California and
- 02:44 when I hit enter it's gonna find it, ask me to select which one,
- 02:48 in case there's multiple of them, and then it gives the weather in San Diego.
- 02:52 Now I can also click and switch back to Washington, D C.
- 02:55 Maybe I don't want D C at all.
- 02:57 When I flip my mouse down here there's a little x.
- 02:59 You can click on that x.
- 03:00 And it'll vanish.
- 03:01 But you can have five cities weather up there, it's awesome.
- 03:04 We also have a zoom control in the bottom right hand corner, so
- 03:07 you can zoom in, but just be aware of this,
- 03:10 it's very normal to click through the different views of your calendar.
- 03:15 We're going to get into more detail about how you can change settings in here, but
- 03:18 it is awesome and normal to hit the Today button to go to this calendar and
- 03:23 click around.
- 03:24 You're gonna love working in the calendar once you know how to actually control it.
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