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About this lesson
Learn to quickly find a word or format and replace it with an alternative.
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Quick reference
The Find/Replace Function
Quickly find words and replace them with other words or formats.
When to use
Rather than searching visually for certain words in a document, the Find function will highlight the words. Then you have the option to Replace them with other words or formats.
- Ctrl-F (for ‘Find’) will open the Navigation Pane to the “Results” portion and will appear on a panel on the left side of the Word screen:
- Another way to open Find/Replace is the Home Ribbon, Editing group which also activates the Navigation Pane:
- In the Search box, type the word or words to find, i.e. Word
Notice all instances of that word are highlighted in the document - Ctrl-H (for ‘Replace’) will open a dialog box with advanced tools. Replace a repetitive word with another or find/replace formatting using the “More” box on the bottom left
- Fill in the ‘Find what’ and the ‘Replace with’ sections; use the buttons on the screen to move through the words individually or all at once with ‘Replace All’.
- Click “More>>” to replace with Font styles or colors
- If you replace too much and want to reverse it, simply click the UNDO button on the ribbon or press Ctrl-Z.
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