Locked lesson.
About this lesson
Picture tools help you manage and control your pictures.
Lesson versions
Multiple versions of this lesson are available, choose the appropriate version for you:
2016, 2019/365.
Quick reference
Manage Picture Tools
Picture Tools help you manage pictures and control your publication.
When to use
Every time you use Publisher, you will use Picture Tools. Learning how to manage them will streamline your work on a publication.
Begin by opening the corresponding Exercise File with this lesson, or go to File, New and find the template called Newsletter (soft blue design).
The View ribbon holds the Graphics Manager - the secret to working with pictures.
Add Graphics Manager to the Quick Access Toolbar
- Right-click the Graphics Manager button and select Add to Quick Access Toolbar.
- This puts it in front of your eyes so it is a reminder to use as needed.
- Tip: Review the lesson on the “Quick Access Toolbar” to customize your favorite buttons.
- Click the Graphics Manager to activate it, then change the settings (optional, but recommended).
- On the Graphics Manager panel, change the Sort by options to Page Number.
- Click the box to activate Show Thumbnail.
- Click Change Picture Display at the bottom of the Graphics Manager panel.
- The options explain themselves and this is a feature only used in large publications when many pictures slow down your progress on a project.
Collapse the ribbons
- Having plenty of screen room is important, so you can collapse your ribbons to gain an inch of screen room:
- Double-click any ribbon name to collapse the ribbons.
OR - Right-click a ribbon and select “Collapse the Ribbon”.
- Double-click any ribbon name to collapse the ribbons.
- Gather pictures into the scratch area as thumbnails.
- Select multiple pictures (hold Ctrl and click multiple pictures.)
- Then click the Picture tools ribbon, and select Arrange Thumbnails.
- Notice that the pictures are removed from the publication and placed into the Scratch Area.
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- 00:04 I'm going to stay with the newsletter for this lesson, because this is
- 00:08 about the Graphics Manager and I do need graphics or pictures on the screen.
- 00:12 Notice on the View ribbon, there's an option that says Graphics Manager.
- 00:15 And you just put a little check mark on that square and
- 00:18 a brand new panel shows up on the right-hand side.
- 00:20 Well, you might look at this and say, what are those things?
- 00:23 And I agree with you, what are those things?
- 00:24 Well, those are the names of the pictures in the newsletter.
- 00:28 But they don't make any sense to me or you.
- 00:30 So, right above, it says Show thumbnail.
- 00:32 I'll go ahead and put a check mark on that.
- 00:34 And now this makes a little more sense.
- 00:36 And now at least I can see the pictures that are in the panel.
- 00:39 Now, this panel looks kind of small, and there's a reason,
- 00:42 because I have a smaller screen size.
- 00:43 Maybe you're on a laptop or a tablet and you can't see a lot on this panel.
- 00:47 Well, there's two ways to expand this.
- 00:49 Notice on your View ribbon,
- 00:50 any ribbon when you double click it will collapse the ribbon.
- 00:53 So I'll just double click that.
- 00:54 Now, notice, I just gained more room on my screen, on my panel, but
- 00:58 I still have access to my ribbons simply by clicking them and they'll open up,
- 01:02 and when I click off, they'll collapse.
- 01:04 So it's called expand-collapse.
- 01:06 A double click will lock them in again or a double click will collapse them.
- 01:09 I'll leave this way just for now.
- 01:12 Now, the Graphics Manager I still can't see all of the options.
- 01:15 So I'm going to click, notice my mouse on the title of the Graphics Manager is
- 01:18 a four arrow, that means north, south, east, or west.
- 01:22 I can literally click and drag that panel off and
- 01:25 expand it to the full length of my screen width, okay.
- 01:29 I have full control over these panels.
- 01:30 In fact, if I had a second monitor,
- 01:32 I could slide that off to the second monitor and move it away.
- 01:36 Now, if I want to dock it back into place it's called floating or docked.
- 01:39 I could dock it onto the left-hand side beside my pages if I like,
- 01:43 because I'm ultimately in charge of how my screen operates.
- 01:46 Or I could click and drag it off.
- 01:48 I'm just going to drag it off and leave it over here for a moment.
- 01:50 All right, let me go ahead and re-center all of that.
- 01:54 I want to show you something else in here.
- 01:55 Notice the bottom of the Graphics Manager says Change picture display.
- 02:00 When you click that,
- 02:01 I have the option to show a detailed display of every single picture.
- 02:05 And then when I move through the newsletter,
- 02:07 it takes a little bit of time for these pictures to load.
- 02:10 Well, what if I totally want to focus on text?
- 02:12 I can actually click, hide the pictures, hit OK, and take a look.
- 02:16 What just happened?
- 02:18 Especially over here on the left-hand Pages panel.
- 02:20 When I click through, my pictures did not vanish.
- 02:23 I've simply hidden them so it's faster for the text to load.
- 02:26 Maybe I just want to focus on text.
- 02:28 Now at the moment I want to bring that back.
- 02:30 Tell my Graphics Manager, Change picture display.
- 02:33 Go back to my Detailed display and hit OK.
- 02:36 All right, now, the Graphics Manager is pretty vital.
- 02:39 Hey, I'm going to go ahead and close it right now.
- 02:41 And I'm going to go ahead and go back to my View ribbon,
- 02:43 and I want to add this to my quick access toolbar.
- 02:46 That was a previous lesson.
- 02:47 If you didn't watch it, please go back and do the lesson on the quick access toolbar.
- 02:51 So the quickest way to add a button is to right click on that button.
- 02:55 Right click, read the list.
- 02:56 The top one says Add to Quick Access.
- 02:59 When I click that, suddenly on my quick access toolbar,
- 03:02 I now have Graphics Manager.
- 03:03 So I can turn it on and turn it off.
- 03:06 All right, so the last thing I want to show you about these pictures
- 03:09 is how to move them completely out of the newsletter.
- 03:13 So I'm going to Ctrl+click on a few of these.
- 03:16 Ctrl+click, Ctrl, I'm holding down Ctrl and clicking.
- 03:20 And now on the Picture Tools, notice right up here, my Picture Tools.
- 03:24 See, this isn't a Graphics Manager, this is a Picture Tools function.
- 03:27 When I click Format, there's a button that says Arrange Thumbnails.
- 03:31 You're about to see all these pictures leave the newsletter and
- 03:33 arrange in cells in the scratch area off to the right.
- 03:36 Click.
- 03:37 There we go, they completely left.
- 03:38 Now, I did not leave placeholders behind.
- 03:41 I did not hide them.
- 03:42 I really moved them onto the scratch area so
- 03:45 that I can do whatever work I want to, and move them in or out or whatever.
- 03:50 Now, I don't want that to happen, I want to put them back.
- 03:52 Because I just did it, I am able to come up here and use the Undo button.
- 03:57 Honestly, I prefer to use Ctrl+Z.
- 03:58 And as you notice, when I float my mouse there, it does say Ctrl+Z.
- 04:01 So I'll go ahead and Ctrl+Z to put those back into the newsletter.
- 04:05 But I wanted to show you, sometimes we want to empty out last month's photos and
- 04:09 put in new photos.
- 04:10 So you can just move them on to the scratch area in one fell swoop.
- 04:14 All right, that's it for this lesson.
- 04:16 Please get the Graphics Manager added to your quick access toolbar so
- 04:19 it's ready to turn on and turn off as you need it.
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