Locked lesson.
About this lesson
Learn these shortcut tips that will expedite your design time.
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2016, 2019/365.
Quick reference
Creative Ideas - Keyboard Shortcuts
Learn the common keyboard shortcuts in Publisher to increase your productivity.
When to use
Every time you use Publisher, you will become faster and more efficient when you incorporate these common keyboard shortcuts.
Begin by opening the corresponding Exercise File with this lesson, or to go File, New and find the Business Newsletter called Trader News.
Use Page 1 for this lesson.
Publisher Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl + B for bold text
Ctrl + U for underline
Ctrl + I for italic
Ctrl + Shift + = for superscript
Ctrl + = for subscript
Ctrl + Spacebar removes all formats from the highlighted text
Ctrl + Shift + f or p opens the font menu
Ctrl + Shift + > increases the font size by a half point
Ctrl + Shift + < decreases the font size by a half point
Ctrl + F find
Ctrl + H find/replace
Computer Tips
- Double-click any word to select that word (faster than click and drag over the letters.)
- Triple-click any word to select a paragraph (faster that click and drag over a paragraph.)
- 00:05 At some point you will reach an advanced level where it is just faster to
- 00:08 stay on the keyboard, rather than stopping and
- 00:11 going up to the buttons to click whatever formatting option you need.
- 00:14 So some of the most common options are over here on the left,
- 00:18 you may not even have known that these existed, but they are great.
- 00:21 Let's go ahead and run through these.
- 00:23 First of all, to select a word you double click a word.
- 00:25 The click and drag just takes too long to perform, so
- 00:28 double click on a word will select one word.
- 00:30 A triple click one, two, three will select an entire paragraph.
- 00:34 I'm going to go ahead and select this whole paragraph.
- 00:36 So, here we go, going to run through the list on the left, Ctrl + B will bold.
- 00:40 It's faster than going up and hitting the B, Ctrl + B again will remove the bold.
- 00:45 So bold on, bold off, okay, Ctrl + B.
- 00:47 Now, Ctrl + U will underline, Ctrl + U again will remove the underline.
- 00:53 Ctrl + I will italicize, Ctrl + I again will remove it.
- 00:58 This time I am going to move here to another word, so the main goal.
- 01:02 Ctrl + Shift + = for superscript or just Ctrl + =, so Ctrl + = for subscript, okay?
- 01:09 And Ctrl + Spacebar will remove all formats from highlighted texts.
- 01:14 So I'm going to triple-click this paragraph and
- 01:17 instead of coming up here and hitting my Clear button.
- 01:20 Let me just hit it, just so
- 01:21 you can see, when I clear, that just removes all formats.
- 01:25 Well look at what Ctrl + Spacebar, will do the same thing.
- 01:28 In fact, it even did more, so my Clear Formatting, clears up,
- 01:33 but leaves the font size the same.
- 01:35 But Ctrl + Spacebar even removes the font size, very interesting.
- 01:40 All right, Ctrl + Shift + F or P opens up the Font menu.
- 01:44 Ctrl + Shift + F for fonts, opens up everything in here.
- 01:48 Let's try this and then cancel, Ctrl +Shift + P opens up the fonts.
- 01:53 Why two buttons do the same thing?
- 01:55 Who knows?
- 01:55 It just does, pick one to memorize, all right,
- 01:58 then we have Ctrl + Shift, this is my favorite.
- 02:01 Ctrl + Shift + > or < sign.
- 02:03 Ctrl + Shift > will incrementally increase the font size, so
- 02:08 my eyes are just looking up here at the 24 or here on the 24.
- 02:12 Ctrl + Shift <, so then I can visually decide
- 02:16 which one I like instead of trying to guess at the font size on the list.
- 02:21 I don't even use that anymore, I always use Ctrl + Shift + > and <.
- 02:25 Then of course, we have the find replace, love it, love it.
- 02:28 Now Ctrl + F has always been the universal code for find.
- 02:32 So I'm going to hit Ctrl + F and I want to find the word article,
- 02:40 and then I can hit Find Next, and there it is.
- 02:43 Found it, find next, find next, find next, okay,
- 02:46 so now, I want to replace, I'm going to close this.
- 02:50 So Ctrl + F will find, but Ctrl + H, let me show you, Ctrl + H is find/replace.
- 02:58 going to hit Replace, I want to find the word article, and
- 03:01 I want to replace it with newsletter, there we go.
- 03:05 So I can find Next and hit Replace as I want it or
- 03:10 just replace all and get the thing over with, which is what I chose to do.
- 03:13 All right, I'll go ahead and hit OK to that.
- 03:16 One last thing I want to show you and that is your right-click.
- 03:19 Now, your right-click has some keyboard commands as well.
- 03:22 So in this particular newsletter I would like to remove Page 3, so
- 03:26 how do I do that?
- 03:27 I'm going to right-click and I'm going to look at the list.
- 03:30 Now, I can move my mouse, but notice every one of these options has one letter
- 03:35 underlined, delete has a letter D underline.
- 03:38 So I don't have to move my mouse and hit the D.
- 03:40 I can just right-click tap the letter D to activate it and
- 03:43 yes, I didn't have to waste time moving my mouse into that list.
- 03:47 I just right-click and tap the letter that is underlined on those,
- 03:51 that's a very old school trick that's been forgotten.
- 03:53 So I want you to practice that a couple times, okay?
- 03:57 Learn those keyboard commands, they're really important.
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